Everything posted by AndyDtr08
Replacement Piston Kits
Im working towards an HND (Higher National Diploma) in 'Moving Image'......does exactly what it says on the tin really, any kind of moving image, film Tv, animation etc. The yearly tuition fee is 3000 pounds as its essentially a uni course, but i study it at a college so i get to stay living at home getting mum to do washing and cooking etc I meant to get a student loan to pay for it, but i never got round to it so i had to use some money id got from a grandparent. Will have to get a loan for next year though
My Bikes
Yeah i just remember u posting about it before, thought it was all fixed now. Then after i posted i read your other thread..
Replacement Piston Kits
Im waiting for the engineering place to contact me as they might drop some of the price off. Im quite happy to buy thru boretech or yambits, but if i can get a kit for 27.50 to my house, i dont see why i should pay boretech nearly double that for a kit. They do a lovely job of the rebore my other bike was done there, only that time i didnt bother checking if i cud get other piston kits else where as i wasnt paying 3000 pounds a year on an education. They are getting on my nerves though now, he asked me to ring back in the moring last night, i ring back on a break today at uni and he tells me to ring back after lunch. I was busy animating until gone 5 when i eventually got a chance to ring back, by then theyve gone home..........lol im gonna end up giving up i swear!
Replacement Piston Kits
Cheers, found out the piston set is made by KHC. Ive never heard of these personally so does anyone know if they are knoqn for quality or cheap (krap) parts? Danke
Replacement Piston Kits
Ive got the barrel for my dt125 lc 1986 in the engineering shop for a re bore, he wants to charge me 42 quid roughly for a piston kit. On ebay i can get one for 27.50 delivered. He says its probably a cheap "indonesian" part and will probably cause problem. I know its more than likely that he just wants more of my notes in his til, but has anyone bought aftermarket piston kits and had problems with them before? I cant see what the problem could be i mean as long as the dimensions are correct...... here's the ebay listing, any advice or thoughts appreciated http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250336148177
Here we go again....
My 2002 offroad DT has a leak that mixing oil n 2 stroke . Might just have not tightened it down to thr right torque settings in my eagerness to make her pop again after re bore haha we shall see on wednesday........
My Bikes
whats wrong with it now then?
White Van Man !
Calm down, its only speculation. "In my opinion" can be followed by anything, jesus !
My Bikes
My Road going Dtr My 1st Offroad Dt, 1st bike i took apart and put back together again after a re-bore, new piston kit etc. Now it has compression and oil in the coolant, i think i made some rookie mistakes The most recent project in its current form, Took the barrel over to an engineering shop this morning to be Re-bored. Its a 1986 Yamaha Dt125Lc Mk3 btw
hello from ireland.. proud dtr 125 owner
Remember this is a bike forum you can babble on for hours and no1 loses interest. Especially when you've got such a lovely bike I was lucky enough to get a good deal on a couple of offroad Dt's so ive been tinkering with them, getting to know them "intimately". Never had my 05 DTR apart tho as she runs fine and i wouldnt want to go and spoil things by poking around buy the haynes manual and read it!
1987 dt125lc
All the electrical boxes are there, im not too sure whats what as the bik is in peieces still, all ive got togethers is wheels forks and rear sus. Was looking at the engine today and i put the ring inside the bore to make sure it was sound before i put it together, only to look down the side and see sunlight between the edge of the ring and the bore Guess its another rebore, piston and rings.....nother 100 quid that'll be then! Feck is the word im looking for isnt it
1987 dt125lc
All the electrical boxes are there, im not too sure whats what as the bik is in peieces still, all ive got togethers is wheels forks and rear sus. Was looking at the engine today and i put the ring inside the bore to make sure it was sound before i put it together, only to look down the side and see sunlight between the edge of the ring and the bore Guess its another rebore, piston and rings.....nother 100 quid that'll be then! Feck is the word im looking for isnt it
Insurance Price
Im with motorcycle Direct. £rd party fire and theft for an 05 Dt125, £768 a year! Haha dont they just love to rinse students of their hard earned money!
Stupidest thing?
In an attempt to kill her !!! I know they struggle less then but still!!!!
Stupidest thing?
I think theres some confusion/comedy surround the "saddle bags" saving your exhaust haha!
cbt is inadequate
Granted, training is only as good as the trainer, but there obviously isnt a tick box style list that stops incompetent people from getting on the bikes. We're saying tha the CBT is inadequete due to the large numbers of injuries and fatalities between young people on 50cc and 125cc bikes after "passing" the CBT. If the instructors are allowed to give the certificates to people that dont deserve it then it seems that its at their discression. Whether your strict or not 6 hours training on a machine that can kill anyone in an instant isnt enough..... Statistics show it. A guy that i knew through high school, on a ped ended up in a box with a broken neck a few years ago. Im adamant that if he had had more training he'd still be alive.......
DT50 MX engine problems
NEGATIVE! 125's are fantastic as far as motocross's are concerned. DONT EVER COMPARE THEM TO PEDS!
dt125 help
Here is the 2 stroke tank, which is joined onto the coolant expansion bottle Here is the Carb, nice a dirty Here is the haynes manual you will need. Here is the oil pump, photo taken from the haynes manual as mine is all cling filmed up. Here is where the oil pump fits, underneath the cover.....this is on my 05 Dt tho, bear in mind Hope this helps.
dt125 help
I got the haynes manual for the Lc models from ebay for 8 quid delivered and it got to me in 2 days i beleive. However as im putting the bike together, ive had to take reference from my later manual for my 2005 model as it goes into further detail about specific components, regardless of the fact they are slightly different. It would a be a job to create a tick list for every item. I thought about doing it before i went to build this one, but i think even if i did it wouldnt have been complete as its one of my first bike builds, and you often find bits that need to be replaced. If you've got the space to leave it apart in a garage then id say just get the manual and give it a crack. Mine is a field bike tho so im not too worried. Ive currently got a peice of rubber tube acting as a bush in the rear suspension until the yamaha dealer get me a replacment through P.s i started with the swing arm and rear sus unit so that i can get it on wheels and under a cover out of the garage and out of my Dads way here she is in her current form! You can see the rest of her behind the chair in the background haha!
DT50 MX engine problems
Blow up! Dt's! not unless you really try. They are real engines! 2 strokes so they just love to be ragged.... If they do blow up, its probably because your going 85 with mouth wide open and go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" inside your helmet amazed at what that little 123cc engine can knock out, and forget to take the power off! As soon as political correctness goes to the next level of madness and allows us to marry machines, im going to propse to a dt125!
cbt is inadequate
There are other training schemes yes, but the people that are likely to go on these training schemes arent the 16 year old Burberry wearing morons, who ride on pavements and spend their whole time braggin about who has the lightest rollers in the auto clutches! My dad was allowed to just get on a bike on his 16th birthday and go off riding as he used to tell me when i was learning. This didnt mean that he did. He used to go to a motorcycle training school every sunday and practice clutch control and safe riding practices all day. Personally i cant think of a nicer way to spend a sunday afternoon for a 15 year old who loves to be on 2 wheels. In effect thats a CBT a week for 6 weeks before he got on the road. But from what i hear from Dad and his old school mates at reunions, after a beer or 2! There was such a thing as responsibilty back then, Yes people would burn up and down the roads on bikes with no exhuasts just to find out what it would sound like, but atleast they'd wear helmets and do it sensibly. Unlike the "chavs" on peds that like to fit air filters and slip on silencers to their bikes in an attempt to reach 40 mph. My first bike was a suzuki ts50x. I walked it up to the CBT place on my 16th birthday after months of riding around the drive and Sainsburys cark park on a sunday evening after it closed. I did my 6-7 hours of "training", all of which i had been taught by my dad withing the 1st couple of sessions at sainsburys. I stalled my bike a number of times on the road ride, later found out to be due to the tick over being too low (ha not my fault ). Aswell as this, the other kid on his CBT with us on the road, dropped the ped whilst attempting a U turn in an empty road. He was still allowed to ride away from the training school and be on the road for 2 years. SCHOCKING! i only know of one person to not get the certificate. A friend was expecting a 50cc scooter and decided to not metnion it when he was put on a 125 geared honda, he promptly let go of the clutch and stacked the bike into a brick wall, writing it off..... Im currently (supposed to be ) writing an essay, alas procrastination has set in! If only i could burst out this amount of words about the subject i should be concetrating on! My main point is to agree that the current CBT is not enough to be allowed on the road for 2 years, ive now done 2 as i didnt feel the need to move up to a bigger bike and i am in love with the dt125's. My 2nd CBT started at 10am.....the instructor followed me for 5 minutes as we left the test centre and then i just tagged along for and hour whilst he tried to help a woman who was going for her full license, shake the nerves and get some road practice in. By 12:30 i was blatting around the town again, 75 quid poorer . If you ask me there should be number of seperate traingin days that build up to form a license. Say 1 for Clutch control, 1 manouvering, etc etc with them all being checked on the last day during a road ride. May cost more, but then without it you've got more chance of breaking yourself, or even worse YOUR BIKE!
Brechfa Run
Fantastic, cheers for posting was a good read I wish there were some places around here that i could do the same that looks like so much fun!
worst injury
Usually just hurt my pride when i come off downhill, or used to ride bmx's. If you fall off doing a step set in the middle of the town centre is quite embaressing. Only bone ive ever broke is my pinky finger, when i decked it, whilst riding a micro scooter thru a petrol station. (touch wood) Just getting some bikes ready for some offroading at Goldin Barns, so hopefully ill aquire some battle wounds there!
dt125 parts
Im currently building an 86 Dtlc mk3, i will have a fair amount of spares when im finished. I have an Rd engine of unkown condition atm as i havnt even taken the head off, just wacked it in storage. Got a swing arm for defo, and plenty of other spares that ill have to look through a list once ive finished this build, got another frame, bars and rear shock too but i beleive they are in poor conditions, forks too.... Anyway if your still looking for parts in the next couple of weeks il have them listed on here. Are you building for road use or offroad, as i have most of the electrics a front headlight and some other bits n bobs that were stripped down when she was taken off road.
DT urgent help!
Lovely story to read and nice to see someone getting on with it and getting such a lovely bike back on the road so quick. My Friends 02 DT blew up last summer, and hes slowly putting her back together after a rebore, pisotn rings.....hes moving away from the 2 wheels and is off to hide inside a metal shell by the looks of it And i thought the force was strong within that one ! Btw Ryan, how much are you expecting to get for her? Ive got an 05 Dtr which i expect ill be selling around june-july too in favour of somthing a little larger. I paid 2100 from a dealer when it had 183km on the clock, yes one eight three! and its now around 4. Ive seen other electric start dt's for sale above 2k. anyone know if this is reasonable, especially in this economic climate! I mean i know they are a popular bike (and for good reason) but i was expecting some kind of depreciation, its not often you stand a chance of making a profit on a bike from a dealer is it?