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little dave

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Everything posted by little dave

  1. little dave replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    he aint called FOAMY for nothin'!
  2. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    imma wanna put wheels like these on the dt! http://xmb.stuffucanuse.com/xmb/viewthread.php?tid=6020
  3. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    hey! now thats pretty cool! so if foamy put one of those in his JAWA, he could strap a laptop on the gas tank, plug it in and.......
  4. little dave replied to bulldog25's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looks really similar to the test that I took here in the U.S. I was told that the smaller the bike, the easier it was to pass the manuvers. when i went to take the test, there were plenty of scuffs in the pavement. (a testament to how many people really couldnt handle thier bikes like they thought they could) I used my dt. and passed with 100% the fella behind me rode his harley, he failed. our course is really tight for space, and the larger your bike... the better your balance has to be. I really think that we should have an on road test here in the states. as current I think that a new driver (who has never had a car license) can get a cycle license without a on road test.
  5. only if you dont want lights. the battery (at least on my 74 dt 175a) acts as a buffer or capacitor for the energy produced by the magneto. with a fried battery, my dt produces 14v at idle and a whopping 36v at full rev. to the headlight circuit. (which is a/c) also sends high volts to the tail light, brake light and blinkers ( in d/c) my first indicator that i have a bad abttery, is blown bulbs. hope this helps. i was new to cycles when i got my st in october of last year. well.... i say new because the last one i had was when i was a teen, and that was over 20 years ago, then i had a ct100? but i never did much work on it. most of what i know now is from memories and recent self repair experience.
  6. little dave replied to react's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    facepalm. I don't know why that didn't occur to me....
  7. little dave replied to react's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thats the situation with my bike... one spark plug and one bolt. although i knew it was for a spare spark plug, I have always wondered: could one put both plugs in, split the plug wire and run a boot to both plugs? would two simultaneously firing plugs improve burn efficiency/fuel economy or give a boost in power? or would each plug merely work at 50% efficiency. or.... (the most likely of answers).... would one just burn out a perfectly good ignition coil? this question is in the spirit of learning....I dont have grand plans on trying it.
  8. careful now.... lest ye face thy wrath of FOAMY!
  9. little dave replied to hawkwindism's post in a topic in The Bar
    hawk.... perhaps this stuff would help? http://www.fatmat.com/kits/rattletrap/sheets.html i figure if it can keep body panels and license plates from rattling at 200 db, maybe some placed on the inside of your fairings would help..
  10. rapco, that must have been pretty scary. but.... isnt that what you get for trying to fit 2 people on a puch? "the only thing worse that having to ride a moped, is having to ride bi*ch on a moped" but than again that was back in the 70's before they became classic vintage material. no offense meant to you or other scooter rider/owners keep me posted about your sprocket search, since I will be needing one some day. it will be good to have a head start.
  11. CPC

    little dave replied to JimR's post in a topic in The Bar
    truly a decent idea of sorts. I don't know about over there, but in the states its not uncommon to come across some half senile oldster going well under the posted limit, wearing those "cataract sunglasses" so frail that they cant turn their head to look over their shoulder so they signal for a mile before abruptly changing lanes. I should know, my grandfather was one of them. over 90 years old and still diving. the family got together and wrote a letter to the dmv, begging them to make him retest. so the dmv called him to retest when his renewal came up. wouldn't you know that he had been living in the same town for 60 years and knew all the stop signs. he passed even though he was nearly legally blind. but that aside. Laws change, the average driver would do well and good to be updated once in a while. it would also help to nip bad habits in the bud. If I can take a driver training class to reduce my speeding ticket to a non-moving violation online, (its an 8 hour class in person and 20 minutes online) then why not do it online? that would be about one hour for an online course. payment can be made after a successful participation, and the data could be sent to the vehicle department. it could be done over the course of several days even. on lunch breaks, or that unfortunate sleepless night... for that matter, perhaps they should include some basic CPR instruction with these tests, it would go a long way toward saving lives!
  12. little dave replied to alec2507's post in a topic in The Bar
    jim. yes i would be needing the brackets also.
  13. yeah, the other riders are passsing a bit wide....
  14. little dave replied to alec2507's post in a topic in The Bar
    .......now if you could track down one for a 74dt175 with a 19" wheel (it dosent have to be same year or O.E. just fit.) i would be in your debt jim.......
  15. little dave replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  16. little dave replied to little dave's post in a topic in General
    its not like pins and needles. and its a very temporary thing. lasts about 1/2 a second. then its gone for miles im not ruleing out that im just getting old. it just feels more like when you rub a piece of plexiglass with a wool rag.
  17. little dave posted a post in a topic in General
    For the last several months, I occasionally get a tingling sensation in my right ring fingertip when riding. it's sort of like a static shock one gets after scuffing along on the carpet and touching the icebox. the tingle is momentary, a few little tingles and its gone for a few miles. then it happens again. my gloves are leather, unbroken. and i have tried another pair. there is no way for wayward spark current to be jumping to my fingertip as im holding the rubber grips. besides, wayward spark current would hurt a bit more. either way, it dosent make sense, it wouldnt jump from my glove to my finger.... it would most likely find its way to my calf (which touches the kickstart) the only thing i can think of is that I am somehow developing a static charge. either from my clothes rustleing and flapping in the wind or from...? has anybody else had this happen? or am i just crazy? it isnt exactly unpleasant, its just got me really curious. is this a job for a static strap?
  18. little dave replied to mick22's post in a topic in The Bar
    how much faster? is it quite a difference? maybe its a starter kill switch
  19. little dave replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    he probably was on a test drive. come now, wouldnt you do that to a bike if you KNEw it was getting reposessed? and you had a little brain.
  20. re: the taillight. follow the wires from the taillight assy on out. the rear brake pedal should have a spring actucated switch that would sit right behind your ankle. follow the wire to it and make sure that its all plugged in. also the frott brake lever will have some sort of switch inside of it. follow that wire down and back to the lamp. make sure to test the wire in a few places with a cheap tester. also, the headlamp assembly is usually a birds nest of wires and connections. one of those may have popped loose. on my '74 dt175, the blinkers have that problem, the wire often pops loose as im changing a headlamp bulb. I get it all together, and THEN find out the blinker came unplugged. as for blinkers, try looking for a junkyard. are you concerned with keeping stock? I have rear blinker units. made of plastic (black) with amber lenses. they were on my bike when i got it. I have since replaced them. they mount to the metal loop thats part of the frame at the rear fender. if you want them pm me and we can work something out.
  21. this was the 1974 dt175a on the first day i got it. the tank was rattle canned blue, but poorly. the seat was an old leather jacket that was pinned to the seat metal. im waiting now on a neighbor ho does upholstery to call me the tank leaked, so the paint bubbled off. anybody got a tank? the right side cover (air filter) was missing so i fiber glassed one myself. the air filter was a chunk of foam rubber shoved into the carb. so i put on a racing one headlight was not wired in to the headlight circuit (it was tied straight to the battery, via a switch) fixed all that. but still have a toggle switch to turn on the rest of the electrical system (no ign switch) it had no cutoff switch. I found a honda key with switch in a junkyard. it only had 2 wires, it became my cutoff/anti theft switch) thanks to blackhat for the rear turn indicators (chrome is much better than plastic) oh, yeah, and the battery wouldnt charge on the bike. fixed that. lastly, after driving all winter (over 3000 miles) i found that somebody before me had removed the banjo bolt and main jet. and replaced them with a regular bolt. and since the gas leaked out of the carb bowl around the threads, they jammed a .22 cal lead bullet into the main jet intake at the bottom of the carb bowl. I am now running without a main jet (but it runs quite well, i was up to 70mph the other day) I'm saving and looking for a new carb. anyhow, I hated the metallic sparkly blue it was painted. (matte black was much better looking to me) here it is now after 6 months of help and 3700 miles. (Thats Las Vegas in the background. i took the shot right around the corner from my house) I replaced the square mirrors with a more retro round. and yes that is an aftermarket chrome tip. (it has a resonator inside and makes the engine sound a bit more bearable (read placebo effect) to my neighbor, who's first words were "oh great now i gotta listen to a fekking motorcycle!" and it keeps the soot off the license plate.)) I am not concerned with reviving its stock glory. waay too much work. the best i can hope for is to keep it running well.
  22. sorry to hear that, there is unfortunately no way for me to offer any advice as i live far far away. and do not know your laws. I am, however, taken with a giggle by your signature. (as it relates to your current predicament) "faster, faster, faster. until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." perhaps you should change your sig to read: "slower, slower, slower, until the dullness of the speed limit overcomes the hatred of walking everywhere." not trying to be an ass.... just making an observation. Good luck with it though, and I hope you stay on the road!!!
  23. good advice jim. it seems all too often that im working on the bike (dt175) and when i put everything back together i have inadvertently unplugged a wire from within the headlamp cluster nest of wire. and have to take the lamp out to find which wire came out of its socket.
  24. little dave replied to russ500's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    funny, all of my cars have had names. the best one being Smedley, my 67 Datsun pickup. but I have yet to name the bike. I don't know why, it just hasn't asked yet I guess. (I'm quite sure though that since I leave for work at 5am, my neighbor has a few things he calls it....)