Everything posted by AndyDtr08
Making on Documentary on the Yamaha DT125 from 1968-present
Travelling isnt a problem. Im from northampton originally and have relatives all over the country so i tend to be going around to see people alot. Where abouts are you? Even if it were just for an interview it would be worth the trip in my eyes. You seem to know alot though and i would love some shots of an older aircooled model. I havnt yet worked out the full content of the film, suffice to say that the allowance for the project is 15minutes and my passion for the bikes and the length of time they were in production makes this more of a limit than a target. I dont want to pressure anyone into an interview or more if they don't want to but at the same time i dont want you to feel that the distance is an issue. I have a car as well as the DT and know the roads well. I need to make this film the best i possibly can as it will be my ticket into the industry. Let me know if you're up for it!
Making on Documentary on the Yamaha DT125 from 1968-present
Absolutely fantastic! Would you be interested in featuring? Im still on the search for a character but not having too much luck. Is all of that from your own knowledge?
Making on Documentary on the Yamaha DT125 from 1968-present
Thanks, so AT is just the model name like DT?
I'll let you know mine once i return from download festival in june!
Making on Documentary on the Yamaha DT125 from 1968-present
Hi, I've been speaking to people in the General section as well as the offroad/dual sport bikes section about the yamaha dt125's. I own 3 myself and as my final major project for my university course I am embarking on a journey from 1968-2008. No, I don't have a time machine! I'm talking ofcourse about the Yamaha DT125. The last were produced in 2007, being replaced with the wr125 4 stroke. *shakes fists*. Here is a quick taster of the kind of thing I'll be producing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lefagftIkk This is my DT. I filmed it in a studio last week and as you can see the editing is nowhere near complete. It's just to illustrate the type of filming i want to include in the documentary. So.....I'm looking for someone who also loves DT's and owned one during the air cooled period of its life. I've been recommended this section of the forum, and cannot beleive i hadn't thought of it before. My dad owns a Suzuki GT750 and is part of the VJMC. I've been out of a few rides with them and plan to also contact them to try and find people. If anyone is interested at all, please let me know! If you have an early DT but do not want to feature in the film, yet do not mind me coming by to get some shots to use i would greatly appreciate it. Im doing alot of research into the earlier DT's but having trouble finding much in depth. If any of you have anything that might be useful, anything at all, i would be very grateful! I look forward to your replies. Andrew
Looking for a DT125 Fanatic!
A Very Rough Cut, but works to show the kinda thing im working on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lefagftIkk Ignore the audio, had some retarded fashion students next door screaming and squealing about a hat or somthing. Took alot not to go in there and strangle them with their "fashionable pointless scarf things"....
Looking for a DT125 Fanatic!
No no, i dont take it as a dig. Everything you've said so far has been valid and extremely useful. Using myself might be ok if i could get a cameraman, but i was planning on operating camera myself as i know exactly what i want and that. Thats actually not a bad idea. The 2 people thing. Ill definately look into that. And i'll also post in the classic section. Again very useful stuff, its really appreciated! I take it you aren't interested in featuring? About the later bikes i mean, or even just an interview? Been doing some editing on some studio stuff i shot last wednesday and even though im gonna re shoot it, it looks very promising. Ill Upload some later 2night if i have time. Got a sport relief cycle 2moro morning though from worthing to hastings so need to get some sleep at some point! Over and out!
Looking for a DT125 Fanatic!
Awesome, thanks. It's not supposed to be a shortcut but some of the best documentarys feature characters as it makes for a more interesting watch, allowing the audience to identify with someone and/or see a narrative rather than just a shed load of information (however well this maybe presented). When i say "everything" i may exagerating. Like you say, i know a fair amount myself, however ill be directing and filming the documentary. I know a vast amount about the things that have changed from model to model over the years and obviously ill find out this much ten fold before the end, but the earlier DT's before 1980 is where my knowledge fails. Which is where the character would come in handy. Im only 19 so these older bikes are merely things i can gaze at and admire. I want someone who owned one when they were knew. Someone who has loved the since then and owns one again now or has done since. Someone with memories of riding around on one during the late 60's 70's 80's etc, when the mods and rockers were around. Who knows that role each model has played in history of both 125's and motorbiking in general. My dad is a wealth of knowledge and has told me about the japs coming in and blowing british bikes out of the water amongst other things. He might be a possible character i could use to construct a story around, but im not sure about his acting ability and would much rather, ofcourse, use someone who means it!
Help Needed- Information for a Documentary
Genius, thanks mate! Can't beleive i havnt thought of that yet!
Looking for a DT125 Fanatic!
If you've read my other thread in general you'll know im making a documentary about the DT125 throught its life in production. I've been working through some research and I've decided I need a character to follow. Im looking for a person who knows everything there is to know about DT125's. I want this person to feature in the Documentary. If anyone is interested in this please either leave a message on pm me. If you want to see some examples of my work, I'm just about to start editing a little studio lit scene of my 04dt, which i can send you. Thanks in advance guys and girls! Andy
paddock stands for dt125re
I use the same. cost about 30-40 pounds on ebay and works a treat.
Help Needed- Information for a Documentary
Lol! Thought someone else had info for me!
check this bad boy!!!!
Im on the fence here, i remember posting on here when it was originally threaded. Personally my needle can wind round to 84 with all stock other that the earthed cable. Ive got a helmet cam on order from hong kong which should arrive in the next few days so when it does ill post a vid to show it. If i can get a gps to borrow ill attatch it somehow and film that too. Id be interested to see how close to 80 it really is. It doesnt take me the length of the m1 to reach this so i think that higher speeds are possible with other mods ( race exhuast, reeds, possible head replacement as mentioned by OG on another thread) amongst others. The powervalve being the main one as mine is currently set to do what, at the end of the day, it was designed for.....to spread the power throughout the rev range, rather than having a chugger, then when it enters the powerbands, a nutter. I would like to think that 100+ is possible out of a DT125, but personally i am not bothered whether mine does or not. 80mph on my clocks is fine for me. Barewell, the thing you have to remember is that a bigger engine capacity does not neccesarily mean higher top end speed. I mean look at alot of the american cars sporting their big v8's. Without the right gearbox, weight, etc etc they are still going to be beaten by things with smaller pots and better design. Dont get me wrong, the dt should not be able to do the same performance as your MT-03 but if it can do 65 standard, im sure there is plenty of things you could tinker with to squeeze some more horses out of it, standard is 14.5bhp, and they say derestricted they get to 24. thats just de restricted, not tuned etc. Anyway i wouldnt like to see someone go 110 on a dt for a number of reasons. 1. as someone said, DIRT tyres. 2. they arent designed to it. 3.the people whom are likely to try and get this out of her are (usually) learners desperate for extra power (learners for god sakes, like myself) could be 17 years old. 110mph into a tree can really mess up your gelled up hair! Im currently researching for a documentary on the yamaha dt125 from 1968-2007, if anyone has any info or anything they think might be useful it would be greatly appreciated! ----I know i keep mentioning it but i need as much info and contacts as possible as this is my final major project and could be my ticket to a career in film making. If that doesnt work i guess illmake my dt do a ton and find a tree *i jest i jest*
Help Needed- Information for a Documentary
This is fantastic! All of those magazine articles sound brilliant! If you could email them i would much appreciate it. Im going to be looking at its competition, i believe alot of this came from the kawasaki kmx125? I'v found if i google/ebay it i can find models of up to 2007 and nothing beyond. when i contacted my local yamaha dealer they told me they thought it was discontinued in 2006 to make way for the wr125 whore stroke.....four* sorry....but i didnt correct them as i might want more interviews etc Was it a dt that was stolen? I am going to look into the theft of them as they seem to be stolen a huge amount. One of my closest friends had both his 2002 and his 1990 stolen less than a month ago, on the same night. So if you have any stories, info on that side of things id love to hear it. You are more than welcome to a copy of it once its finished, which will hopefully be by may 27th (deadline). I've spent all day until about an hour ago cleaning and polishing my bike ready for some studio filming 2moro afternoon. Standing back after putting everything back on and seeing the gleam made me realise why i'm making this film! Ill pm you both my email. Thanks again, Andy.
Help Needed- Information for a Documentary
Ok, an update. I see alot have viewed, yet no replies. Although i am an ameteur film maker i assure you that i am not just a retard with a handycam. I have just finished Filming, directing, producing and editing a documentary about commercial sheep breeding myself. I have filming arranged for a variety of model variations from 1986 onwards, and some interviews arranged with yamaha dealers, i really need some footage of earlier Dt's, anywhere between 68 and 86. Also infomation about the earlier models. I have very limited knowledge of them as ive only worked on a LCMK3 onwards. Obviously anyone who contributes will be credited and any if i film your bike you are more than welcome to have a copy of the footage.
DT125LC MK3 Parts Catalogue
Just thought id mention it on here. I bought off ebay a parts catalogue for my 1986 dt125 (mk3) on microfiche. Im 19 so when it turned up i was confused as i was expecting a tiny sardine to jump out and tell me all the product numbers! (Sorry) Anyway, i took it down to the library (its like the internet, but more papery!) and they charged me about 20 quid to get in printed onto A4 paper. So at somepoint i think ill scan it into the computer and make a pdf file out of it. In the meantime if anyone needs any pages, let me know as id be more than happy to scan it in and either upload onto here or email it to you. Has been very useful for me in working out the different bits between mk1 2 and 3 that people on ebay dont know. Andy
De Restricting my DT125R
I beleive thats the same converter i have on mine. Mine is a 2004 model and and i bought it from a dealer in kent for 2095. At the time it had 183 km on the clock and the tyres still had as much rubber stubble as a french womans armpits! I have tested the bike against my Dads Suzuki Gt750 briefly and it seemed correct, however the test itself wasnt too accurate as, at the time it was too fast to take my eyes off the road ( id only just moved on from a suzuki ts50x which barely touched 30mph). From what i have read about the reed switch, it "retards" the revs at around 7000rpm. I may be wrong but i believe taping it out of the way is only 1/2 doing the job as i think it needs to be earthed to the frame. I noticed a great difference after earthing mine, but then i never tried just taping it out of the way. might be worth an experiment. Got my 2002 offroad Dt out today because i have issues with too much pressure and some dirt/oil in the coolant expansion tank. You really can notice the difference between a bike without the YPVS motor kit on it. Also repsrayed the exhaust on my 04 dt yesterday ready for some filming on wednesday =D. Anyone take a look at my thread in general and have anything that would be of any use? Any emails/contact would be fantastic, even if it were stuff i already know, just to put in my workbook and show that ive contacted people. *EDIT* Also thought id ad, i dont know what my revs are so i cant comment on that as there is no counter, just a speedo that lights up in blue in the dark. OOh la la ( just cos it looks nice IMHO, not cos its french, cos its not..... Its a dutch import!)
De Restricting my DT125R
Hi, guys. Just had a fantastic time reading that lot! Yeah i have a 2004 dt. Thats an RE right? Anyway mine is also an import so heres a few points that ive found when MOTing my bike. If the guy who does it is ok you should be able to just stick a peice of tape across the bottom left corner of the headlight to stop it from "dazzling other road users" which it does not do as you will know. The only restriction i have done to my bike is removing the wire from the back of the speedo, which i was under the impression needed to be earthed to the frame in order to have effect. I did this by tightening one of the bolts that holds the headlight surround on. This allowed my bike to rev more freely. I havnt done anything with the echaust or PV though. I also have a converter on the back of the speedo in conjuction with a sticker on the speedo that simply says "mph". The converter itself changes it so you dont need to have 10, 20 30 etc stickers on it. The rubber tank protector just below the fuel cap has come off on mine a number of times. Just a heads up! Hope that helps. All your info has helped alot! Might have a look at the PV saturday as im gonna have the pipe off to respray ready for some filming im doing on wednesday for a documentary im making about dt125s. Theres a thread in the general section that i would appreciate it if you had a look at =D. (Ive managed to convince the college to allow me to bring my bike into the photography studio for a day to light it nicely and film it )
Help Needed- Information for a Documentary
Hello all, Im now in my final year of uni and as my Final major project i plan to make a documentary about the yamaha dt125. I own 3 myself and have rebuilt 2 of those. Does anyone have any information that they could share with me? Any websites that might be of use to me? Some questions i have are: When did they stop making them? What were their rivals? e.g. KMX125 If anyone has any interesting tales of DT125's from the past. ( I believe they have been going since the 60's? Is there anyone out there who owned one back then who has photos of it they would allow me to use? Basically anything at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance Andy
- dt 125
I highly doubt your DT does 105mph, i mean in one post you claim it to top out at 105 then in another you say its 100. What kind of proof of this do you have, because the clocks may be showing 105 but whether they are that accurate or not is another thing. Ive had 84mph from my dt, with the cable earthed...no dep pipe.....but from what i hear they make little difference for the money you spend on them
I did my first CBT on a 50cc geared bike, then on my 17th birthday i was out riding my dt 125, i could have turned up and done a cbt on a twist n go n still riden a geared 50......It is a bit silly that your allowed to do this and yet i get disciplinary action at work for pulling 2 roll cages at the same time! Then forgot the cbt runs out in 2 years and had to do another one justafter my 18th birthday. Now im considering taking my full test, but realising im never gonan get round to it.
Cleaning Petrol Tank
Thanks ill have a look around
Cleaning Petrol Tank
The Petrol tank im gonna be putting on my latest project is in poor condition. Im not so bothered about the outside but the inside is awful, rust etc. Whats the best way to clean it out? i presume you can fill it with a solution and let it soak away at it? Any ideas? Cheers andy