Everything posted by AndyDtr08
Cylinder heads and squish bands
Hmm, why do you say without? I would imagine they only made improvements as they went along so if i can get a photo to see if the RE had the groove i guess we'll know. Or even a TZR125 4DL head. They got the most out of that engine after all.
Cylinder heads and squish bands
Right so I'm going to be building DTR engines for my 2 DTR projects. What I'm trying to find out is about cylinder heads and squish bands. There are various different cylinder heads and in the detonation area is where they vary. Some are smooth and some have a band which i presume is a squish band? Does this then mean that heads with that squish band are going to produce better power? Some people seem to think it should be smooth? I'm confused! Any help would be good!
Motorbikes= Magnets for idiots
Try riding an RD350. You'll get people asking you about it even more only they'll know what they're talking about, will admire the bike and will be friendly I struggle to stop in high streets at lights without attention....and i love it ! haha
DT125R '03 plastic.
I sent you a PM with his ebay details.
DT125R '03 plastic.
These are from a guy in portugal who sells replacement ( non yamaha) plastics, seat covers and sticker kits. That lot cos me £175 delivered to UK mainland.
My DT125R Project/Restoration
Just spoke to lovely Darren who is an utter tool. The bike must be complete for an inspection but not mot'd or roadworthy. I'll sling a load of spares on the frame and nip it to brighton at somepoint and get it that way. I asked him why I couldnt just take the frame as all they are checking is the vin. He told me that it's because "then you could just put anything on the bike afterwards and we wouldnt know" Oh just like i will be once I get it home? He didnt understand it the poor chap. Still shouldnt be too hard, i'll just need transport to brighton and back. I'll put and old black tank and panels on it so the V5 will say black
My DT125R Project/Restoration
It's not running if thats what you mean? I mainly enquired about it for the frame and logbook. I paid 110 quid for a frame with numbers but the owner couldnt find the logbook. I sent off to the DVLA under strict supervisions from someone on the phone there with the form filled out correctly but no reg number as i dont have it. She told me that would be fine as long as i wrote a cover letter with it explaining. The reply came back " not without the reg number sonny jim, we're unhelpful bastards" or words to that effect. I mean to ring them today. Might do it now infact. "Darren" is in for for an ear bashing!
Go Pro HD Hero 2 Yamaha Bike Test Run
I've yet to set mine up. I bought the gopro hd hero 2 also. We get "done in the bum" on price here though. It's $299 for you and the £299 for us lol! The lens on the camera is very small. You'll get far better results in bright sunlight that at night. They arent made to be used at night really. Also, if you record at 720p 60fps it's possible to mimic 1000fps using softare. I'm a video editor which is my primary reaosn for buying the go pro and have had some fun adapting footage to super slow mo.
My DT125R Project/Restoration
I wouldnt bother. I'll likely end up shedding it and never going near it again. I jest, this one will be a quick turn around i assure you. These turned up today And there is the tank being stripped back and the headlight surround primed.
Sorry Guys...
Whatta mistaka to make a! No I'm sure it will be lovely, congrats!
DT125R '03 plastic.
Like these?
My DT125R Project/Restoration
I know, i know, I havnt yet finished the DT200WR is what I keep saying to my family and friends but hey I'm young, theres plenty of time! So I helped a friend get a DT125R after a few years of no bike after his last 2 were stolen in one night. It brought back the memories of my DT125RE and I always loved his blue one. I like the slighlty more square plastics and always felt they had more character than the later electric start models. That coupled with my plan to make a 33bhp DTR urged me to start sourcing parts.....and i don't do things by half! That lot I had shipped down from Scotland on a Pallet. I also bought the following. Frame with numbers ( awaiting logbook from DVLA) 2 complete engines forks with wheel and brake swing arm battery tray holder airbox 5 x 3 wire PV servos headlight surround with light clocks CDI Loom set of wheels a few sets of powervalve housings/cables tank shock linkage numberplate holder rear wheel coolant bottle etc etc, the list goes on. I smashed my bike funds basically but it was fun and the unused will be re sold on or used for the next DTR project. I also ordered a full set of new plastics with stickers and a seat cover.. So I've been waiting for the logbook to come back and watching bits on ebay at the same time. Last night i spotted a DTR starting at 99p locally. I managed to secure it today for 250 quid. Again i'll be waiting for the logbook (long story) but ive got the reg and all is good on HPI etc. Photo below. So my plan now has changed. I'll rebuild this one replacing any broken parts or parts that I have in better condition and then once the logbook comes through for the other frame, I'll start building another.
Is this anyones on here? If so...."that blokes a nutter!!!!"
Ok so scare was an over reaction to highlight the difference between the DT125 engine and the RD350, excites i should say! I shall keep my eye out for a TDR then. I just went and bought another DT125 today somehow so will be adding this lot to it soon and sorting it out!
Speed Camera Scramblers
Very true. I generally stay within the limits unless on a really good safe road, in which case there isnt likely to be a traffic office with a gun.
What is this carb from?
Any specific bikes?
Speed Camera Scramblers
Theres a far better device that aids in speeding fine avoidance and it comes with all bikes as standard. They call them speedometers.
Is this anyones on here? If so...."that blokes a nutter!!!!"
Yeah maybe. I reckon it's usually confusion with kph. 80-90 is do able tho
Is this anyones on here? If so...."that blokes a nutter!!!!"
Whats the specs on a TDR 250? bhp, top speed wise? I've always like them but never really looked into it at all. Surely the frame etc o a TDR250 is a little different. I know this is braced etc but jesus!
Personal message
No but you can just turn them round and close your eyes.
Is this anyones on here? If so...."that blokes a nutter!!!!"
Isnt the banshee just the rd engine without powervalve?
Personal message
Yeah but anything with whipped cream is extra apparently so I wouldn't even bother asking.
Is this anyones on here? If so...."that blokes a nutter!!!!"
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-RD350-YPVS-Special-YPVS-Motor-fitted-DTR125-Frame-TZR250-Running-Gear-/251066227938?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item3a74b69ce2 That engine scares me enough in the RD350 chassis, I can't imagine the instability once in there! I still want it though....
What is this carb from?
So I bought a job lot of DTR parts and this carb came with it. It appears to have some kind of auto choke system on it. I've no idea what it is from but don't need it so want to list on this online auction site I've heard of Or if anyone on here needs it, make me a token offer and you can have it.
de-restricted exhaust
I, think i'm going to avoid the DEP on my current project and go for the standard but de-restricted. If they're as hard as you say to maintain then thats just a pain and I'm sure a hollow standard will do fine. I've got 2 standards in the shed at the mo. You any idea about sharp pointy bits if you stick your finger down the pipe at the engine end? Both the ones i have have them, not sure if they're repairs or if they're normally like that. Also if anyone knows about the de restriction in that end in the form of a tube that is welded in 3 places into the end of the exhaust. I remember taking one out of my brothers early DTR but these dont seem to have them or have any signs of them being removed. Did the exhaust change in 97 with other bits? We fitted a pre 96 zorst to a 2001 DTR last night and the mounting point to the right of the battery, just as the exhaust goes from chamber to pipe, was about an inch away. As in away from the frame, not left or right ( if that makes sense). Andy
Personal message
Yeah so did it. Just met someone through there this morning outside my local lidl and gave them a right boinking. Good service, very cheap. Glad it's part of the forum!