Everything posted by neversaydie
Yamaha SR 125 ~poorly little man
The existence of the brake fluide reservior looks like it depends upon the age of the bike, some of the photos on the net show drum front brake, some show disc front brake. It seems from your description that it must be a drum front brake
chain size
I think original sprockets are 13 on the front and 47 on the rear. Dont get the bolts mixed up when re-fitting. One tip is to sketch the are youre working on a piece of cardboard, then push the screws/fasteners into the cardboard on the sketch, in the location that they fit on the bike. For your bolt, try yellow pages for a local bolt/fastener supplier
Very new to bikes and all
Dont worry too much about the rear brake, they arent particularly effective. Just make sure that the pointer on the arm doesnt have to travel too far before the brake comes on, as thats an indication of brake shoe wear. Tr y not to fiddle if its running well, service it as per the owners manual
chain size
I think id be inclined to service the bike first, oil/air filters/new plugs/exhaust leaks etc. If no better, then find out what the standard sprocket sizes are and check them against whats on the bike, previous owner/s may have fitted non standard in the past
New chain, feels like something is slipping?
Get the back wheel off the floor and the bike level, bike in neutral, ignition off. Rotate the wheel in the direction of travel and watch the chain on the bottom run. Its normal to see the amount of sag vary between most and least. Adjust the chain at the point of least sag to give the amount of movement described in the owners manual. Before locking up the axle, check that the front and rear wheels are in line with each other, there should be some sort of increment mark on the rear adjustment to set up to
Dragstar 125 '01 cylinder and piston specs
£500 per cylinder! Have a look at this, might be of interest to you http://www.unlimited-power.net/Changes_in_170cm3-shop_view-37-39.html
XVS125 dragstar
As a starter Chris, read your owners manual, it contains the maintenance requirements for the bike
hi,im new to biking and bought myself a yamaha xv 125cc 97'R'
Hi Dave Use the search function to locate the XVS125 manual. If you cant locate it, send me a message and Ill wing it over to you. Its basically the same engine, but was "tuned" to meet new emissions regs
10w40 semi synthetic engine oil
Silkolene Super 41 10W/40
Extreme Idiots Compilation
Absolute hoot, just what the doctor ordered to cheer me up, got knocked off last week
engine problem on my xvs dragstar 125 2004
If its the black rubber one, then its called the carburetor joint, reckon on around £100 for a new one. Dont but crap off ebey like Morph just did, cos it probably wont fit
7k tyre and still rolling
For anyone considering a tyre purchase, I've had this rear one on for 7k now on the draggie, and still plenty left. Make is Heidenau, purchased from PNEUSONLINE. Also had new front and rear on the virago this year of same make, no problems, both delivered next day
Annonymous part, chrome plated plastic side bung thing.....
Open the tab "crankcase cover 1" on the side menu Its item 2 on the dwg (the larger of the 2 plugs, I think thas the one in your piccy) and FFS thats expensive @£36.75 Id be inclined to try a chrome rattle can first, or a breakers yard
I managed 1m 12 secs of the 1st 15 secs of the 2nd and 6 secs of the 3rd Its the same piece of "music" innit
Proud of my girl...
Try one down on the front
- anyone know of any vids of a 650 idleing at the right speed with aftermarket pipes?
Annonymous part, chrome plated plastic side bung thing.....
crankcase cover plate
Proud of my girl...
3 up on the front? Prepare to be overtaken by milk floats/disabled buggies/joggers
Proud of my girl...
Stock bike should do 70 without any mods, and still get 120-130 miles to a tank
Virago XV125 regulator/rectifier
Its not good to have that on your electrical connectors, leads to failure.Try coating connectors with vaseline/srpay with Wd40 oc ACF50 or somehting similar to prevent it building up
Woohoo got my pinkie
Well done, congrats.
swearing in 1811
more commonly called klingons these days
Last year's milage
OHHH yes, great looking bike, post a pic when you get it please
Petrol price experiment
Im with all the cynics on this one. Doesnt matter whether its gas/electrickery/petrol, the less you try to use the more the price goes up as BG(big business)will still seek to maintain its profit on ivestments. Peak oil passed? Not convinced. Marketing ploy to slow down rate of consumption while mainting high price by making us think its running out. Huge resources still left, but the chinks have spanked us in africa buy buying up most of the reserves. Huge resources as yet untapped in antartica, but larerady the land is carved up and owned by countries/companies. Just another couple of degrees will free it all up
Doreen's Story
Fook me, poy choips un groyvy. I thought it was real for 20 seconds I'm slowing up