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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Dropped the oil out of the Virago this morning, came out like piss, definitely more came out than oil I've put in, so contains fuel. Got the carbs now too, so will try and have a look at them over the next few days. Still got the Radian down as well, second hand generator would probably work but not for long, exploring exchange options on that Pretty fed up at the minute
  2. Thanks chaps, fresh oil and filter on the way methinks, also tank off and a look at the carb. Been in the garage 10 minutes ago, no sign of any more fuel leaking, wonder if it was just a one off?
  3. Walked into the garage this morning, stink of petrol. Wet patch under the Virago (out on it yesterday 80 miles or so). Seemed to be dripping from the cover on the left side, whicj covers the fuel pump. took the cover off and fuel was dripping from what appears to be (I'm guessing) an overflow pipe from the carb on the opposite side of the motor. Put bike on centre stand, stopped dripping. Quick visual revealed nothin Swtiched on and tried to fire up, part turned over then jammed up. Took front plug out and petrol flowed from the plug port, took back plug out and nothing coming out Motor now turns over, turned it over a few times to expel fuel from front cylinder, plugs refitted. Key in and tried to fire the bike up, few turns then fired up fine, no visual or noise problems, appears ok. Have left the bike back on its side stand, will leave it overnight to see if the spill returns I'm guessing here that it could be the vac petcock letting fuel through to the carb although I would have expected both carbs to fill), or float just on the one carb Doesnt look like any fuel in the oil Am I on the right track here? Any comments welcome Thanks Ray
  4. Matlock run this morning, lovely day around here Loads out on the roads, lots parked up in the town, all looked like they'd come straight from the showroom, not many winter bikes there methinks. Nice show though
  5. Depends how its supposed to seal. Is it an olive on a pipe that needs to lock up to a taper, or a sealing o ring? Photo?
  6. neversaydie

    xvs 125

    looks like the part no is 5JX 2580U 0000
  7. neversaydie

    xvs 125

    try breakers yards, e bay etc, Partsfinder. Ring a Yam dealership and ask them for the part no, then search for the number on the web
  8. Will finish off the wiring tomorrow I think if not I'll be fixing the washing machine. Christ man, get your priorities right You can always turn your pants and socks inside out
  9. You should have introduced yourself in the New Members section, then started a new thread rather than hijack someone elses Anyhow, you should only be getting 14 volts at 5000 rpm Sounds like the regulator/rectifier is fucked http://www.electrexworld.co.uk/acatalog/Troubleshooting-3P-PMG-&-RR.pdf
  10. read the owners manual, note the service data, what should be done and when, and then do it. start to build yourself up a decent toolkit, take your time, theres no rush
  11. Set the clutch cable adjustment as per the owners manual
  12. Yep, looking positive at the mo Question though, if anyone Knows the answer, the gap between the housing wall for the generator and the od of the genrator was built up with crap, now the crap is gone, what holds the gen in place?is it loose to float around or does the field/rotor position it centerally?
  13. 3 to 4 years old and only 530 miles? Fuel system/tank/fuel filter gummed up would be my first thought
  14. hopefully got a second hand one underway at a decent price mine measures 112 x 84 x 20 the 20 measures only the steel plate/core depth and not the overall depth which includes the coils
  15. Odd. Doent look like the fz ones ive been viewing, but that looks like the one. I've turned up one from an 81 xj seca that looks similar too but overpriced Just gotta keep looking Any chance youve got the od/id/depth of your coil?
  16. I've explored them two options to death, dont look owt like mine I've looked up xj550/xs400/fj600/xj650/xj750/fz600/xj600, yet to find a match
  17. Pretty much exhausted all other possibles, back at the generator. The space between the OD of the gen and the id of its location was solid with 28 years worth of kak, couldn't pull the darned thing out. In trying to do so, some of the copper windings just fell apart. Eventaully managed to prise it out after soaking in plusgas and if it wasn't shagged before, it is now its an obsolete part, couple of used ones for sale in the states. I've used the Partsfinder UK to try to locate one here, waiting replies now. I'd go for a new from Electrex but the one advertised as for the yx600 doesn't look anything like the one I've just dragged out the bike
  18. I,ve used cardboard before for gaskets, coated both sides in grease first
  19. Yep, field coil type The last 2 reg/rects have been new I'll pop the spare batt on an see if anthing changes Gonna have a look see if I can utilise the reg/rect off the virago to pin the fault down tighter What about the centre tapping? Should the altenator read to earth?
  20. Governments do things for 2 reasons 1) To save money 2) To get more money out of you I'm a cynic
  21. Yes, it generates the ac voltage, then rectified and regulated down to supply the battery Confusion arises cos it appears to be centre tapped, if so, then is it correct for it to show continuity between the 3 whites and earth? Is it centre tapped to earth? If it is, then it points to reg/rect failure I just need to be clear as I'm on my 3rd reg/rect in the last 12 months
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