Everything posted by robertmog
No spark, clueless for now.
Ok, time for another update. The previous owner to the FZ has messed so much with the bike it's no use to even try to get it working. A friend of mine, which works at an repairshop for mc's gave me a long list of items I needed to buy if I wanted to get it working, and when comparing the prices of the bike and the items I need, it's better to scrap it. Bought it for 6000 SEK, needing items for roughly 23000 SEK. Which sucks ALOT. So, now I'll only be driving the XT500 instead. For my next mc, what should I buy instead, if we're talking about both longdrives and other things like that? /Robert
No spark, clueless for now.
And god damn, anyone knows if it is the turning relay that's broken at a Yamaha XT 500 from -79 if the turning doesn't "blink" or such? It's just a constant light now And right, I've searched around the net for some more info about my FZ, does the UK model really have a minimum of 3 x CDI boxes, when the bikes are from -88? Found roughly 20ish different FZ600's from -88, with three different CDI boxes. TID14-48, TID14-68 and something more, can't remember the last one.. Help/answers is always appreciated
No spark, clueless for now.
Ok, now it's time for some updates. But first I gotta say I really hate some dealers of used parts. The "new but used" CDI-box I bought were totally broken, we had to open it up and check it out. The "smaller chip" or something like that were broken in 2, so no wonder I didn't get any spark or so... The old CDI-box that followed with the bike had been drained in water, I can promise you it didn't look fine But now, anyone knows if it MUST be a TID14-48 CDIbox, or would a TID14-68 work fine or such? Which ones do you people have? / Robert Oh, and right, I'm out driving the old XT500 now If anyone is visiting sweden / stockholm, hit me up for some riding or such
No spark, clueless for now.
I've tried to check the voltages at the pick-up coil (as far as I could see there's only 1 at the FZ600? o_O) But haven't really gotten any "hits" on it, for me it looks like it's totally dead. Will try to get a picture today of the wiring to the CDI & turning relay. And will also check if it's a simple thing like a clutch switch. // Robert
No spark, clueless for now.
Well, all my lights and such works when i attach the battery and turns the key. Done a "bypass" on the sidestand switch. But what did you mean with the clutch switch? Tried to read about it in the haynes manual, but couldn't find anything about it :/ Thanks for the help Dave /Robert
No spark, clueless for now.
Totally dead on all plugs, the regulator/rectifier is checked and fully functional. The prev owner thought he might've burnt the CDI-box when he "tried out a few things", so he gave me a unused one with the bike, "just in case". I've checked the wiring but I haven't been able to see any place where it's damaged, so far. But I haven't "taken the wiring down fully", the original wiring still seems compact / untouched. Though, I gotta ask if anyone knows if the CDI-box could be damaged if you're trying to use a US model electrical system instead of the UK one, if you're only changing the CDI-box and the turningrelay one. And lastly, does anyone have any pictures about how the wires are connected to their turningrelay and their CDI-box that I could look at? I'll get a picture of how mine is connected to, as I think there's something wrong with it. / Robert
No spark, clueless for now.
That'd be a slight problem, living in Sweden ;p So the price for shipping is always very high when sending things from the UK, though, it's cheaper then sending things from the US. And I could add that I might think the prev. owner tried to change the electrical system to a US model, because the CDI-box for example has 2 more wires then the UK model should have, the turningrelay has 1 or 2 more wires and so on. But the funny thing is that that's pretty much the only things that've been changed at the electrical system... There's ALOT more difference between a US and UK model, when speaking about the electrical system. So, time for another question, do you people think I should try and remove ALL wires and get new ones there instead? And does anyone have any hunch about the time it'd take to remove them and put new ones there? Still looking for some more info about the CDI-box, should there be any resistance in it and such? ... Yeah, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to electrical things Got a multimeter and such, so I could check myself, though I gotta know what to check and such first
No spark, clueless for now.
Heya everyone, my first topic here on yamahaclub! Since a few months ago I've been the owner of a FZ 600 from -88, the UK model, which won't give any spark at all. Already tried changing the CDI-box (prev. owner thought it might've burnt), the turning relay (41r-71, both burnt and broken so badly you could see it with the naked eye), changed battery, checked the ignition coils and alot more, but still nothing good out of it I've been starting to think about the CDI-box, anyone knows if there should be any special resistance in it, and if that's the case, anyone has any idea / clue about how to measure it? I've been reading the haynes manual to get any clues about it, but still nothing about that subject. I'd be thankfull for all help / ideas / tips I'd get, even if it doesn't concern the spark issue, as long as it's about the FZ 600 Thanks alot, in advice / Robert OT: Why can't the god damn snow disappear soon?! Wanna take the XT out for a ride once again EDIT: added the thing about haynes