Everything posted by Blades_2
freedom of speech
thanks =] if am wrong i admit i am wrong.
theres some f*cking miserable bastards out there
just pisses me off no end when some cock tries to shove you off the road or better wont move because he/she has to sit in a que, THATS JUST UNLUCKI FOR YOU
theres some f*cking miserable bastards out there
unfortunatly i couldnt have gone nd kicked her door in you wouldnt belive how much i would have enjoy that, my 50 aint that fast, my 125 is though, nd that really really is some 007 shit right there i like that Should have missiles for next time to blow the f*ckers tail gate off nd her doughters finger to hell
Prats on a dirt bike
In fairness i have fun but these ppl give bikers a bad name, i like to ride i enjoy it and its fun but riding like that is just stupid. but anyways.
Prats on a dirt bike
would sort um out, just give im a lil bit o concussion in the process =] sounds good, just giving bikers a bad name, CHAV anyways cheese wire sounds good too but am not sure it would go down well with the plod
- Hi all
Prats on a dirt bike
that went over my head lol, sorry.
theres some f*cking miserable bastards out there
Actually, only 2 weeks since a woman in a car came past me and shook her head as i waved her past and the person in the rear swore at me as they drove off, somehow i managed to keep up and they wern't far from where i lived so i went for a quiet conversation asking politely why i was nearly run off the road and why i was flagged off. The answer from the mother was she wouldnt do that as her grandmar was in the front seat, and that i was swearing when i waved them past, although i use all my hand, But then the doughter says to me "you better fu** off or you will have no fu**ing bike to get home on" The mum then says again that her doughter didnt swear as she wouldnt infront of her grandmar who got out of the car as she told me to F*** off, and to get my reg number so i let her have it. Stupid people
Prats on a dirt bike
Niiick??? lol
Prats on a dirt bike
get his bike crushed by the Plod, that should show him, rite crime stoppers website or police phone number (not 999).
i dont disagree that it will continue but its just wrong, were in the middle of a recession and gorden brown and the other "politicions" are doing F*** all about it and will be very sad when they have to answer for their second or in some cases even THIRD homes, and where sat here worried about our only home because some Bank in america when shit up and some people made shit loads of money out of it
Prats on a dirt bike
Ok, i live at one end of my street and every day a c0ck on a Dirt bike comes past with a passenger, no licence plate, no L plate, nether wears a helmate and tbh its bugging me Why cant we do something about these people, GIVE BIKERS A BAD NAME
To be honist, BASIL BRUSH (no offence because i think he is funny) would be a better prime minister than gorden brown, mite have better policys, And he would let these people in, they only want to come and retire in the U.K LET THEM IN
theres some f*cking miserable bastards out there
the dicks who wont pull over when filtering throu traffic are just annoyed because you have every right to because your on 2 wheels nd they can't do it, i have this argament all the time with a lad from collage as he has a car and cant see why i have a bike, my deffence is go and learn to ride and you will understand, but he wont let me past if were in traffic.
This is what really really upsets me Thankyou mate for doing your service its people like you who we should praise as i feel you do not get enough, modisty is one of those things and the services are gr8 for it, but we do not thank them enough. So THANKYOU =] I went to The U.S.A about 4 years back and into sea world where they asked everyone in the crowd to stand up who had served in the forces for both the U.S and the U.K, and they were cheered, and applorded, and i thought thats was a fitting tribute to them, Unfortunatly this govenment does shit all for anyone and less for the Forces, and the Gurkha's, in my book anyone who fights for the country deserves a medal and the rights to live in our country, there not asking for much in honisty, i want to go into service my self, because i want to fight for freedom, but maybe we should start that fight at home with this GOV. Again THANKYOU
I just thought that it needed putting up because yet again the GOV have just done something totally inappropriate, SOMEONE SHOULD BE KEEPING COUNT, THE VOTER IS, Should be proud of these people and them wanting to serve for us.
- Gurkha's
Taking the Piss rnt you
thats exactly why i love mine so much, nothing in the world more cunfy
Taking the Piss rnt you
=] thanks mate will remember that next time i look at my bill lol it just really is taking the mick at £6 for some but anyways thanks all
freedom of speech
well most politicons are a bunch of lying immature scamming wank3rs so your right, Like i said some of us could be done for treason, however its okai, because there that busy wondering where the next million will come from to repay our debt their uninterested =]
Taking the Piss rnt you
lol =] well i dont think i could ride my 50 in a pair of flip flops, or repair my 125 in them it mite hurt should anything happen I know what your getting at though the other thing is my pair of boots happen to be about the most cunfy pair of shoes i have ever owned. and thats something