Everything posted by barkwindjammer
Second sitting
yes I think it is, its Welsh tho' isnt it !
Second sitting
you could fence a sow in a lane with thighs like that (an old welsh compliment) if I'm informed correctly.
Hi to everyone
Hi and welcome, av been on here for a week so I'm a 'newbie' 2, and av got an xj600s which I think is very similair to the 'seca', I think its somethin to do with the marketing, anyway av not got a pic yet to post on here yet, hope to see a pic of yours too.
Gritted roads
me neither Ian, I need to preview my posts, I meant to say doesnt 'look' too old age friendly,
XJ600 Not starting
And of course you've tried the obvious,, although you didnt list them, fuel fuel tap kill switch ,or it could be your starter button/wiring I have no idea how to test the latter, good luck, will be watching this topic, av got a divvy !
Gritted roads
This is my first winter using a bike, correct me if I'm talking 'Betty' here, do salted roads which have had no rainfall to wash them have a slight 'glaze' on them, I kno some of the other slip hazards, like- White lines, man-hole covers, 'segment transition strips (the tar line that joins, well,,,joins), banana skins, KY, and laminate flooring pieces-yep thats laminate flooring pieces. I've not had a slide but it doesnt too 'old age friendly.
whats wrong with these people?
right after I posted that your wee avatar flashed into my mind, an I thought "oh no", the voice in my head sounding remarkably like Churchill, no old git, I've went off trumpets thoughts like that can leave a bad taste ! lol
whats wrong with these people?
Trumpets !
yer I am, anyway back to the topic,,when that wee mite grows up and is in high school, who's gonna pick her kids up from primary ?
down shifting
Bring on the trumpets, I couldnt resist that ! "give me one moment in time" playing in the background, Alan Partridge stylee.
1 advert that I think may be subversive to our youth is that "bring on the trumpets" one, what does everyone else think ?
down shifting
Monday is no laughing matter, let me tell ya !
Zeus the greek god
What?, just like that, jeez o.was it valentines night ?
down shifting
some of you may mock, but am 42, just got a 600 divvy (a comforting sort of name for a bike ) so this kind of input is, well, unvaluable to no vices, like wot I am, so am gonna make a confession, yes, sometimes I am a cabron !, there.
xj600 takes ages to start
xj600s backfiring once on start, what causes might this be ?
North of Scotland Diversion's
Hi Derek I've just joined this forum, and the biking world since passed test in october, I'v got a 600 diversion a 2000 model, green, been out on her only on 4 occasions due to the freezing weather(its pish) !.
For the newbies
am not getting my head round on how to use this site and need some help please
ee chuffed ta bits
Very nice divvy that,av just joined this forum and just got my divvy in middle o december.