Its the little gold adjuster nuts for the compression damping located at the bottom of both forks.
I ride my bike all year round its got 15500 miles on i can't wheely the bike and have never tried to adjust the nuts so was abit shocked to see tiny little cracks from top to bottom of both nuts.
Even if you liked to wheely the bike or you did adjust the nuts they still should not crack i think.
Yamaha replaced both fork inner tubes you can't just change the nuts i thought i could and it would be a cheap fix when i checked the parts list in the shop the guy said you have to change the whole fork legs think i had 2months warranty left lucky i checked i paid nothing but am worried it will happen again and my warranty was up in january.
The new set of forks cost about £250 not good.
I love the bike an hope it will be ok could maybe try put a set of R1 forks on it or £1750 for a set of ohlins.
I don't no what would happen if the nuts were to brake off compleatly say on a fast corner it may be ok but i would rather not be the one who finds out.
Good lock brother.