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Everything posted by wildone

  1. Depends what you want from your new exhaust. For out and out sounds and looks there is NOTHING like the Racefit Growler I'ts not cheap but it is THE business in top quaulity materials too --- you won't belive it's in the packaging when it comes because it weights nowt. SEE MY GROWLER NOW IN "DYNO TRUTHS " POSTING
  2. wildone replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Have your mate lean the bike over for you when it's standing still and on level ground Get down on your knees and see how much, and what shape, the rubber is which is actually touching the road. While you are down on your knees put a word in for yourself if you are still determined to get your knee down with that combination "Start off by practicing walking on water" may be the reply you'll get.
  3. wildone replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Classics
    Sorry drewpy but I can't describe them any better and I can't send any images (yet)
  4. wildone replied to Sonny r 125's post in a topic in Naked
    Sorry Sonny r 125 ---- just disreard my advice and buy the tyres that are recomended by those who sell them.. Surely that too will only be an opinion. ( but biased) I'll stand by my opinion that much of tyre performance exists between our ears and our mind set affects many of the contributing factors like corning speed, weight position and angle of lean which are infiitely variable anyway.
  5. wildone replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Classics
    Your wire work looks good enough for me BUT ---- I prefer locking washers which can be made at the correct radius and hole centres to pick up on two adjacent bolts ( I.E. three washers required) When making them alow each end to overlapp the extremities of the bolt hexagons in order that they may be bent up and over an appropriate flat The big advantage of this is that the bolt heads don't need to be drilled and the washers can be carefully used again (and again)
  6. wildone replied to Gas up - Let's Go!'s post in a topic in The Bar
    I had just fitted an ashtray to my R1 but my seat belt made it difficult for me to reach it.
  7. wildone replied to steved's post in a topic in General
    I would have made sure that I met THE local traffic warden ( or at least A local traffic warden) after my very first ticket and simply asked him for his interpretation as to where I could, or could not, park. Whether you like it or not HIS ( or her) OPINION matters and it always helps to talk !
  8. wildone replied to Sonny r 125's post in a topic in Naked
    Tyres are as good as you think they are If you believe in them you won't even notice them but if you have read , or heard, of a problem you will spend your whole ride-time waiting for it to happen AND IT WILL HAPPEN because of that Tread depth and tread pattern are largely a fashion accessory in the dry because their only function in life is to move water. Contrary to the law and to street cred a modern tyre is at it's best (IN THE DRY) when the tread has disapeared all together. Unfortunately that optimum condition is quickly followed by the exposure of the carcass itself and then it must be binned before it bins you
  9. wildone replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    I never thought you were stupid. You asked a question and I simply gave you my simple honest opinion. I'm only right for some of the time especialy when it's only personal opinion -- but I do my best. Sorry !
  10. wildone replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    There is a petition / blog running now on-line in the Newspaper which is local to Croft Google / search it up on "Northern Echo" and fill your boots. I have already blogged to ask them for the addresses of any local businesses that are doing well finacially in order that I may move in next door to them and then retire on the proceeds of a rediculous complaint I'm sure that I can hear someting when Bisley "is on" and thereby it could well be damaging my hearing because I only live about 250 miles away but I daren't claim in case I get shot.
  11. wildone replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    My attittude to kids riding pillion is as near as possible to the attitude that I have with adults ----- I won't ever encourage you to ride motorbikes either up - front - or on - the - back. That decision is YOURS !. Once you have made that decision I will help, advise, insist and all of those things BUT NOT BEFORE The big difference with kids is that YOU must apply the common sense that they lack. They only think that they know everything BUT you KNOW that they don't. Once they have idicated a desire to ride I apply the basics ----- can they get on and off ? ---- does their leg length actually allow their feet to reach both footrests (at the same time) -------- are they physically strong enough to hold - on. You (hopefully) have the common sense and you must let it prevail. It is much better for you to have erred on the side of safety than living with the knowledge that "you didn't"
  12. wildone replied to forest's post in a topic in General
    I ordered my R1 from only an artists impression and specification promises in an MCN edition of Oct. '97. I took delivery of mine from the very first batch in the Spring of '98 in fact I rode it home from the dealers in a snow storm and I was so impressed with its out and out performance that I still have it now in it's eleventh year. I tell you this and I now add to that reality that I'd already had big Exups and Aces and thereby here claim my right to having a Yamaha opinion. Being forever a realist I must say that the best Yamaha EVER has yet to be built BUT the best built to date is the RD 500 I used to say "for a five hundred this bike is good" but after a very short time I just said "this is bike's GOOD . (full stop)" No one ever built a vee four two stroke 500 to go on an economy run or even to tour with but I used to equate the fuel consumption to pouring petrol from a jug. That is NOT a complaint it is simply an honest example of how performance costs money. Power needs to be married with other essentials to make a great bike and this example had all of those goodies too. It went, it stopped, it steered and it looked stunning whilst doing so --- I look forward to finding a better Yamaha but I feel that the environmentalists are trying very hard to ensure that I look in vain.
  13. wildone replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    O.K. then heres my introduction -------- I've been riding bikes since 1959. At that time I was still in school and there being no stupid limits to the engine size I actually rode a 350 to school each day. To be honest my 350 was probably LESS powerfull than a modern 125. I've had a BSA Super Rocket since the early 60's but I've always kept my "usable bikes" up to date through Bonnies, a Jota (for 14 years) ,1000 cc Exup X 2, Urban Tiger Blade, big Gixers, Blackbird, and the original 1998 R1 which I still have in it's Red and white livery. I keep the mileage down on my R1 by using a Zed 10R Kwacker for serious riding. My wife would explain that I'm NOT the born - again - biker I'm the one that never went away.