Everything posted by barkwindjammer
A plea!
this wont be your first day will it?,
dunno, Foamy good wi that stuff, wot about 'boto-fucket' jeez ma tourettes is bad 2day
A plea!
But no moleys?, get your act together, you cant do proper bodges without the right gear think LD's cracked it-good 1
you mean its not on you-tube yet ?
A plea!
could you drill thru the selector and shaft and put a wee bolt thru ? many years ago I used mole grips as a selector, not asthetic I kno, and was a c@nt if you hit the release lever ! good luck Foamy am sure the good peeps on here will get it sorted
Hey Jimbo you still havent answered the Q: "your at a wedding,,,,,,,,," ?
before I saw a photo of Karen Carpenter I thought she would look like Jessica Rabbit---wot a dissy !
lol, Quality Dave !, wot about lazing on a sunny afternoon-the Kinks
OldGit's Rideout...
Brings back memories that, couple of years ago I went into a 'massage parlour' in the city, I strolled up to the desk and asked the girl, "how much is it for a w@nk"?, and she said "we dont do discounts love, the prices are the same for everyone " hmphh
Look what i got!
better than the other one, it had a face that looked like a road-kill !
Other forms of transport
This is Angus, he's getting on a bit and is a grumpy old b@sturd, cheap to run though, and a wee bit slow, was thinking of changing the bars ?, maybe 'street-fighter' him a little ?
That reminds me !
lol ok any summer toon then
Under The Seat ..
dont be a bloody idiot man, theres a pic of it !, unless u cant see the pic , sorry, was a bit quick to judge there.
lol, thats not a lass, thats a heffer, anyway, fav summer toon ?
oh dear, God bless !
Now !, everyone likes ABBA, just that some people need the right setting, i.e. next time your at a wedding and that smouldering, taute, 19 yr old asks you up, and you've got 6 pints of best bitter inside you and dancing queen's playin, wotcha gonna say Jimbo ? , anyway wots your fav' summer toon ?
Manual for a Jawa
Under The Seat ..
its not the hexa-dipole cranomalometer, thats got an additional metal bit next to the hole, and two hooks not just one ! defo a pic needed love
On second thoughts is it Fernando ?
Jeez your a proud lot, ok al start ! Chiquitta ! there its as easy as that
Word Association Thread
Are they taking the mick?
All time favourite summer toons? and least but not last what is your mostest favourite ABBA song ? (diversity friendly) My all time fav' is Kingston town by UB40 (summer/winter compatability) next fav' 'Waterfall' by the mighty Stone Roses
Word Association Thread
Dynamite (the real thang, much more expensive, granted)