Everything posted by skyline
Battery and a few wires!!
not nessicerily mate, depeneds how much power is going to be drawn from the battery, probobly not to much in a dt125 case. the 2 loose wires i can see in the second picuture are about as thick as those on my dt50cc. so there shouldnt be any proboblem there, the other dt may have a electric start or something...
- Newbie
Winter gloves
why not try getting a pair of innergloves to go inside the normal gloves, slightly less conviniant but alot cheaper and works a treat!
flip up lids
hmm yea the only good thing about flipup lids is that i can smoke while still wearing them...
mini disk players...
non of my mates have ever had a proboblem with theres though jmw....
mini disk players...
hmm the thing i said about been able to put them in your cd writer...ignor that bit lol, i was thinking of mini normal cds... :oops: :s but everything else still applys lol
mini disk players...
usually ull buy a minidisk player and it also records so u can record your music onto the minidisks. i dont think u can achully buy minidisks with music on them but im not sure, usually you just buy blanks and record onto them, if you whip ur cd writer drive draw open you will notice a smaller ring in the middle for mini disks
Just sharing this with you.....
jmw theres no need for that mate, just a bit of advice that was all was intended. why would you say no to a settlement? thats a much easyer option since you know your in the wrong and they might find something to pull though and win and then your screwed!
- War
Gas Leak
if its hissing it sounds like it was doing it underpressure, prehaps to much pressure from somewhere?
Old but still good
lol yea thats a gooden!
Indicator Relay from Any Bike???
hmm yes the battery does need to be connected for the relay to work. yea give the swictch a clean and make sure you got the relay connected properly and that it goes to all the indicators and battery etc
Conspiracy theory.
the biggest give away for me is the fact that when they left the moon the amount of thrust they would have needed would have created a huge crator if they could walk on the moon and leave footprints the weight of the thurst would mall the floor, also on landing it would have done the same...
Bike Advice needed!
yea i like this bloke! i can tell him to buy a haybusa and put a 50cc minerally am6 engine in it and gear it so it will do about 10mph max and he still disis u and prasies me! we should let him stay also i would go with fazer6 on the helmet idea mate,there great tips incase you fall off....which you wont because your so good obviosly
New R1 to WSB in '05...
ull also see the black duct tape holding the front of the bottem fairing to the top fairing :shock:
Bike Advice needed!
ah this is an easy one mate, u need a hayabusa, but you'll need some mods as the engine isnt fast enough for your likes i would have thought, to start with get the crappy 1300cc lump out of there and drop a decent mineralli am6 engine into its place, that has a much more peakeyer power band and because its 2 stroke instead of 4 stroke can wield twice as much power! now you will also need a change in gearing, i surgest prehaps a 9tooth front sprocket and a 60tooth on the rear, that will really help the acceration for the stunts you will be pulling off. 1 more thing, put proboost in ur tank, it will add an extra 60bhp to the rear wheel using its super petrol additives so nothing else on the road will stand a chance againt you. either that or u can buy my bike off me i reckon in the condition its in at the moment it will suit you fine sir
riding like a twat
...what u think like we tried to come off at these speeds and werent doing our utmost?!?!
URGENT, please help!
lol bn! havent heard him around latly tho, wheres he at dammit?
125 or 250?
4 strokes are alot less likely to break, but tbh there running costs are quite a bit higher, ie prices for bits for them, although alot are obtainable on ebay
riding like a twat
gah thats the thing i usually do keep it sorted :s i really dunno how i forgot about the front tyre, hell i even brought a remote start for it because i had money and couldnt think of anything else to buy for the damn thing :S well at least now ive got plently that needs buying :oops:
riding like a twat
gah just found out, apprently my front tyre is bald, i was meant to replace it at the start of this month but i forgot :s i suppose that didnt help a bit, but then again if it had tread i probebly would have been going faster....
night shift
loli do, im collage in the day, then woek from 6-10 then go out and play
diversion 600 starter motor
does the bike hav an alarm?
night shift
see now me and my mates only ever come out to play after around 11o clock and end up in bed 4-6oclock in the morning and thats normal for us, maby we should get nightshift jobs or something
riding like a twat
o it certainly hasnt put me off riding...just for the next 6weeks i cant :S nor can i drive the damn car lol, and heres the worst bit, my dad wont let me keep a bike under the same roof as him :shock: so i need to find somewhere to put the damn thing when i get another :S