Everything posted by barkwindjammer
New Bike owner from New Hampshire
Feck, shit night at the bingo guys Hi Erin and welcome to the 'ward'
Reducing Vibration
Start from the tarmac and move up, like Al says tyres, wheel balance, wheel bearings, swing arm bearings, fork seals, head bearing etc etc, sometimes you can tell if its engine or frame/cycle parts that are causing the BUZZZZZ
Arrrr! Indicator bulb help!!!
Phone or E-mail Demon Tweeks ?
Day Trip to France
Right everyone lets start bombarding Johns mobile number with stupid text messages
New Guy From Florida
Hi and welcome to the nuthouse Joe, take your headphones off-your shouting
Starter not turning motor
Turbo's first run
Sounds sweet Knight, wait 'til Foamy sees this
Hi there
Hi Ian and welcome to the 'ward'
Morning all
Hi and welcome to the nuthouse Terry
Hello, new member here.
Hi Wings (sounds like an indigenous name) welcome to the 'ward' , lucky find btw
I'm Back, Sorta
Sorry to hear this JYA12R, glad your getting well enough to nip in and say Hi-all the best for your recovery
hello everyone
Hi and welcome to the 'ward' John
Yamaha SR125 engine swap? Need help
http://selleckwaterfallsandwich.tumblr.com/post/343399016/the-official-selleck-waterfall-sandwich-theme-song click play, its near the middle of the page
radiator cap
Its not meant to do anything except seal the expansion bottle
Hey there
Being a bit of a lazy kent +1 for the Varadero-less polishing to do
Any good welders on ere?
Best bet would be to find a small welding/fabricating company in your area, there are usually 'one man outfits' in small industrial sites-google it
I know, I know, this should be in 'Bloke page'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXOVO4rc7mo&feature=player_embedded#at=119 Foxy huh ! is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking ? 1 minute 42 seconds a cheap brake bleed vacuum pump Uh,
radiator cap
is there any reason to doubt that its working ?
Just want to say hello
Hi Bernie and welcome to the Y-O-C
Hey there
Hi and welcome to the Y-O-C thingwy , good luck with the bike decision- bet your heads spinning
another xj6
Hey hey hey nice one Mervin, is it the ABS version ?-hope to see some pics soon, keep your hands on the grips of this one and not behind your head
A voice everyone will recognise
R I P John Maus (Walker) guitarist and 'the voice' of 60's group the Walker brothers who passed on at the weekend
Front brake issues
When you inject the fluid through the nipple and there is no resistance (i.e. the top banjo is loose) the fluid should reach the top banjo
Front brake issues
Ok, seriously, I use the back fill method cos I find it the easiest, follow the instructions as before, to get a tight seal on the nipple I have used PTFE (plumbers tape) on the nipple, but as you have a new one then all should be ok-you can expect a weep from the threads-this is normal, open the top banjo half to 3/4 turn, use the syringe to 'slowly' force the fluid through the nipple into the pots,when it reaches the 'top' banjo-close the bleed end and then the banjo end with me so far ?
Front brake issues
Ok, not being there I now have a clearer picture where the hell did you get that jumper