Everything posted by Pryda
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
lol the brakes work! It's just annoying that I need to pull them in so far for them to work. Not got a response from the dealer yet, about the warranty covering a repair..
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
I couldn't tie the brake lever until tonight...I did it like 10 minutes ago so we'll see how that goes. I've heard this tip before, must be effective, thanks! The fluid isn't cloudy. My understanding was that the bubble at the top told you how much fluid you have left. I mean, how else would you know the fluid needs topping up unless there was a space at the top? I think I'll see if the dealer will bleed my brakes under warranty. I think I'll be able to bleed them myself. After that, it's beyond my ability.
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
Hey, sorry I was offline then when I was online the forums were down! Nah, adjustment def. not on the lever It seems like there's some slack in the wire/cable/metal that is tugged when you pull the lever in, I wonder if that's possible to be tightened. I had a quick look, didn't see any obvious way to change it (like I saw with throttle freeplay). Thanks for the tips about servicing, I'll definitely specify those things when it next gets a service. I'm not sure when that is, I don't have my service book handy. I spoke to a guy in Charles Hurst in Belfast about my brake problem (that's not where I got the bike btw) and he asked if I rode it all through the winter, and he said it'd be a good idea to give the brakes a good clean -- taking it apart and getting rid of any dust. Then bleed the brakes. Honestly though, if the pad isn't moving soon enough I don't think this will have great effect but it sounds like it'll improve braking in general. Looks like I'll have to take it to the local dealer and see what they think. Bah, I really don't want to pay the damn labour charge for something beyond my control. The seals should all be fine, it's a new bike!
YAY! off to north west 200
I'm hoping to go this year, I've never been before. Hopefully I'll go with my buddy who is on this forum, dragstar_125 I think his username is. Can't wait! I live in Belfast, so it shouldn't be hard to arrange
R.O. Ireland - Update!
That seemed like a quick change of mind! Why don't your just tour the North? Better road signs up here by far!
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
Hey dude, it's raining..so much for the spin later! I've had the bike for 9 months so I suspect that's when it was last changed. I've had a full service already but they haven't replaced the brake fluid, it just said "checked brakes" on the service summary. I'm not sure what you mean spongy exactly..when the pad touches the disc, it brakes fine..the pad just doesn't move until the lever is about an inch beyond the point the brake light comes on. I took some pictures so maybe they'll help. **lever detached I checked the brake fluid by taking the top off, it's full. It's probably worth bleeding, my Dad told me how to do it. Do you see where to adjust the sensitivity there? :-/
Bike still wont run... rrrrghhh
Sounds like what happened to my buddy's bike, I think his was a clogged filter. His bike would run only if the tank was almost full! Sorry I can't be of any help..
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
Damn dude, thanks a bunch! That stuff really helped. So I went to check if my pads have the lines, and they do! And I can see them very clearly, so I took a pic to show you: disc on the right The pad doesn't touch the disc until the lever is almost all the way in. To me, who knows virtually nothing about this stuff, it seems obvious that the pad is actually in good nick. What's going on? Brake fluid problem?
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
There aren't any leaks, and the oil level looks okay on the little black box (only a small bubble at the top). To be honest, I did learn on this so maybe the brakes wore down so much when I was learning but seriously, they must have been shitty pads right? I was hoping that wouldn't be the problem
Adjust front brake sensitivity - Yamaha YBR 125
Hey guys, over the past month or so I've noticed that my front brake doesn't really engage until the lever is almost all the way in. A guy I know who drives a Triumph Rocket III (just had to get that in there, what a beautiful piece of machinery) knows a thing or two, and told me to take the lever off. Beneath there, should be a hole kind of thing somewhere which will let me move the little brake thing left and right to adjust sensitivity. He showed me on his bike, it had a fancy controller with numbers to indicate the sensitivity. Anyway, I got home and took my brake lever off to find that there's no hole or any real way of adjusting the sensitivity..unless I'm missing something. The bike has only done just over 4000km in 9 months (brand new). Surely it wouldn't need new pads, right? So..do you guys know how to increase the sensitivity of the front brake on a Yamaha YBR 125? btw, my bike is actually a replica of a YBR (SYM XS 125). Thanks in advance for any info you can give me.