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little dave

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Everything posted by little dave

  1. run an underground wire to the place where you park. attach the wire to a metal plate and make sure the kickstand touches the plate. apply electrical current. over on your side of the pond i understand 220 is the norm. quite a poke as i have felt it once. one could use an electric fence unit it they didnt want to peel a crispy criminal off they bars. every morning before you leave, just turn off the switch.
  2. it helps keep the bulb from blowing when the battery unexpectedly fries and your voltage spikes. but only if you dont get on it too hard, and limp it to a battery shop. when my volts spike its at 30+volts at 6k rpm the headlight goes first, and the tail follows quickly if i dont run slow. there is only one shop/store that sells 6v bulbs in my area, and they arent always convenient or open. so I often run a 12v tail because they are easy to find in a pinch.
  3. I have run a 12v tail light in a 6v system. its just a bit dimmer.
  4. count me in. although i have never had a bike stolen, I have had 3 cars stolen, stripped and burned for a total loss. my weapon: tree chipper. please make sure to granny gear the blade mechanism as i want the fun to last.
  5. little dave replied to Bilbo515's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    after 7 years of incident free riding, I'm not doubting your skills. however, its your confidence that had been severly bruised. perhaps (and I say this nicely) you should take an on bike riders safety course. the reason i say this (before you get testy) is that your insurance company may like the idea and give you a bit of a discount. also, its a good way to brush up on things you may have at the back of your mind. not to mention that seeing all the noobs all wobbly will make you feel more skilled almost immediately. and it may calm the wife down a bit My dad had 4 bikes when I was growing up, he totalled 4 bikes when I was growing up. all within 7 years. all of them in parking lots. 3 of them while he was parked but on the bike. people just didnt see him when they whipped into parking spots. from his hard lessons I learned to park my bike crosswise across the entrance to the parking spot, as opposed to nose in at the head. this story, is to point out that sometimes its not the riders skill that is in question, its the rest of the worlds abilities. good luck with whatever you decide.
  6. little dave replied to Goff's post in a topic in The Bar
    Foamy finally made it up your way huh?
  7. little dave replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    maybe thats why the pad fell off, perhaps you forgot a bolt. and yet even with that diploma in mechanics you don't know why your pads fell off..... to me that explains why you would take a helmet-less passenger out in the rain. and not that it is any safer, but what happened to chivalry? give the lady your helmet. unless you weren't wearing one either.
  8. little dave replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    The stupest thing ive done? well thats easy, one of my early posts here. I still cant believe i did/said that. as far as cycles go, heres mine: I was 14 years old and at the time had a 75cc honda that outweighed my 70 pound butt by at least 2-3X. I was out riding trails near my home, and I decided to try out an unfamilliar one. taking it slow and easy, I noticed that the trail was gradually narrowing. eventually i was kind of pushing thru the brush. I could see a trail up ahead that i was convinced was just beyond the next bush that i was by now pushing my bike thru whilst standing beside it. that last bush i pushed thru on that non existant trail revealed a very steep and long sandy embankment. due to my running start to clear the bush, I found myself at the bottom of the sand hill surrounded for hundreds of yards by thick Manzanita brush with no clear way out but up. My father came up to help me, but to no avail. I was told that i should find my own way out of the mess. the next day I returned with a pack of water and a camp saw determined to make my own trail out. Thankfully, two big guys rode past me and stopped a few yards past me for a rest. I convinced them to come have a look and maybe help me. I suggested that they leave thier bikes where the trail started to narrow and when we finally got to the bottom of that sandy hill they just looked at my bike and me and grinned. one of them picked my bike up on his shoulder and they both carried it up the hill for me. I am still grateful to those fellas the lesson I learned: when the trail starts look like a mouse trail, its not gonna get wider anytime soon. its ended, turn around.
  9. little dave replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    I can see it now in my minds eye. Foamy rolling up to pick up Goff for a date on his jawa. somebody, anybody get video of it, I would pay handsomely.
  10. nah, the rectifier, or rectifier diode. converts a/c output from the magneto to d/c output usually 6 or 12 volts(ish). but as it has no earth mount, it is not capable of regulating the voltage to a certain limit. so it can vary from 5-8v depending on engine speed. (atleast thats the way i understand it)
  11. if by rev counter, you mean the little swinging needle that goes back and forth from 0-8 as you give the bike throttle, and if its in a round box that shows RPM 0-8 x1000 usually located on the right side of the bike next to the thing that tells you your speed...... then yes it is commony known as a tachometer. or tach. you are looking for a tach cable or tachometer cable. good luck.
  12. I have one to add: No, honey, I think you should get the bigger speakers.
  13. little dave replied to austin's post in a topic in Classics
    im going to pull out the proverbial "dead horse stick" but, you have checked the air filter right? im betting that you did. maybe its your points gap?
  14. little dave replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    dear god i hope you mean the cords that attach and not the actual nut.
  15. little dave replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    isnt baking soda just ever so slightly abrasive? found on a home cleaning web page: Baking soda causes dirt and grease to dissolve in water, so it is very effective in cleaning kitchen counter tops, refrigerators, and stove tops. And sprinkled on a sponge or dishrag, baking soda forms a mildly abrasive scouring powder. think of that before you rub "gobs of it" onto your plastic shield.
  16. ......said the spider to the fly.......
  17. little dave replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    i use car wax on mine. works really well, as long as you shine it up well.
  18. little dave replied to steve 46's post in a topic in The Bar
    stepping up to be a stateside delivery rep. get me the stickers and i can mail them to whomever wants them as long as i can get a s.a.s.e. or somthin. (stamps are getting pricey) heck, I could trade my services for a premium membership. (just saying)
  19. I am having the same problem with my 74 dt175. the headlight works, but if i fry my battery, then there is no buffer and all the volts (up to 27) go to the headlight. my charger output with a new battery is 5v at idle and 8v at redline. if i fry a battery, the headlight voltage will spike to 18 at idle and 27 at full rev. I need to keep the charging output limited to 6v. I have 2 diode rectifiers on hand, and they both work the same, so i believe that the possibility that they are both malfunctioning the same way is pretty slim. i need a voltage regulator at the point before the charging circuit enters the battery. the cheapest one i can find is for a volkswagen 6v. it will handel up to 30 amps but its $40 us. can anybody point me towards a cheaper one? i will admit that 40 bucks is pretty cheap considering that the batteries that im frying are 20 bucks each but.... if i could find one that is less i would be happier. im not at all concerned with keeping yanaha stock. i just want it to run and not fry batteries anymore. as a matter of fact i have substituted the standard "wet cell" with fill holes for a sealed cell 6v battery at 5a capacity (the stock "wet cell" has a 2.5a capacity.) I tried radio shack and they are a bunch of idiots. all they do there now is sell cell phones, gps and batteries. nobody there knows about "electronics" they cant even answer questions i have about ohm load on speakers or resistor loads for other apps. my bike is old, run down, and flurry to a host of backwoods mechanics. returning it to its full stock glory is out of the question. but it runs well and i want to keep it that way. if anybody has one, i will buy it. or if you out there can find me one i will gladly buy it thru you, or order it from the place you suggest. thanks. -little dave
  20. I keep finding myself saying this: i have little experience but my own with a 74 dt175 but. my headlamp grounds thru the speedo cable. on its way it passes thru the speedo lamp bulb. headlight + :to: headlamp :to: headlamp - (black wire) :to: instrument bulb on speedo :to: frame ground via speedo cable. it sounds strange but..... if i remove the bulb assembly from the speedo. the ground is interrupted and no light. ditto if i remove the speedo cable. try running an extra ground wire to frame at the headlamp. (or better yet listen to the people here that know what they are talking about)
  21. all I want to know (as im sure many here do) how the fick did you manage to keep a line of coke on the gas tank at 150? I tried to bring home a slurpee strapped to the backrack the other day and half of it blew out of the cup onto whomever was rear of me. and yes it is a slippery slope, but i think that it should be only usable in court and everything with lots of other evidence. not just what they found. example. so they caught you bragging on the net/email/etc about doing 150+ on your dt. thats what is called hearsay. they cant do a damn thing to you without more evidence. now if that hearsay prompts them to send an officer down to your neck of the woods and park his squadcar and radar gun on the M1 and see who he catches, that seems ok by me. as long as the officer is not looking for "you" but just a nondescript speeder. what we tend to forget because they are in our homes and offices, is that web chat rooms and forums etc, are a "public place" it just dosent feel public because we are usually by ourselves at the computer. but any number of millions of people worldwide can just come in and see what we say even after the fact. Just as I would never talk about my clandestine plans for world domination at a food court or in line at the theatre, wary should i be to speak of it on the web. we hear all the time how "once it is on the web, its there forever." wether it be that drunken pic of you at the office christmas party wearing a lampshade or something more illegal. remember: if youre not doing anything wrong, and youre in the right. that same technology can be used to back your story.
  22. I will have to agree with goff. if youre not a criminal, or do anything that warrants the work needed to bring about a trial and dredging up the video, e-mail, or phone call. then you have nothing to worry about. if someone were to commit a major crime, it would be easier to connect the other players if law enforcement were privy to that information. but i believe that unless there is some hefty probable cause that these records should remain sealed by the courts. the only thing that the govt is going to get to use against me is calls from the wife asking me to bring home milk and lots of video of me picking my nose at traffic lights.
  23. ran an ac volt test on my headlamp circut today. 8-12 volts at idle and 40 at high rev. i cant keep a headlight at all. whats wrong with my bike? (it was a fuse) found out what it was. I learned a-lot (more than the guys at the local shop) heres what i found out thru trial and error. if the charging circuit is disconnected from the battery, or the battery frys, the output voltage on both the charge circuit and the headlamp is uncontrolled. i had blown a fuse that i put inline on the charge circuit. as a result, the battery wasnt hooked up. blows headlights. i put a meter on and 18-20v at idle, 30-40 volts at rev on both the charge circuit that is rectified to dc and the ac headlight circuit. hooked the battery back up and the same circuits run at 5-8v dc for teh charger and 6-14.8v at headlamp ac. unplug the battery, and its back to uncontrolled voltage. put a 10a fuse inline instead of a 3a fuse that i had installed before to avoid overcharging the battery.( or at least not putting more than 3a into it) everything is normal now. I think that at some point, the light coil was rewound perhaps even the charge circuit. to be 12v. but with a 6v diode it charges fine and accepts a 12v headlamp. go figure.
  24. any ideas where i can get one/some. my bike is blowing headlights again.
  25. little dave replied to eurotrash's post in a topic in Classics
    I have a 74 dt175. I would be glad to look my bike over and compare if that could answer any questions that you have