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little dave

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Everything posted by little dave

  1. i was thinking of fitting one of these to my dt. its a 6 volt system but the headlamp puts out 11-14 v at driving speed. the old headlamp lens assembly will accept one, and the light harness will hook to the bulb, but, will I fry my wireing, magneto, switch etc? i want brighter lamp, but i refuse to do anything that will damage the rest of the bike as parts would be hard to find.
  2. i have a 74 dt175 also. here is what i know: I was told to use a non-hypoid gearbox oil in my case. so thats what i use. 5000 recent miles and no problems. also, your oil tank should be under your seat. is there a metal cover looking thing on the right side of the bike with a glass bubble? if so, thats the oil tank. i use penzoil 2-stroke oil in the oil tank. your throttle cable should split in two and head for the carb and the engine block above the rear brake lever, that line is to the oil pump if you have one. it could have been running poorly because of a clogged filter, or sometimes it does that to me if i start it and drive off (from stopping after running out of fuel from not turning the valve on) too soon, and the bowl in the carb isnt full yet. but first off you MUST sort out the oil tank, or lack thereof issue. im sorry but i dont know what the ratio is.
  3. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btgB4ppCWEI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDclykZbPGs http://www.mtv.com/videos/squirrel-nut-zip...html#id=1536069 here you go goff. they are sort hard to define, each song is sorta a different genre. but the tend to be a hybrid between dixie jazz and swing.
  4. little dave replied to stinkysanchez69's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ok first off, lets find out something (anythig) about yer bike. does it have an oil tank? it would be on one side or the other, under the seat. has a bubble on it to show oil level. also, the cap is under the seat. if you dont have an oil tank, and its a 2 stroke, you need to premix. since you said that its a dt, im going to figure that it has an oil tank. the next thing to find out is if the tank has a pump or if it draws the oil via the carb vaccuum. if your throttle cable splits and one goes into the carb and the other into the engine, usually on the right side, than it has a pump. you need to make sure that the pump is working properly. if you need to find that out, im not the guy. as i have never done that. but if you ask here somebody will answer. as for the choke issue take apart the carbs and clean them. somethings gunked up in there and its probably running lean (too much air vs fuel) pulling out the choke richens the mixture. cleaning the carb will allow air to flow where it should and fuel to flow where it should, making your mixture more accurate.also the air/fuel screw on the carb, the smaller one. gently turn it in till it gently seats then back it out 1 1/2 turns. that will make sure that your idle mix is correct.
  5. little dave replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    hope you do well foamy.
  6. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    goff, ever hear of the squirrel nut zippers? i love thier style, also brian setzer and cherry popping daddies. big bad voodo daddy. swing etc. also rockabilly and ska. ahh fukkit i like everything. and i do mean everything.
  7. the thing is that some young riders have the experience already. they have the maturity to ride safely, responsibly, and smart. its not fair to punish that half dozen. there are also people who ride like twats because they enjoy the rush. some get over it and mature into responsible riders. some dont. the differnce is that here in the states there are some speed limits. if you are law abiding, youre never gonna get over 75 mph in anything. however, in the land of the autobahn, it makes real sense real real real sense to be absolutely sure that every driver be able to handle all the horses that they can squeeze out of thier motorcycle (and car for that matter) special courses for learning the basic physics of motion at high speed. braking, cornering, skid control etc. more in depth than the basic classes to get a road license. i am also (shoot me now) a huge proponent of required testing of persons over a certain age. for every inexperienced kid, there is probably 2 senior citizens on the road in cars and whatnot that have the reaction time of a garden slug. and i think that any driver under 21 caught being a twat on the road by racing, wheelies, nosies, burnouts, or other unsafe practices should be forced to retest at the very least. after all, if they cant spot a cop lurking before they stunt, how can we (the people around them on the road) expect that they can spot and react to any other hazzard? now i am guilty of the occasional wheelie myself, but only in open spaces, like empty park lots with nothing else around me. i used to ride a 125cc as a kid. all 4 feet and 75 pounds of me. never had a spill. after a 25 year vacation, i got back on a 175cc. it pulls my 105 pound self around like its a 250cc the biggetst i would ever want to go is a 250cc and for me it would be like riding a 500. im small, im light, and i know my limits. if i get a few more years under me, that may change as i get larger bikes and learn how to handle them. but i dont like the idea of slippinig my wrist to quick and getting a reverse cowboy from my bike. as long as i can go on the freeway and have 15-20 mph extra to give for evasive moves over the posted limit of 75 im good. thats all i would need in a bike at the most. right now i dont ride on the freeway, as my bike maxes at 65. i could, but i have no room for an extra boost of speed if i need it.
  8. have to agree with oldgit on this one, helicoils are the way to go. any epoxy that i know of will eventually degrade when put into contact with wayward bits of fuel. (and if anybody knows of one that wont, i have a leaky gas tank that could use some)
  9. nice! I have to laugh though at that the tire is still off the minivan and its been a month between pics. no wonder the missus doesn't like the bike.....
  10. little dave replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    me thinks he (up-yours) should tie a (clean) tampon to the backside of his bike by the string and ride like that for a week.
  11. little dave replied to eagle56's post in a topic in General
    im betting that the fuel in the bowl evaporated and gummed up in the jets. remove carb, do a good strip and clean job.
  12. little dave replied to Avix's post in a topic in The Bar
    start with cynics advice. learn to RIDE, really RIDE it first. then after you are done scraping it up.(if you do) you can worry about mods. I always let the charachter of the vehicle come to me over time. your bike will define its style as you ride it and see things you want to do to it. never jump into it with an open pocketbook and a hurry. asthetics and function should be kept in balance.
  13. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    now you can get that 'vintage human' "california license plate" (aka tramp stamp) you might call them "slag tags" either way.... 3 minutes in photoshop, a lifetime on the retina!
  14. 23

    little dave replied to Section 8's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    duct tape will fix it!
  15. little dave replied to yazholes's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I can send you a pic of my air filter workaround if you want. i also run a dt175 without the stock filter
  16. little dave replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    hook the neutral indicator light to a relay. the other pole on the relay shall be hooked to your coil output. and then to the left footpeg. anytime youre about to drop a shift into neutral, the resulting jolt will cause your left foot to spasm and kick you right into 2nd gear. problem solved. what about shortening the lever? that would give you a shorter throw distance and make it easier to float over N
  17. I would start by checking your fuel line for clogs. replace the filter. they're cheap. and you might want to check the flow at the float assy. it could be that the float valve just cant keep up with the demand, and it takes about 5 miles of solid 50 per driving for the problem to become apparent. think of it this way, if the carb is getting gas through the float valve at just slightly less flow than the engine is using at 50 per. so eventually it will be struggling to keep up. just a thought.
  18. little dave replied to little dave's post in a topic in The Bar
    I wanted to get tyre black for my truck but i cant find it here anymore. i think that stuff is too greasy though for cycle tires.
  19. little dave posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    yeah, I know that using armor all and related products will land me on my ass. but is there anythig out there that i can use to make my tires black again? I dont need a shine, just nice and dark again. right now im left with soap and water. anybody out there have a better idea?
  20. I have used a cloth polishing wheel mounted in a powerdrill with good results. i just put it on a long bolt and held it on with a nut, and spend a few bucks and get some of that polishing compound in a stick. if you have the space you could get a bench grinder and put the polisher on it.....
  21. little dave replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    I think Up-Yours meant to say STABILIZERS. a sort of balance control for the motorcycle. Luckily, I have an answer for you. (another example of the mindset of a Kawasaki rider)
  22. little dave replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    I have a way to answer both your questions at once. you can have air conditioning for your bike and 100% dry rain free environment. heres all you have to do: load that fukker in a box truck, and enjoy the air conditioned drive free of rain as you deliver the bike to my house. I will be glad to take your bike and you can spend the trip home lamenting over your stupidity.....
  23. little dave replied to yazholes's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    cynic: please don't be so hard on old git, he has been to the coast and developed food poisoning at a french restaurant from "Le sea bass, stirred" they say, you are what you eat....
  24. little dave replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    AWWWWW! our widdle foamy is becoming a man..... all kidding aside, best of luck dude!
  25. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in Video Section
    remember going down a waterslide and having a piece of skin stick? that would suck treeibly on that one!