Everything posted by skyline
diversion 600 starter motor
battery charged? mine makes a ratchity sound when me batterys dead....
125 or 250?
uhhmm well achully ive perfectly fine with corners, only ever come close to having the back lose traction once because i hit the power to earlyer...yet i managed to nail myself going down a stright :oops: :oops: :oops: the main reason i got a 400 was the fact that in tottal it cost me less that a 125 would have cost me, insrueance was the main big diffrence, as well as bike price 400cc bike bike = £1000 test = £329 insureance = £400tpft restrictor = £200 (big waste of money, they only lasted to weeks :S ) total = £2000 125cc bike = £1500 for a half decent one insureance = £1300 tpft total = £2800 see the diffrence? only bummer is, ya gotta pass ya test!
R1 motor into an R7 or R6
jmw what cterror was saying is that the r1 engine doesnt produce as much bhp as the r7 engine as the r7 engine is much lighter and very highly tuned!
125 or 250?
i personally would go for a 4 stroke, prehaps the cbr250 for a 400cc bike, much more reliable, sounds nicer, can get newer ones (ie zxr's) easyer for parts (imo) and faster when derestricted
riding like a twat
I got to bed at 7 this morning because i was riding like a twat on the icy roads and came off the bike at around 110mph :/ there was 4 of us, 1 car 1 50cc 1 125 and me, and we were going down a long dual carriage way, the car and 125 went ahead a bit but i was waiting behind the 50 for the engine to get some heat in it, once it was all warmed i opened the throttle right back and blasted it down the dual carriageway (this was at like 1:15 in the morn so nothing else on the roads basically) once i had the car and bike in sight they were side by side so i thought by the time the bike gets past the car i can go blasting past, as i was getting closer i realised the bike wasnt achully over taking the car and was just sticking at the side, still i carryed on the throttle thinking maybe i can squeeze in between but then i know the rider isnt terribly great so thought id just slow down for em, i literally touched the front brake and the bike just drops (going in a stright line this was (very fortunately!) and next thing i know im boiling hot with sparks everywhere! very lucky i was also with my mates as the car stoped and reversed down the the 50cc bike was behind me so they all came to help. ive come out of the ordeal very lucky with just a fractured knee and a few grazes but ill never ride my bike without my full gear on again as it did save me this time! my thermal trousers and ripped to shreds as are my boots and jacket but they certainly saved me! bikes a possible write off though as the quick look i had on the night the back end looked totally twisted and the left side engine casing (or could just be the altinater i think) is shattered, gear leaver gone, fairing damaged, mirror was gone as was the clutch leaver, got the bike recovered today but havent had chance to look at it yet. so just be careful on those ice roads people, as much as we moan at all the salt its there for a reason, id rather risk having a slightly corroded exhaust than slip on the ice and write the damn bike off! so just be careful while its getting icy people and always wear as much gear as youve got!
125 or 250?
what do you mean? at 17 unless you go fro your full test (like ive done) then you can only ride a 125 which is restricted to 14.6bhp (i think) so unless you go for you test anything larger in engine capsicty than 125cc is illgal
Yo Skyline !
what cha mean? whats some sick ass skyline been up to now eh?
- Hello
Indicator Relay from Any Bike???
he was just picking on things, since it took 3 attempts to get it past the damn mot the bike was missing loads of little things :S
DT125 Carb, Tubes Missing??
u forgot compresstion if there isnt enough compresstion it wont idle either fuel spark compresstion is what makes engines go round but doing that should solve the probeblem, but yea dont try and run it without 2-stroke, if anything chuck a bit in the tank
engine change
h100 might possibly fit in, but i may be tottaly and utterly wrong...
mental age of 12, i think hes got the physical age of 60+ the zimmer frame dont help
Indicator Relay from Any Bike???
ah yes i forgot about the indicator thing, i remeber i had the same querys when i was trying to get my dt50 though its mot. i think i took the switch off and filled the gap with epoxy and painted it black or something along those lines
DT125 Carb, Tubes Missing??
DT125 Carb, Tubes Missing??
at a guess, do you see that white nipple thing in pics 3 and 5 i think, that looks like something needs connecting to it. also you see the screw in pic 2 just under and to the right of the pull choke thing, have you tryed turning it to the right quite a bit? this is all at just a guess btw as i dont own one myself, but trial and error is the way forward imo
Indicator Relay from Any Bike???
i was once informed a bike didnt even need a running engine to pass the mot, but i think i may have been wrongly informed tbh... not entirely sure weather it would need to idle but i would think it would need to, if anything turn the idle up alot so it idles high or jam the throttle so its quite a bit open...
hehe dont worry i was only messin around are you over 21? then your old to me he is quite immature for a 16 year old prehaps yes but ah well, we cant forge everybody into someone we would like eh... also me, thick? where on earth would you get that impresstion from eh? hey, i went to 6th form, may have only lasted a year, and only came out with 1 mark, and failed enlish gcse twice, but i still passed my car test with 5 lessons and 3 months and my bike test first time and thats all that matters imo lol who needs brains when you have a bike? edit: achully i take that last comment back
NEC pics
i like that type of spray idea, hell i want one! ooo cant wait to go nec on sunday, i so hope my bike will be working though, because if not i gotta go down on the back of a cbr600rr with a nutter of a rider :s
ah that explains why he's never really bothered me, cus hes only a year younger, bah im hanging around with a bunch of grey hair mullet head oldies!!!
heh i was just genna point that out, but maby i dont know enough facts, so i dont think i will get involved anymore...
aprently he lied alot, where i personally never once had a problem with him. then he used bad language so got bannned. but guys i did notice how mozzy isnt banned yet, discrimination? not to kick up dust cus mozzys safe n all htat but i personally thought scarped was safe to even if they both use obsence lanage nither of them meant it...
Explaining Birds and the Bees in today's technical terms....
hhe yea cheers, they've made my morning
- Snails
- Funny
tzr125 and dt125r CDI?
uve never seen a wot?