Personally, my biggest gripe is the proposal to make the testing and information data-bases a 'uni-lateral' system, in my opinion the more information thats collated the more fnck ups that happen, it all becomes way too complicated for 'inputers' to handle and goes tits up-recent example is the HMRC tax mess, how many have heard of the DVLA sending drivers licenses back with categories missing?(this happened to a Police Chief inspector !), or not getting them returned at all, Home Office and NHS discs going missing, Bank customer data discs turning up in bus stations etc etc
These are my own opinions and in no way de-mean or slander any one in particular-but-the bottom line seems to be that technology is making life more difficult, which is a paradox, its supposed to make our lives easier !
technology systems and data-bases are becoming more and more complex and are run/administered by humans and we're not 'keeping up', remember the old days when you went to a bank with a book and the teller lifted an inked stamp and thumped your book and a receipt,-counted the money in or out-job done
I need to go chop some more wood,,,,,