Everything posted by AndyDtr08
Overheating DT125R Help pls
Hmmmmm. Now im even more confused, haha! Well, i remember when i rebuilt the engine i had fears of a warped head so i, as OP did, got a plate of glass with wet and dry paper and it looked like the problem there had been sorted. The other thing that makes me think it's not the head is the fact that there is no compression loss. It pops like a real beaut so i'd be suprised if it were. When i have the time, i'll flush the coolant and replace with a mix that i know is right. As you say vez, it's gotta be worth £10 quid rather than having the head off and ruining, what could be, a perfectly good gasket. It wont be for a few weeks though i expect as i've gotta get all the preparations for the documentary in place but i'll be sure to report back my findings! *EDIT* Not sure if i mentioned before, but the bike has only done about 10 miles round the drive and up and down the pavement outside my house since i rebuilt it. If that has any bearing on anything let me knwo
A few Q's about the bike test
Thats fantastic, i couldnt seem to find that when i looked before. It just kept coming up with similar pages that were confusing to say the least. Thanks, ill get the theory test done and then book the mod 1 and 2 as soon as i can. Does anyone have any advice for the practical? Ive found a few videos on youtube of how the 2 modules work and they seem pretty self explanitory, but if anyone thinks of anything that they feel is useful to remember, or things not to do, id appreciate the unput! Thanks again, just been out on the back of my Dads kettle as my Dt is a bit "loud" at present, to ride on the road, and its just spurred me on more to get my act into gear! Bring on the summer!
A few Q's about the bike test
Yeah but can i ride a bike bigger than that which i do the test on. So if i want to ride a 600, do i have to do the test on a 600? or cna i do it on a 125 and ride a restricted 600 for 2 years? I know what you mean 2wheels. The reason i havnt done it before is becacuse i did my CBT on my 16th birthday and rode a ts50 for a year. That did 30mph, downhill. My dream bike was a yamaha dt125 and i was determined to get it. I had spent my paper round money on the ts50 and had to save up for the DT by getting a part time job in sainsburys, which im still in -.-! But i got the DT ready for collection just after my 17th birthday and rode it home from the dealer in kent with 183km on the clock. I paid £2095 for the bike, suffice to say this skinted me for a while as any money coming in i had to spend on other things that id sacrificed whilst saving. So it was partly that i couldnt afford to get the test done before my 18th birthday, which is when the CBT ran out, as i was under the impression that i had to do a 5 day course followed by the test (costing £400). The other factor was that the DT was my dream bike, and it fulfilled my expectations. It was fast and looking at it my pants wet. It does 80mph on the flat, faster enough for any 17year old, so i saw no need for doing the test before the next cbt ran out, as id be better off getting the riding experience and enjoying the DT. Now i know i can just go straight for the mod1 and 2 at a cost of less than £100, i can afford to go for it. It's the same with the car test. Im 19 now, 20 in july and i only passed my driving test just over a month ago. I had the DT as a mode of transport to get to uni and around places, as well as a form of fun in my spare time. There was nothing pushing me to get a car. The only real reason i did it, was so i could transport kit around for uni, mainly for the Documentary im now making about the DT125, as ill need to travel to people for interviews. I also now have incentive to get the bike test done as ive now got a girlfriend (yeah i don't know how either =P) and she really wants to go out on the back of the bike. So theres a boring story for you! Oh, and once the test is done, i expect i'll start looking at selling the DTRE to get funds for a fazer so expect a for sale post, featuring the exact bike from the following vid:
A few Q's about the bike test
Ok, so i just read foamys thread about the bike test and didnt want to hijack his thread with questions so heres another one! I've been riding on a CBT for almost 4years now, have done a repeat! I've looked on the DVLA website but all it does is confuses me! If i take the module 1 and 2 test on my dt125re, does this mean i have to stay riding a 125 for 2 years or can i take it on the dt and then buy a restricted fazer600 ( 33bhp)? I've also got the theory test booked. For the 29th april i think. ideally need to get the test done before july so i dont have to pay another 100 squids to get another CBT! I just cant work out what the rules are, so if anyone has contacts that know about the modern day test, or anyone has done it recently id appreciate some insight!!! Cheers, Andy
Overheating DT125R Help pls
Just had a read through. Must have missed this thread before! Glad theres a happy ending to the story. Also very useful to me. My 2002 DT i rebuilt with a friend who then ducked out due to financial issues! I recall him sorting the coolant out. I know its a mix one, but i think he must have used tap water with it as it expands and pushed the cap off the expansion bottle! Ill flush it and put some different stuff in! Very useful thread, yet again!
i need help! 1982 DT 125
Ah, i see! And thats why i want to interview you for the documentary and not myself! I wont hijack this thread with that though. I tried pming you about it but it said you couldnt recieve emails, presumably because your inbox is full (mr popular!). Ill try again this eve! Yeah, as cynic said. Its not worth bothering with a new carb unless you have money to throw around and little time. I've had my dtre carb off and apart when mine had some similar issues and it cleaned up a treat, went back on with the same gaskets and sorted it, even though i didnt see anything that could have caused the boggin issue in the first place, may have just shifted from turning the carb at an angle that it never see's when fixed in place on the bike. I think i also changed the plug at the same time, you could check the gap and with that out you'll be able to see if the running problems are caused by a bad mixture. There are many photo comparisons online and in the haynes manual that cna help with that. I'd find one now but i keep having to tell myself for coming back on here every 2 minutes when i should be video editing!!!!!
i need help! 1982 DT 125
Essentially, the MX stands for Moto X i believe, where as LC stands for Liquid Cooled. So either see if it has a radiatior, or see if the cylinder and head is smooth metal or has blades ( i dont know what the correct term is), but basically making more surface area for the cold air to make contact with to cool down the engine and prevent over heating. I think it will be a MK1 dt125LC, another way to determine this is to look at the swing arm. They were one of the last models to have a support strut going at a 45 ish degreee angle from the rear wheel, up to the frame under the seat. You'll want to check that your throttle is set right as i know the later bikes have oil pumps that are made to account for poor set ups but im not too sure when these were implemented. If you have a haynes manual for the bike there is a "trouble shooting section" near the front that i've always found fairly useful. You look up the symptom and it will tell you things to check. Does sound like a mixture problem though, which as has been said already, could be the carb or a blocked air filter. Best of luck and let us know!
Cat removal DT125RE, well kind of.
Ah yeah, was just going on what that website said, probably would be easier to just buy a 2nd had dep. My friends welding this one back together now, gonna use it as a spare. Bought one off Deeteemx that i'll refurb/spray for showing off
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
Ah yeah i see what you mean.
A simple appeal
sounds like it's going well! Is it just me or does that woman who used to present the news on BBC, remind you guys of Big Bird? Cant remember her name...might be moira stewart....
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
Right, the pv cables arnt crossed. Atleast they arent from where they come out of the servo cover to the pv housing, so unless they are inside the cover then no. I have earthed the cable, which allowed it to rev freely. What you mean "some of the time" OG?
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mini-DV-DVR-Sports-Video-Camera-Spy-cam-MD80-spycam-DC_W0QQitemZ270557432568QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3efe7acaf8 I bought mine off ebay. I dont think it was this link exactly. The one i was looking at was 12:99 with free shipping but i made a best offer and got a counter for 12.50. Just make sure you go for one with low p&p as risk with ones that are 99p buy it now with £10 postage is that if it doesnt turn up, they only have to refund the item and not the p&p, so you lose £10. also as it's from china it takes a while and presumably there is a risk of customs charges. Mine was fine but i remember ordering a Mountainbike shock from america and being charged 20quid extra in customs and parcel force charges. An 8gb micro SD card is between 10 and 15 quid. Most of them say they will only hold 8gb cards but i see no reason for 16gb's not working. 8 seems to be fine tho.
Cat removal DT125RE, well kind of.
Also, according to that website, there are some other things in the silencer! Now i have one that is...er....well....not attatched, i might cut it open and have a look around!
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
Yeah appears to be the case eh! Ah well i guess ill just have to ride in the powerbands for now. I think i've seen one on there for about 50 quid, i'm just reluctant to spend the money as i know ill end up needing it for somthing more important ( i know, what could possibly be more important than the bike! alas the gf wouldnt see it that way if i used that as the reason for not buying her a birthday present!) On another note, the footage is not bad eh? That helmet cam cost me £12.50 delivered. Its a version of the MD80 mini dv cam. uses micro SD cards and is about 2 inches big......or small....however you look at it, i see 2 inches as BIG! thats plugged into the pc with a usb cable atm, it comes with a number of clips, a silicone case, usb lead, drivers, a string to put around your neck. Not bad i thought for 12.50, shoots in 480x720 and 30fps!
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
there it is. I tried putting an embedded one in using the guide in the video section. Guess thats outdated now with this "insert media" business sorry for double post
Cod & chips twice please
Like it!
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
Yeah, sorry, meant to do it today but the gf didnt go home til an hour or 2 ago and the bikes all tucked up in the garage along with the 3 other bikes in there and the folks car. Its like a rubix cube to get it out. It's all disconnected as well atm. Decided to disconnect to see what difference it made. As you'll know, said answer is "ALOT"! Purchased myself a rather nifty helmet cam that some of you guys might be interested in so ill video it 2moro on that and upload. Good to show the quality of the cam as well as the PV! *Edit* On another note. My 02 Dt doesnt have the PV servo or cables etc. Does anyone know if its a unniversal unit? I.e can i use an 06 one on a 2002 bike? Got offered one recently for what i think is fair, but before i take the stuff off the 05 and onto the 02 i thought id see if anyone of you chaps have attempted this?
Cat removal DT125RE, well kind of.
Very interesting! Hadn't even considered the possibility of what was inside there. Presumed there was just the same bits to cut out as on the pre 04 models. Be intertested to see what affect it has if you manage to get that lump out! I'll wait til you've finished your experiments, but i might consider getting a spare pipe to give it a go.
DTR power valve compared with DTRE power valve
Good to get a reply, even if it is as vague as that. I suppose they have to cater for the average joe who might just get the garage to do any work. If they advise you to do somthing to the bike and it ends in a bloody mess along a road somewhere, your widow might call death lawyers4u or whatever it is!
Rookie Mistake thats worth laughing at!
Haha, being a young un, its a bit before my time, but i recall my parents walking aroung singing it when i was a kid! Makes sense now I laughed. No point in getting wound up eh. Aint gonna put the silencer back! It would be fantastic if you did have a silencer to sell. Theres one on ebay im looking at atm, just emailed the guy said if he can do it for £25 delivered ill take it but i doubt he will, or even reply. Ill go and have a look at the post about expansion chambers now! True, I have no idea how i managed it. The usual plan, is to put every bolt back into its fitting or the part that it is holding on. I can only presume i put it in the mounting on the pipe as not to lose it. Then removed it when i started to spray and put it somewhere so safe that i havnt yet found. I'm getting nearer to the final stages of getting the 86Dt ready to fire up. I've rebored the cylinder and ill probably find i've forgotton to put the new piston in! I kid i kid, it's in there! I was looking up the exhaust port the other day to see the powervalve and saw it
Rookie Mistake thats worth laughing at!
Eh? You've lost me now!
Rookie Mistake thats worth laughing at!
Recently re sprayed my exhuast from my 2005 dt125re. Was in a rush putting it back together as i needed it for some studio filming i had planned the following morning. Missed the final mounting bolt on the silencer somehow ( I know, WTF, but i did =/). Passed my driving test a week later so havn't used the bike much since. Was nice weather today so took her out for a ride. At around 60mph the bike suddenly got very loud. Looking in my mirror i can see my silencer bouncing around the road behind me. Snapped off just at the Cylindrical part of the silencer! Silly mistake to make! Anyone got a silencer from this model they are looking to sell lol!?!?!? Was thinking of getting a DEP but i like keeping my bikes looking as they did when they left the factory. Also i cant afford to get the full system and it's probably not worth getting just the silencer. Annoying thing is, ive got 3 spare silencers. 2 from 2002 models and one from an 86. 2 deps and a standard! I AM A MORON!
What bike is this?
Thanks. Looked at some photos and it seems to be the one. A friends boss has it in a bush on his farm. Wants rid of it, so i said he could drop it off at mine next time he has his trailer hitched up. When he drops it over ill see what frame numbers we have. Also. Just got a DT125lc frame, numbers starting 35A. Gonna put it on ebay i think. Came with an RD125 engine thats ceased as hell.
- What bike is this?
De Restricting my DT125R
How much was the dep silencer?