Everything posted by AndyDtr08
how do i deristrict yamaha dt 125 r 2000 model
Well yeahm obviously it depends what your comparing it to but thats like saying killing your enemy isnt drastic in comparison to killing him, his entire family and anyone he's ever met. I just mean that if you start cutting off bits of rubber and modifying parts to the extent that a new part would need to be bought in order to restore the bike to its previous state then your reducing the price you can eventually sell it for. Personally i like to keep my bike as original as i can, so when i go to sell it i can keep down the depreciation (sp). Whats 10 base gaskets do?
how do i deristrict yamaha dt 125 r 2000 model
http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm this is the best page ive found regarding the de restricting of Dtr125's, although id ignore some of the more drastic measures of cutting bits off rubber that go into the reed block and stuff like that unless your desperate for that extra 1mph! Powervalve is the most effective tbh.
dt125 parts
Either you got a good deal, or you've got too much disposable income What is the airbox like on it? Ive realised i dont actually have one at all, and im actually getting closer to having a complete bike! :O:O Got the engine in the other day. I know they changed alot of things when they got to the mk3, but i expect some of the earlier parts will still fit her.
DT125r Servo Problem
Sorry, ive never fitted one. Im following this thread as id like to know too, only thing i can think of is look in the haynes manual? If i get time later today ill see what it says for you.
Also i wouldn't bother with any of the other de restrictions they mention as they could all have problems later on. Up to you ofcourse but personally for a 125, as Barwell said you should be happy with 70mph, let alone the 80+ you can squeeze with the derestrictions.
Right, you will be able to get the front wheel up on the DT but i personally dont like to put the strain on the engine or the risk of damaging my beautiful bike I have had 84 out of my 05 DT on the flat and she wil comfortably ride at 70 and still be responsive when i fully open the throttle. http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm Use the link above and click on the 04 onwards model for more information. Basically the powervalve has a restrictor in the form of a pin that prevents it from fully turning. There is a cable that plugs into the speedo which restricts the revs after 7000rpm, earth it to the frame ( ive tightened it under a nut on the right hand side of the headlight surround). I have no sports exhaust, nor have i cut open and removed the restrictor in the expansion chamber. I have never even have the carb or any other engine parts off the bike so the jetting is standard as is everything else. A friend has a pug 106 gti (nippy little f***ers) and i can beat him away from the lights and stay with him til my 3rd to 4th gear change so the bottom end power is fantastic aswell. Good luck
Piston Rings
Ill agree with that I put the engine back in the frame earlier, im sure you'll understand the elation when i got the mounting bolts in and stood back with my cup of tea in hand and smug look on the face! I appear to be missing the airbox tho roflcopter!
South Wiltshire Newbie
Not a part of the VJMC myself as i dont think my 2005 Yamaha Dtr125 counts as vintage, but i go out with them occasionaly with my Dad who is a member. He has a Suzuki GT750 (kettle) and we're from west sussex. We met at Boxhill the other Sunday along with some other sections of the club and rode to somewhere west of there, the name escapes me......similar to boxhil with a cafe n "stuff". Is going to be made annual event for the club from what a few of the guys were saying. Im pretty new to this forum aswell, only joined originally to get help ony my 86 dt125 lc build, but yeah, welcome to the forum
Piston Rings
For anyone who was interested, the guys at boretech confirmed that the thinner BOTTOM ring goes over the expander ring, so the thicker ring goes at the top. Once they said this it dawned on me that i could just find the old piston and rings id removed and see if one was thicker/thinner. They were! A lot of fuss for nothing haha! Atleast i know now and wont do it again Thanks for all the advice guys
Piston Rings
Im sure i replied to this once, might have been same time my net went down but anyway... Ive got the expander ring in the bottom groove, the new set came with one, but even so ive never come across a set of rings that are the same, or even without the top ring being chamfered to press out during the explosion. I might add the rings are teflon (sp) coated so i dont know if this makes a difference. The Riken wesite doesnt help as it just babbles on about 4 strokes! I think after spending 100 quid of my student loan on the rebore and piston set im gonna wait til 2moro and ring the engineering shop, get their advice, so if it does go wrong i can atleast take it back to them and say, this is what you told me to do. @Old git, im not worried that the bottom ring isnt going to seal properly as it fits the bore nicely, the end gaps is exactly the same on both rings so they are for that bore, im just concerned that im gonna end up scoring the new bore, or doing somthing odd. Its my 1st complete rebuild of any bike, my 02 offroad DT i had the engine out and rebored, but this one is my baby so i want everything to be perfect My friend who i went halves on for the project has pulled out, so alot of money i cant afford is going into her, so dont wanna leave anything to chance. Thanks for all the help guys ill let you know what the shop says!
1999 DT125r
Yeah, i was suprised when my friend wa slooking to buy new ones, in the end hes just bought all varied colours and is going to respray them when he gets his arse into gear. The bike im building had all scratched and faded plastics so i cleaned them up, plastic primed and then re sprayed using the fan spray system that comes on the cans of custom paint from halfords. Worked a treat As for the ypvs servo, i guess its just because they are so good! Dt's often used for offroad, like 2 of mine so everyone wants them to get an edge on the next person
Piston Rings
Ive been beaten to it, my dad told me he was looking at it whilst i was at work last night. The depths of the grooves are also identical. Hes stumped as well. Unless anyone else has any other suggestions i reckon ill just put the thicker ring on top, as cynic says with his bore kit. Whats the worst that can happen i mean its not like its a delicate, easily damagable surface anywhere near it =/!!!
Piston Rings
Ye radial thickness sounds a bit more technical than "like this with 2 O's" ! I genuinly dont think there is any difference in sizes between the grooves though, at 1st i did, but that was because i had the expander ring already in and like those optical illusions, different shades of colour can connote larger sizes. I did briefly measure the gaps, with the end of a screwdriver to.................. .....................upon re read of your post i have decided that i am a wally! I will check the "depth" of the gaps haha! That'll teach me for being stubborn! Right ill go have a look and report my findings Cheers. Hopefully it will be a "fresh pair of eyes" case!
1999 DT125r
If you want genuine yamaha parts go to a dealer, but bare in mind that you might have to sell the rest of the bike to be able to afford it. Ebay is usually the best place to look, althoug you may be waiting a while for one to emerge. Same for the plastics id say. Im currently looking for the YPVS servo kit for an 86 LC DT but no luck so far. Plastics are very sought after apparently, my friends DT has all of them and his tank stolen from outside his flat whilst he slept. They were marked so he will know when he finds them, we're just still waiting to come across the little scumbag that took them so we can "have words". I paid 20 quid including postage for a rear panel on my 86 DT, which obviously isnt as popular as the 1999+ models, so you may well be looking at 100 quid for a set. Good luck with the search, and if you come across an 86 servo kit that doesnt fit yours ill be greatful to hear about it
Piston Rings
Cheers for the replies. As i tried to show in my feeble attempt at a diagram ( O O ) its the thickness like that, not the thickness like this ( - -). The grooves are exactly the same size, i thought of that straight away. Apologies for the Football factory quote, but i really am stuck lol, it doesnt make sense to me unless someones had the piston ring box open and switched them round for a laugh.
Piston Rings
Good thought. Sorry i forgot to mention, the piston is aftermarket too, i had the barrel rebored at an engineering shop and they supplied the entire piston Kit, which is what they re bored the barrel to. The rings will fit no problem, my only issue is i cant work out which order the rings go, it would be ok if one wasnt slightly thicker than the other. My only thought is that the thicker one would go at the top to create a better compression with the thinner one acting as a backup to catch anything else. "Scooby Doo is less confused than me"!
Piston Rings
Ok so im doing a top end rebuild of a Dt125 1986 lc. The 2 piston rings i have are exactly the same, aside from th fact that one is slightly thicker. like inside the brackets ( O O ) The only markings on them are 150 and R. Neither of the rings are chamfered. The ends between the end gaps are exaclty the same. The piston ring make is Riken. I am at a loss, anyone used these rings before and could shed some light would become my hero Thanks Andy
Mk 3 Dt125 LC help needed!
That would be fantastic! My eyes lit up when i saw my post had been replied to! Although im no closer to actually attatching the rear guard yet, as i just got the re bored barrel back, only to find that the little end bearing the shop supplied was not only rusty, but didnt fit into the con rod! The piston they supplied is clearly crap as well. And all this after they refused to ue my 25 pound piston set because it would be a cheap korean part, instead they insisted on using their quality 43 pound kit! Last time i ever use BoreTech Engineering in west sussex, near golding barns raceway, just above shoreham, on the golding barns industrial estate (not to be too specific)! @End rant
Yamaha DT125R
I think your looking at the chain tensioners =/ If this is the case then no, that just does what it says on the tin and allows you to release ro add tension to the chain, by chaingin the position of the rear axle. Either moving it forwards towards the engine ( creating slack) and backwards to increase the tension. I have heard that the ride height can be adjusted, but i presume it will be something to do with the rear shock, ive recently put together the suspension unit on a DT for the 1st time and as a newb, increasing the distance between the suspension linkage and where the shock attatches to the frame under the seat, is the only way to raise the seat height of the bike. Have you looked in the haynes manual for advice? Im about 5ft 8 so if anything my issue is the complete opposite although its not that big a deal for me, unless of course the section of road i need to put my foot down, happens to be lower than the sections my wheels are on! I had that once when queing for ardingly and, i can confirm i needed a new pair of pants!
here is my dt 125 :)
Best 125 bike in the world! Nice and clean too! Gratz
cbt is inadequate
Oh, are we still on this? Haha yeah i will never be a good driver because i have "the wrong attitude" in the opinion of someone who is basing their opinion of me on a few forum posts about a friend who drives a tractor! Im sorry Derren Brown i didnt realise i was be observed by a top shrink as to how safe i am on the public roads! Looks like ive really hit a nerve here. Maybe you should sit down for a minute and dont even think about driving angry as your anger might cause you to be unpleasant to other road users. You really do have a chip on your shoulder about this though don't you. I mean did someone once tell you that you were a bad driver, or perhaps you had " attitude problems" during childhood and are still trying to repress them? It really isnt a big a deal as your making it out to be. I AM a good rider. My friend IS a good driver! He WILL continues to drive on the roads at whatever speed is safe to carry the loads he is pulling! And whats more he WILL look forward to encountering these short tempered impatiant thugs whom you refer to during an altercation! Ive been riding on the road since my 16th birthday, only on a CBT, which all the things i learnt during the day i had already practisecd numerous times under the supervision of my Father ( A police trained motorcycle surveilance officer, whom also instructed at an advanced level for numerous years). My 2nd CBT took 1 hour 30minutes. Sine my 16th birthday i have never had an accident, never dropped my bike, never had any form of road rage with any other driver/ride. I do not drive, so it is my only mode of transport. Ive ridden to cornwall on my 125cc DT last year ( a 10 hour trip) and to the isle of wight a number of times. Please explain how a bad rider with a poor attitude can achieve this, especially on a CBT (which IS inadequate )! Ill await eagerly for your response, i just hope i dont crash my computer in the mean time as i might have the WRong attitude for that aswell! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK!!! Andy
New to the forum
How are you riding a 183cc without doing your test, i thought you could only ride up to a 125 on CBT?
A little inside infomation
Thats fair enough, i myself am very skeptical of anything like this usually, but when i heard of it originally it was from a very well trusted source. I looked at everykind of small print i could and all the terms and conditions are saved, dated etc.
A little inside infomation
Sorry against forum rules drewps
Royal Enfield Bullet
A sense of freedom, that your brain tends to feel too when you fall off and it rolls down the road >.<