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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Ill get the engine numbers and that later, but ive got, what i beleive to be the rd125 engine, a spare that came with parts i bought from a lot on ebay. Its in storage at the mo but when i next go there ill get it. Just wondering if anyone knows what these go for, and if anyones interested in buying one, or parts from it. Cheers Andy
  2. Find out from him exactly what he's done, personally i wouldnt like to just ring a number posted by someone on forum randomly like that, could well be a scam wheer it charges you a bomb. phone number deleted, use PM facility, plz dont post phone numbers...oldgitonabike
  3. AndyDtr08 replied to Timux's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    No idea, im putting together a dt125 lc 86 so its a mk3 too. Ive just converted it to a drum brake as i didnt have a disc witht he parts i got. Just got some parts for the swing arm so im gonna go and try to assemble that. Good luck with the build ill keep an eye on this thread to see if theres anything i can help with.
  4. I only found this link, by searching for somthing completely unrelated on the forum but i agree completly. I was ordering some parts for a yamaha dt125lc mk3 1986 at the yamaha garage only yesterday. The guy was pretty new to the job and so wasnt particularly fast at working the computer and i was there for and hour in the end. The site they used was the yamaha dealers website, which has diagrams identical to the ones in the haynes manual and then a list of part numbers that can be then typed into a seperate computer behind the desk for ordering. I ended up turning his laptop around and writing down all of the part numbers myself, then giving him the paper to type it into the ordering computer. This made me think, if i was able to access those diagrams with the relevant numbering system from home, i could just ring them up or go down there, give them the part numbers and it would be job done. Would also make it easier to find aftermarket parts for the bikes cheaper and without the hastle of going through the dealer. Might have a look around and see what i can do about getting hold of this program with all the numbers on, maybe go down to yamaha and sneak a look at their browser to see what website they use, im sure they'll have to log in to it but someone might be able to "get around" that
  5. AndyDtr08 replied to hankodan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Quoted for the truth. What an idiot this hnkodan is...glad he wont be using the forums.
  6. AndyDtr08 replied to Gas up - Let's Go!'s post in a topic in Yamabyss
    You didnt really?
  7. My TS50 had a sticky throttle for a while, we unhooked the cable at the grip and pumped oil down the cable. Best of luck.
  8. Presumably you've gone through the haynes manual and ruled out all of the simple things it could be. Sorry if it seems patronising but ive had friends who have done this and its just been, lack of petrol, tap off or not on reserve, etc. Does it sound like its a fuel problem, eg coughing and dieing? If you just fitted a big bore kit to it have you altered the jets to match? Im not too sure what im talking bout on the subject of big bore kts but i seem to remember reading a forum similar to this and someone replied saying it would need bigger jets. Sounds logical to me as your gonna need more mixture in the barrel to create a larger explosion.
  9. What test is that? I was under the impression that on a cbt u could ride up to a 125, then you take a test to allow you to ride any bike, as long as its restricted to 33 BHP.
  10. Haha glad to hear it. Yeah i would have loved to have seen my face when i first did it and went down the duals. I've no idea what effect it has bhp wise tho im afraid. The only bhp figures ive heard of surrounding the dtr's is that they have 13.5 standard and if you want to you can squeeze 20. I dont think ill try that tho, im tempted to get off my arse and get the full test done so i can get a bigger bike, looking at the Xt660 merely cos i saw one in the yamaha dealer the other day
  11. Oh right ok... Ill try just drifting them back in i think to stop any play forming. They seem pretty good condition. Thanks for the help, much appreciated
  12. Has anyone been that impatient, or skint to not buy new swing arm bushes and re use old ones? Ive drifted them out of a spare swing arm but in the haynes manual it claims its impossible to do without damaging the bush. They wanna charge me 55 quid for all 4 bushes, 2 shims and 2 oil seals, and make me wait til later next week because its easter. So im tempted to re use the ones ive drifted out as they dont look to bad, was just wondering if anyone has done this before and then had loads of play as a result? Its only a field bike so doesnt need to pass mot. Cheers
  13. Id go for a DT. I ride a the later electric start version on the road, and have recently finished rebuilding a 2002 one for offroad use, now putting together and 86 Dt125lc mk3. They are fantastic bikes, i know its a slightly biasses opinion but for a 125 they suprise people all the time. My friends of a similar build as you describe and he rides a 2002 model. Id try and get hold of one thats failed mot, or being taken off the road and convert it yourself if you have the time/money. If not theres plenty on ebay etc as evryone seems to use these as field bikes. Best of luck and if you need any advice id be happy to offer the little knowledge i have
  14. The NEW restriction that is used on these bikes is a simple one to fix: Going into the speedo is a four pin connecting block. There are 4 wires going into the block and only 3 wires coming out the speedo side. Just find the Green/Black wire going into the block, clip it to separate it from the block, and strip the end and join a small piece of wire to it (long enough to to join to an earth on the frame). When the Green/Black wire is earthed to the frame this stops the YPVS from retarding over 7000 RPM. The engine should rev freely now. If it still doesn't then take the front pipe off and check that the Powervalve is fitted the correct way round as described in the de-restricting section for the '97-'99 models. Taken from this website. its a great litle resource for begginers such as us http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm ill take a photo later 2nite and post it up 2moro if i have time. Im currently working on putting together a 1986 dt125lc mk3, which is prooving troublesome, especially when you have the new guy in the local yam dealer asking you if its a dtr, and then trying to order me parts from a 96 model......Goon. 1 hour to try and order the swing arm bushes and oil seals! doh!
  15. AndyDtr08 replied to timsy's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Nice, must have been a bit strange though. Yeah i agree with you on the CBT side of things. Its what 6 hours...and you cant even fail it. Well....i had a friend who was expecting to be on a ped and they put him on a 125 geared, he just let go of the "rear brake" (Clutch) and stacked it into a brick wall.... But its not enough, people shouldnt be allowed on the road just from that, i didnt feel safe riding away from it.........
  16. AndyDtr08 replied to timsy's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    If he can ride a geared bike, I did my CBT on a Suzuki Ts50x and rode that for a year at 30mph tops( LOL) before i got my dt, Providing hes a competent rider and hasnt just crawled around town centres on a ped, in a burberry cap then he'd be fine. You have to be 17 to ride a 125 i beleive tho.
  17. hmmm i remember my friends 02 DT had the same problem, i cant remember what he did to fix it but ill ask him. He may not have had time to fix it as a few weeks later he blew it up anway lol. The pin holding the piston ring in place was faulty, the ring got stuck in a port as the piston came down and he ended up with a chunk missing from his piston. He's since had a rebore and new piston and rings lol!
  18. AndyDtr08 replied to timsy's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Ive got a 2005 Dtr Top speed 80mph (standard pipes, earthed wire, powervalve derestricted) MPG - its an import so it runs in kmh(speedo has been converted) ive run out at 86KM before and had to switch to reserve but since then ive refuelled bout 80 and still heard a fair amoung of sloshing 0-60 - never tested it. When im thrashing it away from the lights along the duals, the last thing on my mind is counting to 10 BHP - 13.5 mine is standard. When i was looking around for a 125 this was the best bhp there was. The other option from yamaha is the dt125x, which only knocks out 9.6 i beleive. If you havnt already, go out and buy one of these, they're fantastic bikes. Im 18 now going on 19 and planned to get a bigger bike restriced to 33bhp and do my full test. But with the DT it does all i want it to atm so ive never got round to it.
  19. Errrr, when you do a compression test and get 30 psi? lol...yeah if your not getting the power it may just need to be thrashed a bit to clear it
  20. Ive got an 05 Dtr, i use 6th from 40-80 and its a steady acceleration. What have you done with the bike de restriction wise? Ive done the powervalve, and also im not sure if your aware but on these laster models with the electric start, theres a cable thats goes into the back of the speedo which can be earthed to the frame. If you do this it stops it from retarding the revs at 7k. Doesnt sound like this is your problem but just thought it be worth a mention. Does it perform fine in all other gears then? As i say for general riding ill chance into 6th quite early and just run at lowish revs, saves money But if i need to show another 125 how good the dt's are, and im sitting in the powerbands ill let it hoon i 5htup til around 65. Not to say it bogs down or runs slow before then but its just when i get the optimum power, which which the YPVS on these is pretty impressive for a 125
  21. Hi, i ride an 05 Dtr on the road and recently bought a lot of ebay which consisted of a complete 2002 Dtr which was a non runner, and a medley of parts that was clearly someones project that got abandoned. All off road ofcourse. I've had the 02 dt apart, engine rebuild and its now running like a dream, well apart from the fuel tap seal failing on me, which apparently you cannot get hold of so guess its a whole new tap.... Anyway i digress, the original point is about the rest of the parts.... He tells me that all the parts are there to make a complete 1986 dt. Looking at the bits i see that there are a few differences between the later Dt's and these Dt125Lc's... (the exhaust comes off the other side, etc) nothing big. 1st off. Am i right in thinking that a 1986 dt would be an Lc mk lll ? 2ndly Im currently bringing the swinging arm back to metal so i can respray it and i just noticed in some photos 2 Dt's with fairly different swinging arms, as follows. The 2 arms that ive got look like the ones on this. http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery%2...2085%20%201.jpg However this one seems to have an extra metal supporting bar of some kind going up diagonally towards the seat? http://www.bikez.com/pictures/yamaha/1983/...c%20Leclerc.jpg Just wondering if there is anyone thats played with these bikes and knows if ive got the wrong swing arm. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Ive ordered the haynes manual, so i hope thats in the post but im eager to atleast get the wheels on so that i can move the frame and forks out of my parents dining room.....i say im eager...they are I have photos of all parts if this helps just let me know what to upload. Cheers Andy