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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Tommy XS has a point, a couple of questions an they're gone. I'll speak to anybody
  2. Wahayy. Monty Python I like TwoSheds
  3. I've clearly missed somethin here I've just watched the vid in twincles post, I though that was show everyone rode anyway Why is it now called countersteering
  4. I guess I'll carry on doing what comes naturally, whatever anyone wants to call it in this modern age when everbody/thing is pigeon holed/catergorised Doesnt seem to stop me enjoying it
  5. Counter steering? If I wish to go left, I turn the bars in that direction and lean to that side, same if I go right Is there another way to turn corners?
  6. Keep a watch in the mirrors for the twats that brake late behind you In winter, hands on the engine to warm up a bit Apart from that, nothin, just sit and watch an observe the textin/phonin morons as they go by Incidently, driving home form hols yesterday up the M1 near J23, pulled out to overtake in the centre lane, puce coloured motor overtkes us at approx 75-80 with a queue of traffic behind her and continues to hog the outer lane in to the distance, as she chats away on her phone, clearly oblivious. Less than a minute later, btakes lights up ahead, traffic slowing quickly. Same puce coloured motor embededd into central barriers at right angle, couple of other motors look to have collided avoiding it
  7. I think its due to the shape of the tank. Only one tube would mean fuel trapped in the side without tube.
  8. It looks like you have the model with 2 tanks, the normally positioned upper one and the lower one. The top one is not adummy tank, its 2 tanks. The hoses are just hoses to carry the fuel to the lower tank
  9. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many to choose from, but here goes (this may change tomorrow of course) Radar Love - Golden Earring When An Old Cricketer leaves the Crease - Roy Harper The Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson The Girl with the Flaxen Hair - Debussy New Horizons - Moody Blues
  10. Good job its not a wall Yeah, not a bad shift, you just seem the be hanging around on Sunday afternoon though, waiting to go to work. Im surpised the elf n safety brigade le tyou use the bike for work, risk assessments/insurance blahdi blahdi blah
  11. So, check the securing nuts for tightness then Check the adjustment of the clutch, check the oil level is correct, half way up the window How long have you had the bike, when was it last serviced?
  12. Theres a good chance thats repairable. I reckon the broken piece of stud is screwed into the ali adjusting block. Put the block in the vice, soak the broken stud where it screws in with Plus Gas (releas oil), lock the two nuts aginst each other, and try to screw the stud out. If it resists, try to heat he block up, work the nuts both ways but without shearing it. Try heat then soaking, try it over a few days, be patient. A locla enginnering workshop may be able to help, could even drill it out and put a new stud in. Or if you can get spare, that would save you the trouble. Ring up a Yam agent, get the part number, and ask them to cross reference as they may use the same part on other models
  13. "who drives into our hedge when she comes home," What every time? Immpressive? I wish Used to run 60 miles a week one time, how I hate getting older
  14. Well done, good first bike too
  15. Tickover speed should be approx 1300rpm, look at the rev counter, whats it showing Are you saying that the rpm increases when you pull in the clutch? Does rpm change when you turn the bars? If so, throttle cable reqs adjusting. Tickover is adjustable on the throttle stop screw Which join, there are 4, is it just leaking at one or all four? There is a seal ring between the cylinder head and the pipes, could be that the flange nuts are loose, try tighteningn them, 10mm spanner, DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN or you'll have major problems, 10Nm, no more
  16. 125 and below only on CBT
  17. Popped down the road a mile to see the parents, bumped into one of my brothers while there Coat of oil on the garden seat Fed tortoise Sorted rear brakes on the 306, youngest daughters motor Coat of fencesomethingorother on the panels I repaired a couple of weeks ago 3 mile run Dinner Now just loitering waiting for the Sunday night shift tonight, I bloody hate it
  18. No matter how big you plan to build it, build it bigger Overspill from the house always tends to migrate
  19. Aye, its the same throughout the economy, stock is seen as dead money, only when Acme Inc's Wankenfurtler machine breaks down and the part is not on his shelf, his employees get it in the neck, the employees then have to ring around the world to try to find one at the same time as trying to make a running repair (bodge). Its all due to the multinationals squeezing costs out of their business and into everyone elses. Its all stress. Agriculture went this way years ago. "When I were a lad" and we used to roam miles over the local country side with not a care in the world, practically every field had a crop in it around here. Today, apart from oil seed rape, there's bugger all in the fields as the multis insist that we can only have fruit/veg of an equal and consistent size/shape/colour, produced in eastern europe where labour is cheaper. If too much is produced in a good year, bury the excess as it might lead to cheaper food if made available to the masses. Thanks, European Union, lets continue to pay our mega landowners taxpayers cash for growing nowt to keep the price up. I hope I am wrong when I say that in future years, we will heavily regret what has become our dependency on others for our food supplies Boy, I've had it on me these last few days
  20. Your brakes will not work as good in the wet as in the dry, so leave a bigger gap to the traffic in front Look out for the rainbow colours on the wet roads, thsi is where oil/diesel has been spilt and is slippery Ride with lights on You could spray the bike with ACF50, rust preventative
  21. I do believe that there is more anger and resentment in society than ever before, and sad to say it looks like the generations below the age of (perhaps) 40ish are more guilty than most. Perhaps it is they who have had the roughest deal in modern times, but equally (i believe) it is they(this is a generalism) that display intolerance/impatience/anger/ignorance etc the most. Could be because of changes in school/parental discipline (human rights act here), a feeling of powerlessness, being unable to prevent govt etc taking evermore from thier earnings, probably a hatful of reasons. Lack of responsibilty is also shown up as a failing by that section, everyhting is always someone elses fault But this appears to be the way that society is moving generally, the great worry is that the offspring of said generation will be no better
  22. Absolutely right there Many of the comments in this thread are inter-related, cost cutting/targets/stress/intolerance, and its when these are all considered together that I conlude life in the UK has taken a turn for the worse over the last few decades Importantly, none of these changes just happen by chance, they are as a result of decisions made by big business/politicians who are, by and large, immune from the impacts of their decisions, and unaccountable
  23. Yeah, but no-one seems to keep any stock these days Mike, cos its dead money on the shelf. Wife and i went into a major DIY retailer this week to spend £400+, Id looke dup the prices and availabilty on the web, got to the store, no stock on some, direct delivery from the supplier on others and theyve got no stock either, couldnt get through on the phone to the next nearest store to check their stock, and internet connection not working. Promised to ring back the next day - guess what Wasted morning
  24. Yes, things have generally changed for the worse. The world is now owned and run by huge multi national corporations, beyond government control, stripping the planet of its resources and avoiding paying taxes. The global economy has brought about the collapse of the capitalist system, with the result that governments desperately try to plug the holes with money taken from the pockets of the poor taxpayers to try to keep it afloat. Our politicians are clueless and gutless party political puppets in a popularity game show, with the votes cast for the winner every 5 years Huge numbers of our own citizens are drip fed shite through the media daily, game shows/chat shows/soaps/chat shows with soap stars/womens issue programmes/celebritythis&that, unable to think for themselves, I want it and I want it now/i'll take yours/ country economy based on Tony f'in Blairs Bingo/gamblin/24 hour boozin culture, then wonder why crime rockets and as for council planners I'd better shut up
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