DTR 125 Not Starting
Yup, definately a sign of too much air coming from somewhere. Use the good old carb cleaner trick to check for leaks.
75 DT175 Bogging
I am thinking of buying a bike, it's a 1975 yamaha dt 175. The problems is that it bogs down when the rpms are under say 3 or 4k rpms, above that it's ok for WOT. If you wrap gears around shifting, you can shift through all the gears no problem with WOT if you keep the rpms on the UP thoughout the gearbox. I was thinking the needle lvl in the carb, which would be simple, and I could get this minty dt175. I would rather not deal with air leaks though for what i might pay for it. The bike was also not idling before i got there lol. I went over and it would barely run and wouldn't idle. I guess the guy didnt know much about 2 strokes which absolutely shocked me because he had over 10 bikes on the property and had claimed to sold over 50 bikes this summer. I had to actaully tell him what the problem could be and I got the bike to idle for him by pointing out the jets and telling him to clean them. After I put the carb back on and the boot to airbox as well it idled but ruff. I got the bike prolly to close to 60mph , but not without bogging at WOT while mid RPM's. What you u think fellow 2 strokers. My bet is, and also hoping, it is only the carb needle that needs adjusted. I would hate for it to be airleaks though.
- More Ink
In the world of mopeds, we use plug chops and listening to motor to jet the bike just right, sometimes it can be a long process. Learn how to read a plug chop, that will take you halfway where you need to be. If it's your main jet that's lacking, you should be loosing your power at WOT wide open throttle? or are you losing power everywhere?
Full moped licence at 16?
Heya, it all depends on the state law you live in so check it out. I rode mopeds for years in colorado, not because I was 16 (I was 23), but because they were fun and I didn't need to purchase insurance or register bike. I was able to ride on roads with speed limits not faster than 40 which was ok considering I was on a moped, and I could hop on the side walk and take a short cut at redlights or in traffic. I also took it on bike trails lol, which i dont think i was supposed to, but it's a 20 mile scenic route through downtown which is fun, lots of LONG sidewalk trails like that here. If you see the authority, hit the kill switch and start pedeling. In my state you gotta be 15 and get a moped liscence, the vehicle can't go faster than 35 on flat land, and it has to be an automatic, and be 50cc or under, but it's SO eazy to make them 70-80cc. It doesnt have to have pedals here in this state, but in some states it does. You need to get a sticker on them from DMV, but it's 5$ for 3 years, and all you need is a bill of sale if bought. If your gonna own a moped, your gonna have to absolutely do all you own maitenence and everything, so get ready to learn about 2 strokes whether you want to or not. I love working on two strokes so it's all good to to me, but mopeds are always broke, but eazy to fix, so you get alot of practice lol. You learn how to diagnose problems well after a while, and you learn how to tune you bike just right so you can squeeze every last drop of power out of it. Later on when you get bored, you learn how to port you own cylinders to give the bike a faster top speed or better low end, it's all very good knowledge. If you are gonna be sharking through walking/biking trails, neighborhoods, downtown areas, and small streets with 30mph speed limits they are awsome, if you gonna be on busier streets and maybe even highway, mopes suck.
Bike trailer
Sweet, ive got a big old ranch truck 4x4 I can use to transport, but my girlfriend doesnt know how to drive it lol, so if i break down it sucks. I was just at the Police Department other week getting a VIN Verification done and one of the main things was NO HOMEMAD TRAILERS posted on wall and sheet i had with info. Thought it was kinda funny, i bet they've seen some doozies in there time with homemade trailers, I know ive witnessed a few trucks converted to trash haulers with some plywood and nails lol.
Ever get withdrawal symptoms?
Yah I got's a 250 2 smoke too, dt 250, and it's been snowing or negative 1 degree here for past 4 days. I just got my first motorcycle about 3 weeks ago too making the convert from years of scooters and mopeds. Even with the scooters it bothered me when i couldnt ride them, but the motorcycle is absolutely killing me. It also has to do with my mom not letting me have a motorcycle first 16 years of my life, then I lost interest at that age (girls and partying took over) , and by the time in my life when I was old enough to do whatever as well as finacially being able to afford one I started on vintage mopeds and scooters which are great, but I need some gears to really keep me happy. 20 is supposed to be the high today: (
DT 250 MPG?
I own a 1978 DT-250 and was just wondering what MPG you guys are getting on these. I have the 78, which is 16 or 17hp instead of the older 20hp on the older DT's. I think im barley getting over 30 which kinda sucks, I thought i read somewhere on 70mpg : ( --- If i could get 40mpg I would be alot happier. I bought the bike for 80% wanting a bike and 20% to save gas because i own a 86 ford f150 12mpg in city. What MPG are u guys getting with ur DT's?
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