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Everything posted by Yamigirl

  1. Yamigirl replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    I tend to nod once if there is two or more bikers if there is a big crowd of them i might do it again half way passing and then to the few stragglers or you would be as your going along lol
  2. Yamigirl replied to Airhead's post in a topic in General
    Sounds like there was a good turn out, pleased to see that for his mothers sake R.I.P
  3. Yamigirl replied to HalHark's post in a topic in The Bar
    My hubby had i dickhead blame him for a near miss, hubby passed him on a straight road and so did 2 other bikes before him, the prick was towing a trailer anyway further up the road the traffic lights had turned red so the 3 bikes stopped only for the trailer towing dick to run into the side of hubbies bike as the lights turned green and try and push him into the hedge, at the next set of traffic lights hubby got off his bike and grabbed the bloke by the scruff of the neck and asked him why he had done it his reply was "because i hate you bikers overtaking me " the hubby was so angry he started to raise his fist as he was shaking this bloke but the wife put the window up and off they drove. We were waiting for weeks for the cops to turn up but they didnt thankgod
  4. Yamigirl replied to HalHark's post in a topic in The Bar
    Your so lucky i fell the other weekend and did my ankle in i have been grounded for two weekends on the run now and im sooooo p****d off
  5. Yamigirl replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in The Bar
    very good
  6. Yamigirl replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    I have just bought (doing it up) one even though im a big suzuki fan so please dont tell me ive wasted my money
  7. Yamigirl replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Very nice i have 3 the one i have at the top of my arm i hate was saving up to get it covered but now i have decided to buy a pair of Daytona Ladystar bike boots instead of having the bikes lowered all the time
  8. Yamigirl replied to russ500's post in a topic in The Bar
    Good luck to you and hope you arrive safe and well
  9. Yamigirl replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    My times have changed (blows dust off vinyl and puts record back on...) And winds player up sorry couldnt resist
  10. Yamigirl replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    Mmmm not too fussed about Money for Nothing but i have to admit Ttaskmaster is right Dire Straights are a good band and they are very talented
  11. Yamigirl replied to Synroto's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hiya welcome to the site im a newbie too
  12. Yamigirl replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Well done to you keep it up
  13. Yamigirl replied to Gas up - Let's Go!'s post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Im all for freedom of speech but it must be in the right place at the right time and that was non of them. If the likes of these people dont like what our very brave men and women are doing in "their " country then why dont they leave us to run our country as we like and go home to "their " country and do something about it. They wont though will they as they are not real men they are cowards. My nephew is going to Afghan next week he is 25 and pray to god he and all the others in his regiment come home safe
  14. Ohhhhhhhh
  15. Yamigirl replied to saxohunter's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome newbie from another newbie
  16. OOps was that the same one you were on about (its the blonde hair syndrome)
  17. Yamigirl replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    That depends mate hubby says what have you got to offer (cheeky git)
  18. Yamigirl replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    OOHH now if your talking of favourite men and what you would ........... sorry back on track (ha pardon the pun ) Im not a big fan of sticking to one or two groups i like all sorts of music my favourite songs at this percise moment are Marrillion Kayleigh, Boston More than a feeling, Blue Oyster Cult (Dont Fear) The Reaper, Foreigner I want to know what love is, The Animals The house of the rising sun Black Sabbath Iron Man and Marc Bolan Ride a White Swan
  19. Yamigirl replied to Sparky_IoM's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Firstly have you got an alarm on it if so this could cause your problem. Second the weather being as it is one min cold next wet and so on. My humble opinion is put it on a trickle charge if you havent got one invest in one is saves time and defo saves energy (ie you trying to bump start it )
  20. Yamigirl replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    Been on a bike for over 20 years as pillion and my own, the hubby and i have always nodded or put a hand up to other bikers he wont do L plates but i always do (not scooters though)
  21. Yamigirl replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello to you all and hi to Ulster Exile
  22. If it did ever come to banning bikes i for one will be the first to leave this very sad country. And as for lowering the speed limit why not higher the age of drivers sitting their test ie 21 make them use p plates for 12 months. I watched Top Gear once and they visited a country where the driving laws were so strict it was unbelievible they actually took the kids on a race track to learn loads of handling and things cant remember where it was but think it was somewhere like Sweden ??
  23. Yamigirl replied to steve m's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I have never given to Red Nose Day simply because it goes out of this country (even if its not all of it) i would never in a million years give to animal rescues as i think humans are far more important and i would whole heartedly give to any childrens and cancer charities, this is because my hubby had cancer (non smoking ) and the kids who need help is usually because the adults have harmed them, but after saying all this each and every one of us gives to who and what we think is deserving and i think thats what makes giving to charity special you choose who to donate to for your own reasons and how much you want to donate but it really does p**s me off when you get it slammed in your face that these very over paid and over pampered people think they are special because they have done this one thing and done it with the a vast protective circle around them big deal get over yourselves its not about you rant over
  24. Yamigirl posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    right im here again hubby has come to a stop, he cant find a supplier or garage to sell him a Thrust Washer as mine is broken to say the least. Does any one know where he can go or of a internet supplier. The parts number if it helps is 93340-21505
  25. Yamigirl replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello no your not that far my bro lives there (dont ask me where exactly though)