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  1. BillingTZR posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, my fork seals on my '91 TZR are shot, I've been thinking of upgrading a for a while to the TZR125R forks and brakes, I can get a complete front end for fairly cheap, but need to know whether the TZRR yokes will fit in the TZR headstock ok? Any help much appreciated as I need to know whether to but this front end or not ASAP
  2. Cheers for that, it did start eventually when i turned the fuel off, but will change the plug anyway and go from there. I'm using an NGK R BR9ES spark plug as recommended by the Haynes manual. As far as i know the bike is standard, with the possible exception of the powervalve being altered, but im unsure about that. It gives you a hell of a kick at around 6500 - 7000rpm
  3. Ok, I thought it was that, I guessed in the partial light it looked white, but may have been pale blue. The current plug keeps fouling, so I have a new new one, and will very very slightly lean the mixture off, its at factory spec (1 3/4 turns out) and is very rich, after trying to start the plug is soaking wet with fuel
  4. Need help! going along a private road, it started billowing white smoke from the exhaust, the choke was on at this time. It then cut out, is it probable I've fouled the plug by using the choke for too long? If i give it a good clean is it likely to fix it? it was running well for around a mile, I assume this was while the engine was still cool and it fouled once it got warm. On a good note I had 80mph in 5th with about 1000rpm left before redline
  5. I changed the plug and it run without cutting out! I'm absolutely ecstatic!
  6. Still no luck now it won't start at all, I'm going to change the plug, but after that if it doesnt start then I'm lost for ideas
  7. Looks like the front right front is bent, and the front plastic definately needs replacing
  8. its definately not the float bowl what do you think the problem is Jim? is it something rediculously complicated or dead simple?
  9. definately not a crak in the bowl as the fuel actually comes out of the pipe, i did check by blocking the float pipe and then the leak stopped but still came from the two upper ones
  10. cheers i have sundays free, and would love to hear any advice you may have, then if i have an evening free i can try out any suggestions,
  11. Yeah, i meant back fires, just a bit sleepy as i woke up at 5am to get a whole day in to work on it it tried again by filling the float bowl up, disconnecting the fuel tank to avoid the leak. when it back fires it spits unburned petrol out of the exhaust, but will check the pulse coil, CDI and stator. I also quickly put a different carb on and it still leaked out of the same place. I can get it done reasonably cheaply, so if i can't fix it ill send it there, what with college exams coming up as well as a whole welding course to finish before june 5th i don't have the time to mess about with it tbh
  12. it never runs for long, so doesnt get hot really, it had the leak both before and after setting the float height, for the few seconds it runs its very smooth, and revs up a little, but as soon as load is applied it backdires and cuts out, then it starts leaking out of all the overflow pipes, im considering taking it to a garage to have them fix it for me.
  13. Hi Jim, I would have expected that if the CDI was at fault it would stop functioning altogether, but will take it into account. I set the float height as per the manual, after getting no joy I set it slightly higher, it now overflows only after being started, I have bought a new plug for it so will check the old one when I change it. All of the jets are clear, I had the carb apart earlier today, gave it a proper clean, and still it doesnt like it =/
  14. BillingTZR posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just finished getting the engine in my 1991 TZR125, had some fun with getting the fuel tap to stop letting fuel through on the 'OFF' position. I managed to get her to fire up for the first time since I bought her. The main problem is that it won't run for very long (10 secs at best) it then makes a loud crack like a christmas cracker and cuts out the next problem is that after setting the float height it still lets fuel out of the 2 pinkish overflow pipes and the float bowl drain pipe, can anyone tell me why its doing it or how to fix it please? desperate to get it sorted so i can ride it!
  15. BillingTZR replied to BillingTZR's post in a topic in Naked
    Awesome =] I'm not interested in spending loads of money on it just yet, little problem, theres 3 pipes coming out of the oil pump cover =S ones the feed pipe from the tank, ones the feed pipe to the carb and there a 3rd on with a pinky/orange pipe coming out of it =S is this a return pipe to the oil tank? or some sort of breather for the pump? or the 3rd option is some sort of pipe from the water pump that I've missed =S I'll post up a pic of the side in a minute with the pipe im on about. really need an answer from someone who knows for sure what the answer is and i need it asap so i can get the bike running. Edit: I already posted this pic, theres definately 3 pipes from the oil pump.