Everything posted by Heppy
Broken Bleed Nipple
Hi Mervin Just reviewing some of the posts (thanks to all for your help) and I have a specific question about yours. I can see what a banjo bolt with a bleed nipple is, but cant see how I might use it to help me. Can you just explain how I would use this. Sorry if this is a dunce question. Heppy.
Broken Bleed Nipple
Thanks again. I hav been checking online for general bleed nipple forums (and you get some wacky chat forums when you mix those words I can tell you) and other suggestions include a hammer and small screwdriver to loosen it with gentle taps, and also heating up the nipple very gently with a blowtorch. Are these sensible ideas? There isn't any real rush for me to change the fluid - although it looks a bit too yellow for comfort, but more than that I want to keep this old bike in the best condition I can. I'm just learning mechanics and don't want to fail at an early challenge. Slow and steady is right.
Broken Bleed Nipple
Thanks everyone. I'll be giving it anoter go this weekend, so thanks for all the advice. Heppy
Broken Bleed Nipple
Hi there I am a new-ish member and I have an Sr125 which I got last August. Generally it's in really good nick, but I thought it was time to change the brake fluid. However, someone's been at the bleed nipple with something destructive and I can't crack it. It's almost completely smooth. Tried it with a spanner, a wrench, even pliers in the end but it simply won't budge. Does anyone have any suggestions or tricks which might help me to shift it, or an alternative method of changing the brake fluid which doesn't involve using the bleed nipple? Many thanks Heppy.
SR 125 Maintenance Query
Hi Madison and Old Git, Just to let you know it's all fixed. Thanks so much for your help.
SR 125 Maintenance Query
Thanks Madison and Old Git (never thought I would write "thanks old git" in my life and mean it nicely). I'll give this a go when it isn't pouring with rain and let you know how it goes. Really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
SR 125 Maintenance Query
Hi there I'm a new member, and I hope you can help. I have a 1997 Sr 125 which runs like a dream. However, I notice that the rear brake light keeps getting stuck on. I had the drum brake stripped and cleaned, but this is still happening. Could anyone help me and suggest what might be wrong? Also, there's a small bit of rust on the front wheel rim. I was planning to try Wurst's Rost Off to clean it. Does anyone have any better suggestions?