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  1. Hi im new to this and i am at my wits end so any help would be greatly appreciated. My boyfriend has a FZR 1000 Exup 89 that wont spark, he has checked plugs, coils, wiring loom and we are down to are last two options the igniter box or the pick up coil/cam shaft sensor (we have come across several names for this part). We have managed to get a second hand igniter box but so far have not managed to get a second hand pick up coil. Can anyone offer any advice on this, weather we are looking in the right place for the problem or not, How to fix the problem or where we could find a second hand pick up????? We have tried e bay for this and have had no luck it seems that this part will only be sold with a second hand engine and as yet we do not wish to go down that route. Someone please help us she is his pride and joy!!!! Thanks Kat