Everything posted by Blades_2
freedom of speech
some of us are in trouble then, because i (cough) havn't said things about gorden brown on here, nd (cough) no one else has
Taking the Piss rnt you
yeah because there timberland boots, and i have tried this, they destroy any other laces as they have metal eyelets so just destroy anything else you put near them. I like the comment about find a guy asleep in the pub, i will remember that for next time =] thanks all
=] am really really glad you all share the same opinion as me, I cant for the life of me work out if gorden halfwit brains brown has his prioritys wrong or is just simple. THESE PEOPLE FIGHT FOR US, AND WE WONT LET THEM IN, BUT HARRY SIT AROUND YEAH WE WILL PAY HIM £70 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY TO CARRY ON SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING No brainer
comments please and advice (pic Inc)
needs a carbon fiber exaust on really or a black one to fit in with the rest of the bike.... ace colour thou =] gr8 lookin bikes
freedom of speech
sorry i stand corrected,
Rite am here on my soap box again about the prime minister, he says he wont let these people who fought for our country (which lets face it wants a HUGE THANKYOU, and a pat on the back) he doenst want to give them a permit to come and live in the U.K WHY MR.BROWN. In all fairness they have as much right as you or i to live in this country for what they did and whats better is they have 10 times the right of the Scum we have in our country. They helped us in the wars 1 and 2, and helped us keep rights for people. LET THEM IN, and stop being tight, whats more is why can you do this and not do it to the illegal immagrents and stop them coming in?? your letting the wrong people in and keeping the right ones out vote yes for the Gurkha
Taking the Piss rnt you
a have but i wont get my money back, they dnt seem to listen to the customer coz once they have your bussiness then thats fine it dont matter bout owt else
freedom of speech
thats fine mate, like a said am not racist, no doubt you live by our laws nd thats fine with me, and good because it would be a bad place if we were all white, but i cant agree with the minority who ingore our rules
freedom of speech
very well put, however if we stop him getting in what is wrong with stopping the people who want to blow up our citys getting in??
Taking the Piss rnt you
the point is i didnt get it of ebay, its just how can someone send me a mudgard for my bike and it cost me £3 and they send me a pair of shoe laces which i hate to point out i havent been able to find anywhere else so you have to pay it £6. its just a rip of a gigantic scam tbh
New here just a hello and so on ....
hey mate am currently on a TGB 50 they crap belive me but movin on to bigger things I.E a 1992 TZR 125 shortly cant wait, counting down the minutes ill tell you, jus wanted to say hi.
freedom of speech
i agree, we are far far too worried about what people think when we talk about them Im not a racist nd i dnt want anyone to think i am, BUT and this is a BIG BUT, if people from other countrys want to come and live within the U.K then they should live by our rules, I live by the statment, Dont do it anywhere else if you wouldnt do it at home, that includes your house, your work place, your country, you wouldnt dream of going to Pakistan and blowing holes in one of there mayjor citys because you wouldnt do that in the U.K. come live here but live BY OUR RULES AND DONT COMPLAIN OF THE CONCIQUENCES IF YOU DONT LIVE BY THEM
Taking the Piss rnt you
i know but getting ripped off isnt fun no matter what it is you get ripped off for, i worked out i paid 85% of the product cost for the P&P alone, its shocking,
Taking the Piss rnt you
no its from timberland because i cant find any of there boot laces anywhere its a bloodi rip off tbh
question how are you getting 50mph out of a 50cc because most days mine struggles to reach 40 unless im going down hill. lol............... jus want the same feeling as you currently have lol, get some miles done on it and get learnin to take corners as proper speeds nd not 30 miles an hour, oh and btw BURN off the CHAV's on 50cc's lol what am lookin forward to most =] congrats gen
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
well in fairness, i wouldnt have chosen that because i would have gone up behind nd got the person in a strangle hold, nd then put him on the floor if he was armed or not, nd the teaching thing, well i am tought by prob the best kick boxer in the world kerry louise norberry, and because we are kick boxers its tought to disarm and disable so knife or no knife i could put most on the floor, but like i said i agree, with the shoot um thing coz they deserve everything they get, but can wee jus goo back to the lets have the skum off the streets n make them pay for there crimes?
just to be riding my de-restricted 33bhp 17 year old TZR i really cant wait lol =]
niceee i applord you, cant wait to get mine done tbh get the shitty horiible L plate of frnt o my windsheild which makes my bike look worsee
Taking the Piss rnt you
I wouldnt mind if the P&P on the boot was £6 lets face it there not small but for A PAIR OF LACES because there that massive you cant put it through the bloodi letter box then it should be more, shouldnt it??? ohh wait no we live in a place where we get ripped off by most, the bloodi government included
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
Last time i looked, nd trust me its a few times i have 9 belts, including black, 6 medals for fighting including 2 gold and 3 silver, so how im not a true fighter i will never know, but anyways the shoot the F***er dead policy works with me.
Taking the Piss rnt you
does anyone know how much it costs to send a pair of timberland boot laces through the post that you have just bought £6 is it me or we do get ripped off more and more, i have bought parts nd when i say parts i mean like handle bars, mirrors, and a mud gard for my bike which hasnt cost as much to send through the post. Robbing Barstools
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
yep yoo can force the nose bone into the brain, but its hard to do but its very effective lol, use your parm heal into the bottom of the nose make sure clean contact used for best results. =] happyy hunting boys nd girls lol
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
yepp im in, black belt in kick boxin, nd a couple o air rifels boyss should bee goodd NO Fu**er gettin his hands on my nice 1992 TZR in the garagee
Does any one know
hi, thats my 1992 TZR 125 n am currently makin it look better as it was a mess, but i want to get rid of the white windshield, im just wondering if anyone knows if the 250 TZR's windshield will fit the 125's any comments would be greatly appriciated thanks
lil off point there kev lol, n those chavs, well al i can say is run um all over lol, sorry to hear bout the bike mate, hope yoo get it sorted, be well pissed off if anyone did it to mine, but i too only have third party fire nd theft coz fuly comp is worth nearli as much as bike, you cnt do right for bein wrong