Everything posted by barkwindjammer
and here's one for OG, the Mobylette discus !
XJ600S Fuel Tap Weirdness
The prime is used after you run out, or some other interruption in the fuel line (changing the filter etc) prime allows the free flow of fuel to the carbs under gravity, the fuel is sucked into the carbs when the tap is ON or RESERVE, so you would have the tap to ON when removing the tank from the bike, you still get a small dribble of fuel left in the tubing, if the tap was on PRIME,,,,,,, it would piss out
Hi OG you can get that one from 'thinkgeek.com', while your there check this out too,
Fess up, and step forward if you do'nt already have one of these, Handai get back in line !
is the new test??
is it just a rumour that the new test is sponsored by you-tube ?
What day is it?
Foamy has a point you kno, every day has a different name (I learned this at school long time ago), could Friday be Fann,,,,,,,,,,,,, one of the moderators has taken my post down !
Word Association Thread
National Mobylisation
my ebay bargain
You shoulda said, I would av painted your old tank for 20
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
50p (in todays money)
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
Dastardly (MP)
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
We're boxed in
been checking Flea-bay for millenia for one of these and some brastrad always beats me to it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36dYpDkQ1U4
Word Association Thread
Late !
Word Association Thread
Jordan (aka Katy Price)
Word Association Thread
- fz6 fazer
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
'Divvy', (Foamy ! it cost him 50d or p, this guy is our ticket outa the recession, show some respect)
my little pony: the movie
My wee sister had the one called "baby lickety split" now come on whats going on ?
the KISS shred
LMAO Chaka Khan !
Word Association Thread
Whats all this shouting ?