Everything posted by neversaydie
Spare key required for ybr125
That looks like a bog standard non-chipped key to me
Trackday Donington Monday
Manufacturer was Maginon. Bought it from Aldi a few years ago. Only place i could mount it out of the wind blast was behind the sxcreen and onto the bars. The more revs i gave it, the more waves fluctuated through the images. Shame really, cos I had a real blast. I booked it cos it was a Road Bike only day. Me and very few others actually rode there, most were trailered/vanned in. Shared the garage with a Ducati, ZX10R, R1, GSXR1000. Ive never seen so many Ducatis in one place. S1000RR, Fireblades, and a couple of MVF3s And my 600 fazer. What a hoot. Loved it
Mystery Scaffolding Appears On My House
No Scafftag, its illegal. The Elf n Safety at the local council
Trackday Donington Monday
Chuff me. The cam didnt last long. I think the vibes have blown it, picture quality was dreadful, then it must have blown.
Trackday Donington Monday
Super day today, great weather for it. Ill try n post some piccys when there available
Trackday Donington Monday
Think ill leave it on. Just taking a few tools, 1/4 socket set with sockets/hex's/slotted/crosspoints, torch, pliers, cable ties, duct tape. Bikes been checked over and filled this morning, mirrors off. Ill pack some snap tonight then off in the morning. Weathers looking good
Removing and fitting new throttle cables XVS250 Virago
Strip the twist grip and lube that, it may be sticking
Trackday Donington Monday
Im there Monday for the road bikes trackday, taking the fz6. Question is, do I remove the centre stand or leave it on. Im inclined to take it off. Ill be taking a few tools just as back up if owt needs adjusting, and the mirrors will come off the day before
DT Resurrection
Thats nice work
Carb kits
Depends if you want original parts or not. You could try NRP or Allens Perfomance
01 yzf600r thundercat
http://www.yamaha-thundercats.org/ Try asking here
Valves not sealing?
If the valve is seating correclty, I wouldnt expect to see crap on it. Stems not bent is it? Guide ok?
xj600 diversion s rear shock
You may be better trying the xj600 owners club for info
YBR - Clutch lever replaced..
I dont like the sound of that comment First lesson, if youre unsure always take photos on your phone and take measurements of what you take off/alter, then you should always be able to get back to the start point. I would have thought unscrwing a few bolts is unecassary to clutch adjust Adjustment is usually done at either the lever end or the engine case end. Nowhere else.
YZF R125
I think I know where youre at. To fit the new white connectors, you have to remove the black ones from the bike. Sometimes the spades in the black connecotrs can be got out by using a very small flat blade driver to lift the tang on the spades, then pull the spades out. And sometines you have to do waht I did and very carefully cut/snip away at the black plugs until you have fully exposed the spades on both halves. De-solder the spades from both halves of the loom, re-solder on your new spades. push the new spades into the new blocks. Job done
Battery dead??
Yes, it could be something else, but the first port of call is the battery. You need a known good one to start the process.
One Cylinder Back Fire
Could be rear cylinder is a bit too rich
yamaha xj600 diversion s
Yeah, slack chain, stretched chain, worn sprockets, loose drive sprocket, check clutch adjustment, got to be something like that
Finally Happened
Get yourself to the doctors, that needs cleaning and repairing properly Sadly, you may have to push hard at the police to check cctv etc. Consider using facebook to appeal for any witness etc
First day out on the road!
Good for you. Freedom and independence are now yours. Ride safe
classic TT 2016
He got the flying millyard on the centre stand like it was made of paper. Astonished.
YBR 125 issues after replacing throttle cable
If they are the same length, then its likely to be an error on your part, not connecting up as per the old one, or not routed the same path through the frame. Old one may be slightyl longer due to stretch
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The bike belonged to the two fellas in the background without shirts on. What a pair of characters. They were out for the day on it, and had called into the lockside cafe. The brakes through me from a distance, not seen that type before, thought it was drum front and rear. The bike was actually for sale, and the two guys let me on it, and would have let me ride off around the car park and lane if Id been interested, but id of had to sell one first, adn I gather that parts may be a problem as not particularly common in the uk Shame, as Im coming round to thinking that modern bikes are getting too unnecessarily sophisticated and expensive
YBR 125 issues after replacing throttle cable
Compare the length of the old one to the new one, then youll know if its the correct length
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Wow, hustling along there