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Everything posted by divster

  1. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    speedfreak, who me noo never im a law abiding citizen im just totally powerhungry yamigirl , that is a really tasty gixer nice one
  2. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    cheers bud , yes it will be a b12 engine , cos the next stage will be turbo
  3. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    eyup, ive finally found my log in details (motherboard decided to detonate ) anyway cos you asked goff but more been getting done mainly bodywork this is how its shaping up all bodywork is now got first coat of primer on
  4. divster replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    im very slowly in the process of building a bandit fighter because ive always wanted to do one but never had the know how and cash, but the way im doing it is how i want , my ideas its so far taken me 18 months of learning many new things in the process just taken the engine out cos im prepping everything for paint , and its now going to have a gsxr600k1 rear end , because the gsxr swingarm/zxr wheel isnt working so thats more work to do
  5. divster replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    the rattle , mine does too rattles like a bag of spanners
  6. divster replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    so because its got a few extra holes here n there it means its a total wreck , the fact is its still on the road same goes for my divvyrat i got it for nowt , fairing was buggered so it came off the nexxus pipe had an interface with the grinder and ive today shoved a renegade pipe on the rear mudguard has been chopped,plate moved to right under the brake light i get more people lookin now than before
  7. divster replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    it way too hard to narrow it down iron maiden any song by them cos thats what ive grown up with this was my collection before i had to sacrifice the cds
  8. divster replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    i always give a nod to other bikers apart from the snotty little gimps on the peds (they really do my head in) i will even nod harley riders tho most of the time they just look at the divvyrat and turn theyre nose up
  9. divster replied to cumbriacarl's post in a topic in The Bar
    spot on bargain ive had a stroke of luck today too ,went to the local autojumble managed to pick up a gsxr600k1 rear rim to go on the bandit got home and checked fleabay and theyre all over a ton plus
  10. divster replied to seca2ya's post in a topic in The Bar
    if im correct the seca is the us name for the diversion 600 i think
  11. divster replied to seca2ya's post in a topic in The Bar
    i havnt really noticed a powerband cos mine gets full bore most of the time, theyre quick when they need to be thats all i can say
  12. urr

    divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    oh ok cheers for that info
  13. urr

    divster posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    have i been naughty or something just ive noticed that thing that says warn % wot is it ? <
  14. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    ive had a stint on the dark side before with my ol'gpz750r and just couldnt resist the urge
  15. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    was ...no no...IS that how im running it and yes it stupidly loud (no baffles) well like the saying loud pipes save lives ,i just destroy peoples eardrums
  16. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    fraid not im in the middle of my bandit fighter and the divvy is the abusee till thats done, and the wifey will have an absolute bitchfit if another bike came to live ere i aint even going that route belive me it aint pretty
  17. divster posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    well im amazed it lasted 2 years but the urge to the dark side was too strong why...cos this bike is ridden all year round (well not in foot deep snow that i'll admit to) and it was looking sorry for itself
  18. divster replied to HalHark's post in a topic in The Bar
    glad ya got out mus admit its been bloomin nice today, well it would be if it wernt so windy been out on the divvy all day here n there , went to sherburn for a coffee (needed to thaw out cos it got seriously chilly ) it was nice to see the place packed again and then to see a mates gixer slabside fighter so had a dam good drool over that and scored a gsxr swingarm for my bandit fighter and other bits roll on summer the wife wont see me much
  19. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    firstly i will say thank you to all who have replied / given advice , the general impression i get is that those who have children whove grown up around bikes generally get on the back my kids will be , if they want to
  20. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    well i seemed to open a reet can o worms on this one no way would i want to say to my kids hey hop on the back of the bike cos ya may die wtf! personally i will admit that when im out by myself i do go slightly mental taking the divvy to all its limits i dont fire the bike up on a sunny day thinkin mm todays a good day to die , hell if i thaught that i would have got mesen a nice little sardine can instead of a bike whenever i have someone on the back be it my wife or a friend then i do ride sensible, so when the time comes to take any of my kids out then then it will be a gradual thing , going round the estate where we live before we venture out on the open road
  21. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    strange that is , cos our rural (middle of chuffin nowhere) niddlerdale area they still use full size binny trucks
  22. divster replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    like its been said , get some road tyres, if ya cant get the to fit your rims, what about trying to convert it to road rims maybe from a 125 (ie motard )if its only road use ya do duno its an option personally ive never tried getting my knee down just dont feel right to me ..yeah ok my bottle goes but im quite happy to grind the tips off my boots then having the same bike for a while i tend get used to the feel all my bikes i deck the pegs (even did on the gs1100 i had and that had rearsets..didnt realise id taken some of the side casing too )
  23. divster replied to swanny's post in a topic in The Bar
  24. divster replied to divster's post in a topic in The Bar
    my apologies wildone if it came across badly
  25. youre right it does look like summat outta scrapheap challenge , my mate would probably have a good giggle at that comment,this is one bike that is kept on the road by any means its held together with more cable ties than i dare to imagine