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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek no1?!?!??!?
  2. Im also looking at getting one of these, now your lucky enough to have one, what are they like? got anywhere near 104? Reccomend? thanks andy. p.s noticed you said, on the island and with your name being wighty im presuming ur on the isle of wight. I go over there occasionally on my Dt125. Love the island have been going there since i was like 3! Went on the green lanes in a friends discovery a few years back, he got stuck on one, just off the main road near compton bay haha. Anywhere you reccomend trying?
  3. bumpy bump! some1 must have one just to photo for me!
  4. can you post some photos of the 125 parts, in particular the seat and the fittings it has underneath please. Also the Carb.
  5. BUMP
  6. Yeah but i think i might need to pay attention to the probably head gasket issues, given the oil and compression in the coolant lol!
  7. Yeah pretty similar on the Dt's, shape wise caps i mean. Personally my offroad bike has pressure in the coolant, although theres also oil
  8. On my 2002 bike the expansion chamber at the rear left hand side of the bike, around the airbox area. That has a rubber lung type lid to stop the coolant sploshing out. I think the cap he is talking about is at the front left side under your clutch lever (roughly). I cant remember if it has a scrwe thread or it is like a bayonet fitting.
  9. If anyone has this bike, in any state i would greatly appreciate it if they were able to photograph the rear mudguard and the frame mountings or hoever it connects to the bike. Ive got 2 different guards, 1 connecting piece and im beggining to think the frame ove got is a different year, but i dont think the frame has changed shape at all through the mk 1 2 3 .....yet i still cant work out how it goes on, might make more sense when the rest of the bike is together but still.........Is there a smaller connecting piece that clips onto the framer? Its driving me up the wall!
  10. AndyDtr08 replied to streaky's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    You'll be lucky to find a white one id say. I resprayed all mine. Easy as pie, i was expecting it to be hard, i just cleaned them down with muc off and then soapy warm water, sanded any rough parts with some spare wet and dry paper, sprayed them once with plastic primer, from halfords 5.99 a can. Then sprayed them with a paint i got made up at halfords, 10.99 a can because its a custom colour. It used the Fan spray or somthing which scared me at first but has come up a treat. You can find front mudguards on ebay atm, then just respray. Good luck. Ive got spare front and back wheels but the condition of them is aslo quite poor.
  11. Nvm bought the one off ebay. my poor bank account
  12. AndyDtr08 replied to jam353's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Dont need one, 80mph is fine for me atm. besides i cant afford to spend 150 quid on an exhaust system lol. The 2 offroad Dt's im building are draining any money i have left lol!
  13. AndyDtr08 replied to jam353's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yeah, the restriction is in the expansion chamber, you have to cut open the pipe and dremmel out 2 metal plates that restrict the airflow, the weld it back together. theres info on http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm about it. Ive got an 05 dtr, earthed the cable, de restricted powervalve, havnt touched exhuast or airbox or anything else. Does 80, have had 85 once or twice.
  14. The speed is restricted by means of a reed switch which is mounted in the rear of the speedo. It tells the CDI when the bike reaches 60mph and stops the revs from increasing. To remove the speedo restriction take off the headlamp cowl and pull out the spring clips holding the speedo in. Then unscrew the speedo cable and lift up the clock. You will see two things in the bottom of the clock casing. One is round and is the light bulb for the clock, the other is white and oblong. This is the reed switch and you carefully prise it out and tuck it to one side out of the clock. I suggest you put it in a bag and tuck it as far away as possible. Do not cut or disconnect it. Taken from http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm hope this helps. sounds like you already know this, and sounds like someone has previously made a nice mess of the electrics. Have you checked the powervalve?
  15. Im respraying atm and somehow ive overlooked the fact that im missing this panel =/. im watching one on ebay atm to see how much they go for, this ones new obviously and im building a field bike so dont wanna pay top dollar. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/dt125-dt125lc-side-p...429122001r38905 thats what they look like, if anyone knows where i can get one from id be thankful Cheers Andy
  16. AndyDtr08 replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in The Bar
    Suprised no one said this before, what an absolute idiot that hornybis character was, hope he's been warned or banned. Sorry to hear about the bike, my dtr05 was knocked over in my driveway, it was my fault for leaving it out in the dark when my dad needed to go out in the car.... :S i think he was more upset about it than me, as he has a Suzuki gt750 which he polishes regularly and an old Rover p5, which fingerprint marks from a 3rd party can lead to a slow an painful death! Keep us informed with any succes you have in finding the culprate(sp). I hope you get the money it costs to fix it up, and if not maybe you could sell the dickwads organs instead Also, if it was kids, take pleasure in knowing that if it did topple whilst they were climbing on it, they might have broken some bones as they hit the floor!
  17. AndyDtr08 replied to streaky's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Heres the muguards i have spare, noticed they are both damaged, one actually on the mounting holes and the othr just the back bit of the guard that would be between the forks and the exhaust. BLACK/ORANGE RED BTW ive no idea what the screws are in there for, theres 2 in matching places on 2 of the mounting holes......presumably an attempt at bodging it onto another bike, meh!
  18. Ok so im building at 1986 dt and the parts i got with the project are supposedly all there, ive got 3 plastics that resemble rear mudguards, one of which might be a connecting piece. I dont want to respray them all and then find out but i might have to as i cant find out anywhere which one is the correct one! The haynes manual, helpfully, shows no images of any plastics other than the headlight surround ( which i dont need for offroad ) and then a side shot of the DT LC near the front of the book, this isnt any help as mines the mk3 and might be different to the one pictured......YIKES.......ive tried putting them all onto the frame at the rear to see if any of the holes match up but so far its just confused me even more. Here are some photos of the mudguards ive got and any help would be greatly appreciated! If anyone has access to the yamaha dealer diagrams that they use i suspect it would all be shown on there so if i cant find anything soon i guess ill have to go and nag the guys down at Keys Yamaha again!
  19. AndyDtr08 replied to streaky's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ive got 2 spare front mudgards, no side panels, theres an interesting thing with the rear guard as ive got 3, but i they are all different and i dont know which one is right. Haynes have decided not to show any useful photos and i cant find any on tinternet either. One of them is red, which has a bit crack in, and the other is black with an orange rim around the edge, ill send you some photos 2moro so you can see.
  20. AndyDtr08 replied to simondlh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Im respraying panels atm too, was doing it today until it started to rain . I just cleaned them down, lightly sanded any rough parts, used plastic primer from halfords, then sprayed using a custom mixed colour i got made up at halfords too, the "fan" spray that the cans use scared the shit out of me at first but im extremely pleased with the result atm. I still need to laquer , will carry on 2moro and post some photos
  21. AndyDtr08 replied to bornard's post in a topic in General
    We could do this all day, your just repeating yourself. Police cars exceed the speed limit, so if you were to obstruct one it wouldnt matter what speed your were doing, so long as it were on an emergency call. btw i like the way you say "do that to" as if tractor drivers are deliberately driving at 20mph to spite you! just to point out, 50cc bikes, which are supposed to be restricted to 30mph, are allowed to ride on road that use national speed limit, and if you go by the CBT, which ( again) is the point of the discussion, you should maintain your road position in the centre of your lane. Its up to other road users to overtake in a safe place if they wish to reach the speed "limit". Its not the speed that you must drive/ride at on the road, it is a top limit that is safe for the surround enviroment. Ive riden on single lane national speed limit roads with police cars behind me many a time when i was on my suzuki ts50x, that only did 30mph and ive never been pulled over and told im driving too slow. Fair enough if your crawling at 10-15mph when you can easily drive faster, it would then be acceptable for the police to have words. How often are tractors pulled over for driving to slow? Not often, because they are doing nothing wrong. I'll say again, farmers are driving their machines as a job, if you lack the patience, confidence or riding skill to be able to wait for a safe overtaking spot and make the manouvre then thats your problem i say. And if it causes you or these 'riders' you mention to have an 'altercation' then im sure the farmer in question would be very happy to "debate" it Attitude really isnt everything, a good road user drives in a manor that never causes another motorist to have to react to your driving, anyway, i dont drive tractors so i dont know why im debating this, i just enjoy it too much haha, each to their own i guess......
  22. AndyDtr08 replied to bornard's post in a topic in General
    That reminded me greatly of the "Good for Britain" speech Del Boy fumbled out when rodney asked how 'stealing from british rail could be good for britain'. Ofcourse you can link together all that to make it look like people who dont let everyone out at junctions, to be a bad driver because it causes stress, but it doesnt change the fact that you can be a complete arsehole when it comes to your attitude and still be a good driver. If i choose to not let drivers pass me when i doing 25mph in a 30 and they want to do 40, that doesnt make me a "bad" driver, it just makes me slightly selfish. I know you dont just mean this when u talk about respect for road users, but you basing your opinion on the sterotypical country farmer who are pissed off because of the shit money they get for all their hardwork whilst supermarkets wreak in all the dough (little rant in there ). My point is that for a CBT you need 6-8 hours of training before your allowed on the road. To drive a tractor on the road you need to pass a test similar to a car test, and i dont think there is much dispute about the car test, what a joke that is with the 2 and 10 o clock etc etc, its a performance rather than a test of ability.... And as i said before, you dont get farmers buying tractors that cost inane amount of monies so that they can drive around in gangs like lunatics, or ride on the pavement narrowly missing pedestrians. They use them for work, they are a tool rather than a toy, so if you want to use your attitude and respect point, there you have it. Also at 16 i highly doubt a training farmer would have access to a JCB Fastrac which does 70kmh, the tractors ive driven at my friends feild and the ones ive seen him in do 30mph at a push, as they are made for working and pulling trailers, not for impressing 14 year old girls, by wheelspinning or doing 50mph.
  23. Boretech refused to bore to a piston i provided, but i have got them to knock a piston kit down from 42 to 35 so meh, atleast it will be a good job.
  24. AndyDtr08 replied to bornard's post in a topic in General
    You've obviously had some bad experiences then. I said i consider him to be a good driver, that being in the present tense it goes to say that im talking about his driving skills now. The experience from this has come from being on the road in a tractor since he was 16, driving tractors, land rovers, cars on farm land since he was 13-14, and driving a car since his 17th birthday. If you live in a particularly rural area then there are going to be more tractor drivers and so you are going to remember more bad experiences of farmers. Personally my friend does pull over to let cars past, if it is safe to do so, or f he can afford to. You have to remember they are driving it for a job, so if they spend they're time pulling over to let people get home from work, they are gonna lose time and therefore money. Besides, courtesy on the road has nothing to do with being a good, or skilled driver. Thats to do with a persons attitude so i dont think its fair to judge people on whether they let people out at a junction etc to whether they are safe drivers, which is what this thread is all about.
  25. AndyDtr08 replied to bornard's post in a topic in General
    That doesnt scare me. My friends been on the road driving tractors since he was 16, and i consider him to be a good driver. Obviously there are liekly to be exceptions, but id guess that 99% of the people driving tractors on the road are farmers or agriculture students, so they are driving them as a job and not going sideways round roundabouts to show off to their mates. Personally im more scared of being crashed into by 16 year old with neon lights flashing everywhere, than someone whos passed a test to drive an agricultural machine.