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Everything posted by kelpike

  1. kelpike posted a post in a topic in General
    Do the K&N filters for bikes get oiled like the automotive filters? I recently bought a bike that came with them. They were not installed before I bought the bike.
  2. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in General
  3. kelpike posted a post in a topic in General
    Is a compression gauge and a gauge used for syncing carbs the same gauge? Obviously the ends would be different, but I'm wondering about the gauge itself. I am asking because I do not have access to a set of gauges to sync my carbs, however, Harbor Freight near my house sells Compression gauges for like $5 each. If they are the same, I could just buy four of the comp gauges.
  4. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Doe anyone know where I can get a new petcock or a rebuild kit for a petcock for a 1986 FJ1200? Or do other years fit this year? My local dealer says he cannot get one.
  5. I had an issue getting my FJ1200 to start. After checking how much fuel was coming out of tank, and not getting much, I took the petcock apart and it was stuck closed. Now I have to buy another one, but the local dealer cannot get me one. In the meantime, I put it back together just to get the bike running. After warming the bike up for a while, the idle started to get kinda high. After about ten minutes, the motor sounded different, (I cant explain) and the idle started to drop, then the bike stalled. The fuel light was on, but there seemed to be plenty of fuel in the tank. The bike did start right back up but I did not want to run it long in case there was something serious wrong. Does this sound like a serious issue or does it sound like maybe the petcock is just not working properly? Is there anything else I should check? Should I do a compression check on the motor?
  6. I have an 1986 FJ1200. I might have a chance to purchase a FJ1100 without the motor. I am wondering if there are any posts that possibly list the compatable parts of these 2 bikes? Or does anyone know what parts would fit? What might a parts bike without motor be worth? A few parts off the top of my head I need are handlebars, centerstand, cables, front fender, windshield, possibly brake parts. A few things that I would consider changing depending on condition and if they fit are forks, body parts, wheels, etc... Come to think of it, maybe I'll just put my motor in the 1100 frame, ha
  7. Yea its all around the fins on top of the motor. I was just a little reluctant to spraying any water around the top of the motor. I have wiped every area I could get to, its just hard getting in around the motor fins.
  8. My 86 FJ1200 had an oil leak from the valve cover gasket. I replaced the gasket. Everytime I run the bike, it smokes like crazy. Is there an easy way to get the oil from the top of the motor?
  9. I have a post on here about my bike only running for a few seconds then stalling everytime I try to start it. I just realized yesturday that my petcock was frozen so it was only allowing a small amount of fuel to the carbs. Not sure if you have the same problem, but its worth checking out.
  10. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I turned the air/fuel mixture screws slightly one way until I did one complete turn of the screw. That did nothing, so I did the same thing but the opposite way. That still did nothing. So I did the same thing with the idle screw I think its called. Nothing seems to help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  11. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    1986 FJ1200. I just took the tank back off my bike to adjust carbs for a hard starting issue and noticed that the elbow that comes out of the petcock and the fuel line attaches to was kind of loose and shows signs of leaking. Is there supposed to be some kind of rubber washer to hold that in tight? I did notice that there is a groove cut in the elbow. Do I need to purchase a whole new petcock? I really want to stay away from removing the petcock if at all possible.
  12. Is it common for all four to seize up?
  13. 1986 FJ1200. Front brakes do not work at all. Is there any way to test the master or the calipers? I'm just about to put the bike on the road and I don't want to spend the time or money replacing parts that do not need to be replaced. Is there a chance that both calipers on each side do not work at all? Can one work without the other?
  14. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    The choke appears to be working fine. My Clymer manual isn't very clear and I just ordered a Haynes. Until that comes in can someone explain or is there a website that explains how to do the adjust the different carb settings?
  15. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Can you explain how to go about checking that?
  16. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    When I try to start the bike, I have the choke on, it keeps starting for 2 to 3 seconds then stalls. This happens countless times, each time it seems like it will keep running. Eventually I keep doing this and continue to turn the choke off as the seconds increase or the idle seems higher. Touching the throttle at all will stall the bike. Then eventually it will run, and shortly after that the throttle can be used. The carbs were recently rebuilt and the manual says there is no fuel pump. What steps should I take to resolve this? Thanks for any suggestions.
  17. The bike would not start at all, I unbolted the gas tank so I could hold the filter semi vertical and she tried to run as best she could. Then when I took the filter off, she ran fine.
  18. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    My front brakes do not move at all. Is ther any way to test the front calipers on my FJ1200 so I don't replace them to find out there is something else causing my problem.
  19. I tried to install a inline fuel filter because my tank shows a little rust in it, and I just had my carbs rebuilt. Does this have to be straight up and down because the bike would not run with it laying sideways?
  20. My bike (1986 FJ1200) was purchased with aftermarket handlebars. I bought stock bars and bar ends. During the install I realized that someone must have lowered the front end when they installed the bars. Is there anything I need to watch out for when I bring the front end back up so I can install the stock bars?
  21. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    This is for a 86 FJ1200. I am changing the gasket on the valve cover, (cylinder cover according to manual). Not the haed gasket, just the cover gasket. On the motor side right where the gasket sits, there are 8 treaded holes, however, no screws go into these holes. These holes sit directly under the gasket and are very easy to see in the manual. Some of these have somehow filled with oil, but some havn't. Should I clean the oil out of these before I install the gasket? I know its not much oil, but it seams this oil would heat up and perhaps affect my gasket in time. Also, should I use some sealant to hold the gasket to the cover so it stays in place when I flip it over to install it? Thanks for any replies.
  22. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Seeing that I just bought the bike, I am trying to only replace what I have to until I can ride it a little and make sure there are no serious motor or drivetrain issues. Is there a way to test each of these so I can fix whichever is bad for now? I have already invested more than I should have considering I don't know what else might be wrong with the bike. I do plan on totally restoring if the bike ends up being worth it.
  23. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I can't remember how to add pics to posts. But I will try to add this link to it in the gallery section. Mine is the last bike at the bottom of the page. http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...1526&st=240
  24. kelpike replied to kelpike's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    How do I know which model I have? I'm not sure if I have the 3CV or the 3XW?
  25. kelpike posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I just bought a 1986 FJ1200. The front brakes do not work at all. There was no fluid in the reservoir and the cap screw was stripped out. I was able get the screw out and filled the res. I thought the system just needed to be bled, however, after bleeding, they still do not work at all. I'm not even sure where to start with this issue. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.