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little dave

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Everything posted by little dave

  1. my 74 dt175 did the same thing when i got it, sorta. now im not an expert at all, but I would suggest checking the float level, and cleaning the carb while you have it off. its as good of a place as any to start. also check the air filter.
  2. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    Nevadadadadada. lol sounds like my bike when i kick it over in the morning! I am riding/fixing a 1974 DT175a I just got back on after about 21 years of not riding. my old ct100(?) had a drive gear slip off, I was too inexperienced at 17 to bother with fixing it so i just left it at a friends barn, after all, I had a car. stupidstupidstupid! I went back about 10 years ago and asked if it was still there, no luck. some people get convertibles for thier midlife, I got a bike similar to my old one of my youth. want to move up to a new v-star 250 or used virago (banking in at 104 pounds, I dont want anything too big ever) I like a classic look on bikes too.
  3. little dave replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I hope that she at least gets smart and stops at 1 and hopefully does right by it. (not like that breeder here in the US that just gave birth to a litter of 8 when she already had 6 others!)
  4. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    I'm just coming out of a bad post. can we start with like?
  5. little dave replied to Marc Spector's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I'm not sure what kind of ignition control you have, but back when I did my learning, I have had points stick together and keep me from moving on after parking. I would start by looking for a proper spark.
  6. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    yeah, probably not the best way to begin my life here I will admit. Ttaskmaster, where lane splitting is legal, its not a problem to me. you're right, we do tend not to notice the good ones. I will say that the worst offenders of driving like maniacs with absolutely no regard for law or safety is the taxi cab drivers here in las vegas. as a general rule that lot is dangerous. if you ever come to las vegas, the closer you get to the strip and airport the further you should keep from the cabs. Gas up lets go: what you call filtering seems to sound like passing to me. if everybody is moving and if its done safely its a completely different matter. I am really glad I found this place, having recently returned to riding, there should be some valuable resources and nuggets of knowledge here. I if I came on (way)too strong I am sorry. It was not my intent to offend, I should have felt you out a bit more before being so irresponsible with my words. therefore; I am going to start again here. good morning, everybody. and ride safe!
  7. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    splitting traffic: lets say that there are some cars at a stoplight, 2 mebbe 3 lanes. splitting traffic is riding on the lane dividing lines between the stopped cars in order to get to the front. and is "why is it stupid" kinda obvious now?
  8. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    had that word with myself, and yes as long as their stopped when i hit the horn, i dont care. as far as real city goes, las vegas is real enough for me thanks. the whole point of that part of my rant is that there is no reason to split traffic at a stoplight. (its also illegal here) (I totally understand if its a traffic jam on the freeway, but just to get in front of 3 cars? please. hate me if you want, but thats not my intent. its just that unsafe riders make life dangerous for everybody. you try stopping a full size suburban when some asshat on a fast bike takes advantage of his speed and agility to jump infront of you and then slow down. I ride responsibly, safe and within the confines of the law. should I not expect that, for my own safety that others around me do too? it keeps me alive and that keeps me happy. besides its just a rant.
  9. little dave replied to handai's post in a topic in General
    heres my take on the squids on gsxrs, (of course, I ride a "vintage piece of crap" my opinion is mine. yours is likely to differ.) 1) SPOKES. first off real motorcycles have them. wire ones too, not just 5 metal ones. those are called mags and belong on bmx bikes. everything else belongs on a scooter or a cage. 2) if the gas tank is molded to your legs something is wrong, you have been in a wreck. If you ride laying down over your gas tank, it looks like you are humping it. get a woman! 3) Wheelies and nose stands: MOTHERFUCKER GROW UP! 4) splitting traffic: how can anyone be that stupid. I have heard it too many times, my bike will overheat. (only if its a piece of shit) you just want to get to the front of the line so you can feel cool when you race away at the green. youre nothing more than a hyperactive piece of shit. you are the reason I have air horns on my truck. and im not afraid to use them. seeing you have a full body twitch when i hit them makes my day. just a rant that i felt like getting off my chest. yes irresponsible riders can hate me all they want. im just brazen. sorry. join a forum and start talking smack, no offense intended.
  10. little dave replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    yep leave it to the noob!
  11. little dave replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    sanded my whole thumbnail off with a 20 inch disk sander sporting 30 grit. the thin piece of metal i was sanding had some burrs on it so I decided to scratch them off, when I did that the burrs caught on the sanding wheel and got sucked down between the wheel and the work plate. effectively slapping my thumb against the disk. it only took an instant, but my thumb was flat from last knuckle to thumbtip and only a thin crescent of nail remained near the top. the rest was gone, and to to say the least: tender. its not like I could go and get it stitched up or anything, so a bit of gauze and some tape. I continued to work until the day was over. cleaned it daily but never let it keep me from my job at the shop. after 2 years the nail still grows a little bit like a washboard, and my thumbtip has a bit of minor numbness.