Strange PM?
I just deleted a message from the very same tosser, too. He/she should get a life and do something constructive and useful that defines their reason for existing.
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xs400rj flasher relay location and access
ok, then the relay you need is one that is not for led's but for normal indicators. we got ours from bike-bits-n-bobs on ebay ... who provides a genuine service. it does state on the information that the relay unit is for either led's (which is a much lower wattage and will not work) or for normal indicators ... and so you should ensure you got the one that is designed specifically for normal indicators and not leds
xs400rj flasher relay location and access
Reply is: had exactly the same on an XJ750 Seca, and discovered that it's the pinouts on the original relay being different to the universal type: our Yamaha relay had a three pin connector but with only two terminals connected: the middle one and only one at the side pins. If your replacement relay is the same as our was, when you look at the back of your relay you will notice that the one that isn't connected is the 'X' terminal: this in the power feed, and pretty important. So, split the plug - it is designed to be openable - and removed the connectors inside. Attach on to each side connector, ignoiring the top one completely, and it wil work with the wires one way round - i think the polarity is important. Having tested it and found it working, refit the connectors into the plug (remembering left and right are transposed when looking at it face-on), and test it before closing the plug up, and slot the new relay into its new home. Have fun My new 12v 23watt indicators now flash on and off quite happily. Hope this helps.
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Gas-up ... I hadn't realised just how sensitive folk really are about the whole issue ... the sensitivity surrounding it all is quite interesting in itself. Yes, you could be right ... I edited it out ... it had 'had its moment'. It doesn't affect me as I exist in both 'camps' and not just one or the other. Ending it here is good!
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Taskmaster ... it was not a Harleys Rule debate. It was an 'intentionally put the cat amongst the pigeons and see what reaction I get' debate. It was a way of amusing myself as a distraction from a gruelling essay I should have been writing. I was having a bit of fun. I attempted to 'liven up' the forum momentarily ... and we can always rely on that type of debate to stir things up a bit. And, from personal experience ... ALL bike dealers are out to make a profit: aren't they? I thought that was what businesses were in business for: 1. to provide a service to those who need it AND 2. to make a profit. In short: no profit = no point!
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
I see: that was Drewpy being cheeky ... I had left a reply to one of your comments, and then realised I had other comments to add to that, and instead of going back to my first reply and adding it to that, I opened up another comment box ... and so, it looked as though I was commenting on one of my own quotes: which I wasn't! I am outta here!
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
No, Cov-al ... it wasn't you! I only had a brief look at "He's home" and did not read your offering. I enjoy a good debate. I purposefully "put the cat among the pidgeons", so to speak, to see what reactions it would elicit from people.
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Aren't you the funny one, Drewpy! If you had followed the 'thread' you would realise it was an extension of my previous comment to Goff, although it does look like I am talking to myself! Oh well, guess I have reached that age.
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Hey Steve ... quite incidentally, so am I! (just a simple Yam owner, that is).
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
Nice try, Steve! I do not sell Harley Davidson or Victory bikes.
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