Everything posted by Iceman2211
Adjust suspension on 98s Divvy
HI there would anyone have an idea on how to adjust the rear single shock to acecpt a pillion rider and what rules should be followed ie chain slackness or how many turns and in which direction etc etc... much appreciated thanks bundles chris
starter motor brushes
well it just happens I have just got back from buying brushes what a kerfuffle!!! if you go to a dealer you are looking at at least 70 quids for a brush assy however if you like i can give you a number of a chap who keeps just the brushes in stock for around 6 quids plus some postage as for repaing the motor any half brained numbwit can do it!! so thats why Ill have a crack at mine on the weekend. (actually its pretty easy to do). Hope that helps! Chris
Milky Oil was waterless XJ600
Hi there no rad thanks
Milky Oil was waterless XJ600
Hi guys I have just bought my very first BIg Bike(if a 600 is a big bike??) only to find that the gearbox oil is very milky having read some of the other threads they mostly point to a water cooling problem , But I dont as far as i know have a water cooling system I was lead to believe it was air cooled so where is the water coming from?? also when the bike gets hot I have noticed that that the overflow pipe that leads to the airbox is seeping quantities on milky water/oil mix should i be concerned or is just that the bike may have been in a showroom for a while? please help!! I wish to go back to the seller fully armed with all the info i can! Many Thanks.
Milky Oil was waterless XJ600
Hi guys I have just bought my very first BIg Bike(if a 600 is a big bike??) only to find that the gearbox oil is very milky having read some of the other threads they mostly point to a water cooling problem , But I dont as far as i know have a water cooling system I was lead to believe it was air cooled so where is the water coming from?? also when the bike gets hot I have noticed that that the overflow pipe that leads to the airbox is seeping quantities on milky water/oil mix should i be concerned or is just that the bike may have been in a showroom for a while? please help!! I wish to go back to the seller fully armed with all the info i can! Many Thanks.