Everything posted by forddude
I feel old
I feel so old as my oldest son has just got his scooter on the road, I was verey proud as reiden of for the first time on his 50 cc , I cant wait to go out with him on the bikes, I think my my fazer will keep up, he told me he toock her up to 35 ish
Picking up the 2010 YBR125
good luck with the new bike have fun mate
MT-03 winter project completed
The pictuer came on my screen And it maed my say WOW .
Fazer buying advice
I went from a virago 535 to a fzs 600 and iv had no problems at all ther just dame good bike and they do it all. good luck and no matter what you get have fun
Am I turning into a grumpy old bast...rd
Hi Im Andy lets get on Would that do
If you met Kylie would you stay composed ?
Depends if she had her hot pants on
HI, long time no see
Its a 99 on a v, Iv just put renthol bars on. The origanl ones hurt my shoulder as a broke it a few years back but i catch my hands on the mirrors is there any way off moving the mirros out it might help me see past my soulders to lol. Andy
HI, long time no see
Hi all, long time no see, you know how it is broken pc, kids and just having a bloody hoot on my fazer lol, I went to whelie school at the weekend if you havent been you should its great fun Andy
Picked up my new bike today
I think ill pick thye nice days through the winter i couldnt leave her all that time .
Picked up my new bike today
Plus i got cusin to sit with my boys and took the new girlr friend out on the bike, and she is the best pilon iv ever had . Its been one of the best days ever
Picked up my new bike today
I pickeed up my new bike today a 1999 fazer 600, and its fantastic great to reid i thought id be nervers but it so easy to ried its so much better than the Virago..
why does my 02 plate dt125 only do 70mph?
Ha Ha verey good mate, or a biger bike
Iv got a new bike
me to Thanks guys Andy
<----New Guy
Love the pics nice bikes to mate. Ho and Andy
Iv got a new bike
Im so exited iv just today bought a new bike after sitting on lots off difrent bikes. I have choes a 1999 600 fazer i went and looked at it a few times had a few sits on it and now cant wait to pick it up on monday or tuesday As soon as i get it ill try to put some pics on Andy
weres foamy
Good for him i for one wish him the best off luck
Hi all any thoughts no 600 bike chocie
Thnaks for the offer but im looking for a naked bike as iv got the vfr. And than to vere one els for there thoughts
Hi all any thoughts no 600 bike chocie
Hi guys n girls, Iv decide im having the virago 535 fixed then she is going to get px or sold for a 600. Now my problem is iv only got short legs, Im on tip toes on my vfr nc 30. I dont wont anouther sports bike. Adveture bikes are to tall. and it has to be abel to do all the town work and the rallys. i was thinking the fazer, bandit. any thoughts im going to be looking around the 2k mark Thanks as allways
Hi guys n gals. can you help XV 535 Virago knock
The bike has been seen by my mechienic his not shuer whats wrong by listing to it so it going under the spanner on monday. He thinks iv just riden it to hard so think ill fix and sell /px for a 600 street bike.
Hi guys n gals. can you help XV 535 Virago knock
She was only standing for a week and half the oil seams ok and full. But i only got the bike in december so dont know how she was treat. She had stoos for a while befor id got her i think. Thanks for all your Help. Andy
Hi guys n gals. can you help XV 535 Virago knock
Another update i tried the fuel aditiv. it dint make any difrance. So do any one have any idaes off where i shuold start or is it off to the bike shop lol Many thanks andy
erm , I'm not sure about this, reminds me of OG
Strange hoo soo strange lol
Mechanical Help
Labour sounds about right to me mate where i go its 40 pund and hour. As to weather its hard to do the seals iv know ieda iv never done it Andy
my max
I think i need a privert moment that is the best max iv seen wow o wow
what a fruit cake
Hed be put away for that here, and sandels no protecvie gear lol