Everything posted by Captain Starfire
TRX farewell tour
Just to wrap up the story...... The old TRX took me 34,000 miles in 7 years at an average cost of 23.51 p per mile - that's everything, down to the grease and screen polish (stop those cries of "Anal Retentive!" at the back there). One new chain at 26,000, plenty of wear left on the current one. best fuel consumption 58-69 MPG (european gallons, slightly bigger than US ones) measured over three consecutive tankfulls. Highest speed seen on the clock just over 145 MPH - say, 135 ish for real (I never got used to the way the bellypan grounded out before the footpegs). Passed on with original shocks, discs, clutch cable and battery. One new clock bulb, one new set fork seals, one new set each head and rear wheel bearings, home made new (leather) cover for the bum stop. By Gor, the old piano builders screw 'em together well. Honda build quality? I've sh*t 'em. Guess I'm now persona non grata on the Yamaha board - but I'll drop in from time to time to read the jokes if nowt else - this is the best club bulletin board I've ever seen - keep up the good work, folks. I have a feeling the Triumph owner's club will be a bunch of boring old farts by comparison. A bit like me really.
TRX farewell tour
I finally weakened and got my triple - a Trumpet Splint Arse in black. Sadly, the poor old Trixie has to go at the end of the month as I cann't justify two bikes (not even with one as a track day tool only). So I have been putting some serious farewell miles on it. I'll miss the booming roar of the big twin (but will have the nice snarl of a triple instead) and, despite having twenty five more horses to play with, the Trumpet actually seems slower.... a real old man's bike. But Ohhhh-ho-ho the heated grips! Now, where's my cloth cap and muffler - I'm off to sit in the snug bar boring eveyone stiff with the tales of the great days of long ago.
New bloke, gagging fot it !!
Nice iron. :thumb: Yea! TRXie owners ya bas! Two of anything you need two of plus one of anything you need one of is enough for any gentleman.
Things Not To Say To A Cop
How dare you say I was riding dangerously! I'm always extra careful when I've had a few pints. 90 MPH? But the needle never went over 60 (pointing to the rev counter on a big twin). It was not me that was speeding, officer, it was the car I was overtaking at the time. Stop pestering me or I'll kick your guide dog. I'll thank you to remember that you're only a public servant, and I am a member of the public.
The cost of bikes
Biking is like having fun in the company of loose women (as in "So loose they need screwing together at regular intervals). Worth every penny!
first off
Crashing - it ain't IF, it's WHEN, and how hard.
new yamaha driver on the road!
Wet.... So you look out of the window and it's coming down in stair-rods. A real Scottish summer. A genuine Devon Downpour. Noah never saw the like. You leather up, put on your rain suit and lid, stroll out to the bike, ride to work, park up, stroll into the building, take off lid, rain suit and leathers and change into a nice dry outfit. OR: You run out to the car getting soaked from the gale-driven rain slashing past horizontally, drop your keys in a puddle trying to open the door too quickly while the wet stuff runs down the neck of your shirt, steam gently in the car while stuck in slow traffic so you have to park miles from where you work, run from where you have parked through the blinding rain to the office/shop/factory/white slave parlour (delete as appropriate) on the way stepping in a puddle that decants itself into your shoe, get into the building with sodden clothes, a dripping wet sock, smelly jacket and hair plastered all down your face, and what do you say to the biker who's sat smugly at the desk in front of you? "I bet you got wet riding to work in this lot."
Newbie needing advice
1925! Great respect and more power to your elbow, oh Wind. Keep winding it on. B Not wishing to state the obvious, have you thought about a trike or sidecar outfit? (be a shame to neglect that lovely delectable iron..... Thou shalt not covet they neighbour's wife, nor the ox he keeps in a midden, But thank The Lord you're not forbidden to covet thy neigbour's old Indian). Hope I'm still capable of strapping leather if I survive to your age.
A simplhello
Everybody wishes everybody else hello...... and Merry Christmas..... Bah, humbug..... Late again.
TRX 850
Sorry mate - never come across it either. Fat lot of use us TRX owners are.
25 ways to impress a girl
How to impress a girl - my ten entries. 1. Sit in a bar licking your eyebrows. 2. Say "Am I glad to see you, or did I just put a wallet stuffed with £50 notes in my jacket pocket?" 3. Wear a diving suit and hold a sign saying, "Come and talk to me, I'M from a different planet." (Note: this may or may not not impress her, but a lot of people will point you out). 4. Put a bumper sticker on your brand new Porsche that says "My other car is a clapped out old Metro with a noisy exhaust". 5. Give her some little trifling present such as a 75 foot yacht. 6. When introduced to minor Royals, say "Oh, you lot are new money, then?" 7. Tell her you went to an East London comprehensive (for all you Yanks, read an East St Louis High School) but didn't let it prevent your success. 8. Show her the scars you got from doing routine bike maintenance and say, "Right, you've seen them now so we don't have to mention them ever again - I don't like talking about Afghanistan, OK?". 9. Ask her if she has an uglier sister at home so that you and (insert name of pop star here) can double date. 10. When taking her out to dinner, have the waiter bring a bottle of wine to your table with a note on it purporting to come from your admiring fans. None of the above ever seemed to work for me.
Let's find some scooter riders!
Our club pres getting ready for a Bank Holiday Ride-Out
i got a new toy
I've got the pieces for the ever popular "can of petrol and box of matches" game, if you want to borrow them.
Newb here ...
Wecome Mike. Good to see the stinkwheels are still around. Bring back the LC!
Cheers from Canada
Welcome to the forum. Ah! Canada! Beautiful average temperature, you know. -10 C in winter, +40C in summer to give an average of +15C..... I was in Toronto once and the figure was 90 (that's degrees Farenheit and percent humidity). Saw a riot while I was there, but the cops had to be called when an ice hockey match broke out in the middle of it (the old jokes are the best jokes). One day I will ride that trans-Canada highway end to end (cann't remember its name, but it is supposed to be the longest street in the world - I did a mere 200 miles of it and moved about half an inch on the map). Jeez, what's in this coffee?
Welcome! Gad! Another Fizzer! The wood are full of 'em... cann't move for tripping over the things... common as muck..... witter, witter, witter (Nice machines, though!)
Yamaha TDM850 Exhaust Backfire
My standard exhaust TRXie only backfires when I snap the throttle shut from high speed on an empty tank with the carbs running dry - i.e. when there is incipient fuel starvation. My old Honda XBR was a holy terror for backfiring on overrun thru the same cause. Useful for scaring away tailgaters, though. If you have fitted an aftermarket zorst, check the carburation in case you are running lean. My TRXie runs rich in any case, cos I'm to lazy to clean the air filter often enough.
Moto GP
Agree about Rossi - the Greatest Ever? Just think of his first Moto GP race on a Yamaha after he left Honda. Who else could have got that evil handling asthmatic wobbling grid over the line in first place. No wonder he kissed the track that day. Whatever Honda didn't want to pay him, I bet they are regretting it now. Respect. I'd back him as the best ever over Agostini and Hailwood - although Mike the Bike did come back and win a TT at a very advanced age on a less than suitable mount, and he was just as good with an evil handling machine, as his memorable duel with Ago many decades back showed. Doohan? Well, not for me. He was an ace, yes, but did not face up to really top class competition for many of his winning years and he was undeniably mounted on the fastest bike of all, but even Max Biaggi (and on one occasion Foggy!) gave him a close run for his money. Then there is Geoff Duke and Stan Woods........ not to mention our Transatlantic cousins. Anyone fancy posting a "Top ten riders of all time" to start a real bunch of flames?
Riding Gear in the Hot weather!
Full leathers. If it keeps cows cool.......
Just like to say Hi
. I allus thought the SRs of various sizes were a good bunch. But then I used to own a RXS 100. We need more power, Igor.... Get those 500 miles chopped off and then think big - nothing beats that feeling of letting rip for the first time on your first big bike.
Bonjour! Hei! Aloha! Guten Tag! Buenos Dias! And Welcome. Call it skin art!
It's Yamahead's 44th birthday!
An incredibly late Happy Birthday, matey. In the prescient words of Tom Lehrer... An awful debility, A lessened utility, A loss of mobility Is a strong possibility. In all probability We'll lose our virility (Or women your fertility) And desirability, And this liability Of total sterility Will lead to hostility And a sense of futility, So lets act with agility While we still have facility, For well soon reach senility And lose the ability. Just think - unless you live to be over 88 you have fewer days left to live than you have already lived. And on that cheerful note, I think I'll go and get drunk.
another nigerian-esque scam
I note the dear departed Mr Benson was a "...business magnet...." Can I please have the corpse to stick on the sump to attract any iron swarf in the oil?
HELLLLLLLPPPP!!!! I have just seen a Triumph Sprint RS at £3200 and I wan it I wan it I wan it. Being as how a bend nearly hit me in the face this PM (due to general doziness on my part, all TUBBIN - Thumb Up Bum, Brain In Neutral - anti-prat control switched to "OFF" mode) can someone convince me the TRX is all I need, PleasePleasePlease? It's the noise those triples make. But I can quit any time. Honest. NONONONONO - there is nothing so good as a big twin. Except perhaps a triple......... Hello? Triples Anonymous?
Just Suppose....
Dream Yam? Well, from its spec, the new Fazer thou looks like mega bang for mini bucks - all those horses for what is really small change in big bike cost terms. Bargain or what? The old TRX is getting a little ratty, so I may chnage next winter to something a lttle more "Suit You, Sir". Can anyone give a write up of the Fazer thou from an owners viewpoint? - The biking colour comics are about as informative as (spit) "Top Gear". (Note to non-UK inhabitants: "Top Gear" is a UK TV programme allegedly about everyday motoring. It normally does not review any car unless it costs more than, say, a house. The main presenter hates motorbikes. He owns a new Ford GT40 that keeps breaking down. Thank you, God.)