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  1. Issue resolved. It was the clutch adjustment. Thanks All.
  2. I will check to see if the lever is tight. Clutch works well, but not great. I am trying to get it adjusted correctly today as it slips a bit when the engine is pushing hard. Clutch operation is fine, but I might need to replace the friction disks.
  3. I have been working on a 1980 xs400 for a little while now and it recently developed a new problem. The kickstart used to fire up the bike on the first kick almost every time, even when it was very cold. Suddenly, it stopped working. The bike will start with the electric start, but it is finicky when cold, so i like to kick it. The kickstart DOESN'T work when the bike is cold. There is little or no resistance and the bike doesn't turn over. When warm, the kickstart DOES work, perfectly. I am confused.
  4. thrasher_s posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    What years of the xs400 will have the same clutch assemblies as my 1980? Since it looks like I need some hard to find parts. -Thanks
  5. thrasher_s posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I spoke to a mechanic today and he seemed to think I might have a major problem. - Clutch, once engaged, holds firm and bike runs fine, shifts fine - However, no matter how I adjust it, the clutch does not engage until about the last 5-10% of the clutch lever release - so the bike is rideable, but is tough to handle when stopping and starting often The mechanic thought that I might have trouble in the clutch basket, in which case parts are very hard to come by and I would most likely have to search salvage yards. Opinions?