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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Aye, it looks like some parts are missing
  2. Youre lucky ive still get this photo Zoom in, you should be able to see how its fixes on
  3. I still reckon cut the old chain off and split link it
  4. Aye, I reported it the Car Parking desk in the main entrance, but the guy didn't seem particularly interested. Yet they were only to keen to tell me I couldn't leave the bike on the pavement outside the main entrance a few weeks ago. Given the number of bikes that are parked around the main entrance, and on the A&E level below on the pavements, its staggering that the bike park in the pic is the only on site I wouldn't dream of parking behind them, probably don't look before reversing and don't want to lose the bike Parking a car at QMC is a bloody nightmare Thankful I've now got my bus pass too , I've been using to get to QMC from home, but I got called out from work and I only work a ccouple of miles away
  5. Wednesday morning, phone cam. I can understand if someones in a hurry to get to A&E or dropping off an eldery person etc, but I didn't expect the car to still be there 5+hours later Not yours is it?
  6. Still there when I came out 5 hours later
  7. Shop around Dont accept the first quote
  8. Generally, we have a choice of 2, unleaded and super unleaded Generally, super unleaded in the uk does not contain ethanol Both of mine run better on super
  9. Aye, its odd isn't. Drop the bike and they bend Try to straighten em, and they snap
  10. Plenty of layers in the cold Waterproof outdoor gear to go over when it rains (surpisingly good) Silk balcalava Silk inner gloves Never ride in the fog Never waste an opportunity at the traffic lights to drop my hands onto the engine (air cooled)
  11. As long as its the correct diameter/pitch, and length, then you can use socket cap (allen) or hex head, steel or stainless steel. Just double check the depth of the hole to make sure your not trying to screw in and tighten a screw which is too long
  12. Go for it Old Timer Let me know how you get on, I,m in the same boat
  13. Wouldnt his best/easiest option be to cut the old chain off and fit a split link? Its a 250.
  14. Take it back to the dealer, its not fit for purpose, and its still under warranty, dont do anythin to it, just take it back Dont give them a reason to wriggle out of their responsibilities TAKE IT BACK
  15. Yep, it will when on the centre stand. We all live and learn
  16. do you mean that the rear wheel still rotate when the bike is on the centre stand with the clutch in?
  17. Reliable, relatively cheap over here, plenty of parts around, sold plenty off them in europe, easy to ride, dunno about elsewhere Later models (after around 91-92) had a larger gas tank
  18. They look fine to me, slightly more pitting on the front one, colour looks good, no carbon, not oily. I'd stick them back in, check again in 3 months
  19. Really pleased for you both. They'll fight like bitches while they're growing up, but once they're out of that, sister love can't be broken
  20. http://www.wemoto.com/pictures.dyn?u=2147696qqq5828124
  21. Finished cutting the hedges mid morning yesterday, lovely warm late morning. Got the Radian out and went for a short spin. Up through Castle Donington, riding through Breedon, impulse right turn up towards the church that sits at the top of the quarry. Followed the track up to the top. Lovely views, stayed a while then rode next doorish to the garden centre, nice coffee, chilled by the duckpond, then rode back home Only out 1 1/2 hours max
  22. To lock the steering 1) Turn the handlebars all the way to the left 2) Push the key in while in the OFF position, and then turn it to LOCK while still pushing it 3) Remove the key To unlock the steering Push the key in, then turn it to OFF while still pushing it Parking The steering is locked, and the tail light and auxiliary light are on, but all other electrical systems are off. The key can be removed. The steering must be locked before the key can be turned to P (Extracted from the XVS125 owners manual)
  23. Thanks for your kind comments all One down, one to go then home alone with the wife
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