FZ 600 restoration project help
Hi all, I have finally scrounged together another free time to do some more work. You were right Jim, the battery was knackered. I had fully charged it several times thinking that the noise could have come from that problem but i never considered the batt was a complete wright off! Anyways, the bike now runs. And well, considering there are no downpipes or silencer and no airfilter i am amazed it will still idle fairly well. The odd flick of flame here and there but I dont think it is any thing to worry about. I have discovered however, that the clutch doesn't seem to be working! the engine is resting on blocks (lower that it would normally be) under the frame. The clutch cable just reached it after routing it in a more direct line. unfortunately, when pulled in, nothing seems to disengage. The lever is itself very very hard to pull. At first I thought it was just that the resting point of the clutch lever on the engine was not properly adjusted so I tightened the cable, pulling it forward. Now I can feel what i think is the limit of the clutch 'pull range' (how far it will actually move) and still the bike remains in gear. I am only checking this by putting it into 1st or 2nd then trying to tern the front sprocket with my hands. I am pretty sure that it should turn? Does anyone have any bright ideas? What might be going on behind that laded clutch cover? thanks all, Vince
FZ 600 restoration project help
Hi all, Thanks for all the help, sorry I haven't replied for a while but I have simply not had the time. I have however, had some progress: The engine has an oil cooler but is definitely not water cooled. I am using the carbs from the 'new' engine. With persistence, an oil change and general praying the engine did start up and sounded relatively healthy. I tried again to improve things today and now it wont even turn over. There is a loud ticking (clicking) coming from the starter solenoid. I have tried switching it three times but all with the same result: it keeps ticking the and starter will not turn over....??? What could this be? thanks again for all your help and thanks in advance, vince
FZ 600 restoration project help
It is oil cooled! (well it has an oil cooler so i assume that is what that means). With regards to TCI curves etc. it all sound a bit out of my league. Do you have any more info or know anywhere i might be able to get it? Do you think replacing these units (and the battery) might help solve the issue? Also, just to make it clear, it is a FZ engine not an XJ, i was just wondering if it were possible to use one. I dont know if this is the mixture you are talking about? thanks again, vince
FZ 600 restoration project help
Jim, Firstly, thanks for all the sound advice, I really appreciate it. Ok, so the engine will bang, that is to say that I hear and see one explosion. Being a 4 it should of course bang 4 times and this is the best I have got out of her: 4 bangs in a row. As to actually starting, i have not yet reached a stage of ticking over this is partly due to the battery running flat after a five or six attempts so I have to wait unitil the next evening to try again so I think i will investigate your car battery idea. I have been spraying easy start directly into the carbs. This often ignites with the result of a cold flash of flame coming out of one of the down pipe holes (i have no exhaust attached) but doesn't seem to really start the whole firing process off. I have also just noticed that I am low on oil so I will be topping it up before the next attempt tomorrow. intermittently I get an electrical clicking noise that sound as if it is coming from the starter solenoid. When this happens the engine will not turn over. It usually goes away if a just push various wires around so i am guessing it is a loose connection somewhere. It is a horrible crunching click so to save my ears and as i found a cheap one on ebay i will be replacing it soon. (although this is a starter solenoid from a xj i think!?) When the bike does fire, either once, twice, thrice or four times smoke comes slightly out of the carbs and prierially out of the downpipes outlets. I guess this means there is a lot of carbon and general rubbish inside the engine and that it will slowly dissipate with use of the engine. I was thinking of adding a fuel additive to help clean inside. That is all i can think of at the mo, let me know if any ideas spring to mind, thanks, vince
FZ 600 restoration project help
Hi Jim, thanks for such a swift reply. It is a FZ engine so I think that it should be fine with the existing ignition system. I am getting a healthy looking spark from all 4 plugs. However, the negative lead from the battery does tend to get quite hot when trying to fire the engine up for 30 seconds or more. is this normal? I am now hearing what i think is the piston reaching the top of the cylinder then there is a pause (to long to be normal) and then the next one. So it would seem that the pistons are sticking??? How could I help loosen them? Thanks again, vince
FZ 600 restoration project help
Hi, I have a FZ 600 (87 model) which after an amount of TLC took me to Germany and back (from UK) in about a 3000 mile round trip. One week later the old girl decided to blow up on me. Oil and petrol was poring out of the clutch breather tube. I dont know much but i know that just aint good! I have decide to attempt to infuse a new life into her via a engine transplant as the old one is definitely knackered! So far I have the new (ish) engine on the floor beneath and all wired up correctly. I am getting firing but it is very unpredictable and certainly no signs of smooth engine running yet. If anyone know of any hints and tricks to firing up an engine that has been lying around for at least 2 years collecting dust, please please post them up here. I am trying to avoid a complete rebuild because of lack of time and technical know how. As an aside I have seen a nice (1995 or 98) xj 600 diversion on ebay. does anyone know if there is any reason why either the 95 or 98 wot fit into the fz??? same electrics? same frame mounting points? Thanks in advance for all help given, Vince
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