Everything posted by neversaydie
8 weeks and no problems.........until now.
Not enough. Charge it up, needs to be 12.5/12.7, no less, and holding that steady
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
You'll go blind
8 weeks and no problems.........until now.
Charge the battery up fully before doing any testing. You need to know you have a good battery before you fault find
8 weeks and no problems.........until now.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It'd be like givin em a blank cheque Take Drewpys advice, and have a look here http://www.electrexworld.co.uk/acatalog/Troubleshooting-3P-PMG-&-RR.pdf
8 weeks and no problems.........until now.
Im inclined to think its a short somewhere, draining it overnight
Bike brake bobbins.
Must admit, this thread made me look at mine on the fazer. Cleaned up and all working ok anyway, but now on the regular checlist
Now ive lost power
Never changed one on an XV125, but yes, it looks pretty straightforard. Looks like you may have to lift the tank to give yourself some headroom, after undoing the jubilee clip. Chock it up with some wood. Then remove the fasteners on the Y spigots. Be careful, dont strip them, be patient. Make sure to fit the new one right way around so the small brass spigot is in the right place (take photos before removing the old rubber), clean the mating faces up, fit the new one. Cant find the torque figure for the bolts, so use your noodle on that one, but dont overtighten £47.96 from Wemoto, shop around you may find one cheaper, but not from China, someone on here replaced theirs some years ago with a Chinese one and it didnt fit
Now ive lost power
Acommon problem with these is the Y shaped rubber connector on the carb, these go brittle with age and crack, causing incorrect mixture. Have a good look at it for cracks/splits etc. and make sure it is fitting correctly onto its spigots
Downpipe to filter box seal
The female section normally is a tight fit, or has slots/sawcuts down the length, so that when the clip is tightened, the cuts close up onto the male section. Its also typical I believe, to use an exhaust paste to tkae up any gaps/space between the two mating sections. Fit the paste before mating the sections, then tighten up the clip. The paste normally hardens off when the system gets hot, and seals the two sections
Dragstar 1100 backfiring
I fitted a screen on my Virago not long after I bought it, to divert the blast over my head, it was uncomforatble at speed, particularly in winter as the cold air is straight on your chest. Big improvement, and a little less noise from the wind too. I set it so that Im looking over the top of the screen rather than through it
Grandaughters first bike
Looks like a Virago Dont let Noise see it Great job though, love it. Why not try selling a couple, see how it goes, supplement the pension
XVS125 - Oil leak this time...
Oil appearing to be dripping from that area could be due to throw off from the chain. Have you oiled it recently?
Middle upper fairing left side for FZ6 2004 Blue
Heres one of several currently for sale on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-FZ6-FZ-6-600-FAZER-5VX-2004-2006-FRONT-LEFT-MAIN-FAIRING-PANEL-TRIM-/141911482133?hash=item210a955f15:g:vaYAAOSw9N1Vms4j Not hard to find really
*Basic question* Adjusting right-hand wing mirror position XV(S)250
Topnys right, I recall on my old xvs125, one was left hand threaded and one right hand. Cant remember which is which, youll need two spanners, hold one of the nuts while turning the other.
Running on one cylinder
Nope, the Haynes doesnt include the xv250 eaither
Running on one cylinder
Dont know where he lived, not filled in the location Haynes manual not available for the xv125 Spike, do you have an owners manual?
Chief Scouts Commendation
When's Bob A Job Week this year?
fzs 1000 charging problems
Id start by checking all connections etc, particularly the earth connections, they need to be spotless clean for good contact
Head removal.
Well done. Youve got to have lots of patience with stuck bolts
Paraffin Flush
Yes, you should be ok with parrafin. Ive used it for years for flushing out geraboxes/cleaning chains etc
V Star 1100 Oil recommendations
Never had any slip on my Virago, always used Silkolene Super 44 10W40
Head removal.
Ive spent days in the past removing siezed bolts. I know youre stuck for time, but ive always found Plusgas the best release agent, soaked the bolts over a few days, tried turning them both clockwise and anti a touch at a time, heat then soak again. If you do get them to start to move, turn them back an forth and oil them as you undo
Thats correct, the Virago manual does not include the 125. I ve set you a personal message
I suspect that a main Yam dealer full service would be oil change, air and oil filter change, and clean or change the spark plugs. They will also check visually things like brakes etc and report on those, and you are likely to be charged at least £50 per hour plus parts. The tasks above are bog standard and could/should be done by all but the most inept. Nice simple work to start with
Intermittent indicator 2010 XJ6
Confused Is it 2010 or 2016? Differnce in your info As above if its 2016 If its 2010, sounds like poor connections somewhere. Check em all, make sure there clean and dry