Everything posted by wildone
Addendum to Wild Buch posting
Please find listed below the details of this years Durham / NorthEast Charity Easter egg run. As I asked of you in my previous posting ---- Why not start your season by making some hospitalised kids special for a day ? Meet at TESCO, Dragon Lane / Rennys Lane , Gilesgate, Durham 12th April at 09.15hrs for registration. ( Tesco's always have eggs at all prices "on the day" to make your donation simple and eggstreemly safe) Leave Tesco about 10.00ish then off to Darlington Memorial Hospital , stop there for a cuppa while eggs are delivered, then on to Durham University Hospital to deliver their eggs too. Once all are delivered it’s on to Aykley Heads for tea, biscuits and a bit of a road casualty chat / presentation. (nothing too indepth!) Look forward to seeing you ALL there, hopefully SNOW FREE!!!!!! THIS YEAR.
how fast is fast?
"It is alleged"
I was too old in the 7o's to wear platforms drewpy. If you couldn't stop the bike you just went round again.
how fast is fast?
This lovely little bike can do ANYTHING up to 69 mph going to Sunday School
Dyno Truths
Given a decent run - in at it , Mark h , this thing would probably cross the water from your Island without a ferry ! It definitly does a genuine 69 mph !
Yet another groundbreaking Yam
The Yamaha TY 250 Monoshock quickly established itself as the yardstick trials iron . It overcame it's original "too expensive" tag and became the "MUST HAVE" and was the one to beat for years on end. The one shown below is from the original batch but had it's frame, swinging arm and exhaust system chromed too whilst it was sleaved down to 200 cc's to come within the engine size permitted for B Class (younger 11 > 13 yearolds) Youth's
kids going pillion
Thanks for your comment Geoffxt but it reminded me of an NHS Doctor who said years ago that he had treated 2 kids who were hurt riding motorbikes and he deployed his higher education to multipy those two by the number of A.C.U events that were running that day and thereby decreed that the whole thing must stop forthwith. His Union (or is it "association" ) the BMA then jumped straight on that bandwagon and there was a massive hue and cry to stop all junior motorsports I was forced to produce my own personal STATISTICS which were based strictly on the truth that -------- My Son was competing (I MEAN COMPETING) in about 80 events every year. He had neither been injured , nor ill enough to be absent from school since he had started ! He had been to ONE BIRTHDAY PARTY in a modern church hall and had run through a glass window which looked like a push - open door. He was admitted to hospital, missed about 3 weeks school and even more weeks of competition. Therefore STATISTICALLY --- in His case Church Halls were 100% dangerous --- glass should be banned forever --- birthday party's should not be allowed ever again. I published those rediculous statistics to redicule those who were deploying similar rubbish against our motorsport and the BMA went back to doing that which they are well paid to do for us. In short Geoffxt no one can argue with you BUT if you wrap your children up in cotton wool and protect them from every possible threat they certainly won't be alowed out of the house and they may then fall down the stairs or inhale the cotton wool (God Forbid Please) "Live and let live" may be appropriate
snow Joke, or is it?
Not in this Scarborough Snow they won't drewpy
Dyno Truths
With a Racefit Growler and re-tuned to suit it through a power commander this docile little motorycle for the Sons of Gentlefolk produced 177 BHP AT THE TYRE here on this dyno without the advantages of the on-road ram - air effect.
snow Joke, or is it?
Get the kids playing in the snow like this (see below) Then they will leave the s. h. 1. t. elsewhere
My bike
I think that the fitting of the Exup transformed the mid-range power and it's delivery throughout the FZR range However the coming onslaught / con of un-leaded fuel was a massive step in the opposite direction I enjoyed (in it's day) the particular 1000 Exup , shown below, because in my opinion it was a good looker and it was powerful on best leaded juice
A.N.OTHER great Yam
Please see my pic --- "Santa's Problem" as you can see the Great Man did managed to get this Xmas Pressie into our lounge and we didn't even have a chimney More seriously I would point out that these Yamaha TY 80's haven't been produced for many years now and yet they are still out there competing (and winning) all over the place. Their dirivitives from Mick Whitlock (Whitehawks) with Chrome Renolds frames and bigger wheeels were (ARE) even more competitive but that little 80cc motor / four speed gearbox used throughout was (STILL IS) unbustable and a great "real - bike" starting point for kids For that starting point reason I consider the TY80 to be not THE greatest Yam but certainly one of the great efforts.
I.D. / Name all four
"Which Fantic ?"
I.D. / Name all four
You can see enough of these 4 bikes so name them exactly (no prizes)
kids going pillion
Who was (am) I to offer advice about such things --- I came across this image (see below) when looking for something else. My Son seen on the "front" (which is even worse than on pillion of course) has survived all such stupid malpractice and is now a 6 ft. 4 ins. child Looking at the image NOW makes my blood run cold to think what could have happened. The bike is actually moving and has just carried the little extra load from the street-end where he waited with his Mother for me to return. It is framed coming up a ramp at the bottom of the drive ------ have a close look at His little hands grasping my wrists. If his grip had failed he could well have been decapitated by the blade of the screen. Lets not go into the riding gear at all because mine is worse than his and I'd just ridden about 15 miles All that I can say, again, is SORRY all around divster and assure you that I've learned since then and I can be more than a little boring because I recognise how much luck factor had applied throughout. Referring to my advice about ensuring that the kids decide for themselves --- My Son Michael Geoffrey was named after Hailwood and Duke. He had an ACU competition licence on his 6th. birthday. He rode in about 80 events a year (every Sunday and most Saturdays) for eleven years. My theory was that by the time he was old enough to ride on the road he would either be mega competant in his riding skills by then OR he would,t bother at all. He is now an out and out, dyed in the wool, bike fanatic and he makes MY riding look pathetic. Good luck to him divster and good luck to you and yours What certainly applys to me is "The older I get the better I was ! "
Thunderace restriction?
If you release ALL of the Ace Horses the steering goes light especially at The Gooseneck
Is this a Wild Bunch or what ?
Contrary to general belief we are not ALL Bad on the Northeast Fronteer. Why not join us in a little charity gesture this Easter and make some hospitalised kids happier for a day.
Thanks taskmaster you "put it better" than me ! Same thanks to drewpy -- the bacon slicer went years ago and the front stopper is a Taylor / Eddie Dow twin leading shoe effort. When compared to modern muti piston three disc systems the rocket's brakes are still only slowing down gestures.
The same people who openly admired the changes / improvements which I made to BSA's efforts now all say "It's not original" I here ask who cares ? If I intended to sell the machine (after owning it for over 40years) I would realise more cash / asking price by reducing it back to it's boring original BUT while it's still mine I like it the way I have it.
69 M.P.H. your worship !
I love it Jam but it looks too tall for me gammy leg. Whats all the white stuff on the floor --- did you spill your polish
Self Expanatory Image
Good Old Topic Re-Visitted
A picture is worth a thousand words and therefore the only words required with this image are -- Big Fourstrokes Beware !
Oily brake disk
Oil in that area can only be from either the forks or the brake cylinders If it reapears after only 100 yards why not try both of the possibilities seperately --- The brake oil possibility can be explorred after thorough cleaning by then simply applying full brake pressure repeatedly and vigourously whilst stood still Brake oil / fuid is often difficult to see (if it's clean) so you could apply some chalk around the suspect area and watch how, and from where , the contamination progresses Surely you will notice a loss of fluid from the resevoir too ? If no evidence is produced in these brake system tests then simply pump the forks up and down until you see oil leakage from them OR stop riding close behind your mate who has no oil rings left in his motor.
Hiya from the south (I mean REALLY SOUTH!)
You really are from down South (and East too) When we Brits reach N.Z we are on our way home again which ever way we go ! I don't know anything about bike prices on your side of the world but the ONLY thing that was ever wrong with the OWO1 was that after you had forked out a rediculous amount for it you found that (in a straight line) you couldn't keep up with an "ordinary" 100 Exup which was 30% of the cost It was a truly great bike and it actually ticked all of the rolling chassis boxes but slipping in an "Exup 1000 lump" was the done thing BUT WHY DIDN'T YAMAHA DO THAT as an option for the road going non-formula riders