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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. Problem is they didnt describe the wire type in the description. Just when i emailed them? This should be ok right? I'll just have to pay the postage on the return journey? I mentioned to them that cables and pulley are still useful to me if they would rather just refund me some of the money through paypal and i send bakc the servo motor, to save feedback. See how much they offer. If its not worth it i'll just send the lot back and think about it more when i have the time to. Just hope my brother doesnt sit in the powerbands constantly and blow it before then. I know they are pretty tough bikes but it'd be a shame to have to spend a hundred on a rebore and piston kit if i dont need to.
  2. Yeah, thats the thing. Somehow it was £7 postage and packing. Unfair if you ask me. Think it said 2quid on the label with a box full of newspaper cuttings. So i'll be losing £10. Maybe its worth selling the powervalve servo on and buying another 3 wire. Keeping the cables etc. Just wanna know how much it would cost to buy the cables, puylley and housing. Paid 35+7postage for the lot.
  3. Thought as much. **** sakes. Any idea what the pulley and cables are worth so i know if its worth me getting a refund?
  4. AndyDtr08 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    I don't know what day it is. All i know is its always time to be dressed as a woman.
  5. So i emailed the ebay member about that powervalve set with cables etc that was posted and they assured me it was a 3 wire version. This is what turned up. Is this not a 5 wire version? Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://img13.imageshack.us/i/p120510170703.jpg/ http://img706.imageshack.us/i/p120510170701.jpg/ ????? IM SCARED!
  6. AndyDtr08 replied to muppet's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Bought the one that muppet posted the link too with all the cables and pulley. £35 + £7 postage. They emailed me earlier to say they posted it today. Top job! Although my ebay buyers account now has 17 recent items bought at a total of 180+ quid and i still havnt got the clutch lever and bracket i need for the 86LC!!! Will report back once its fitted!
  7. AndyDtr08 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    ...and i like to be called Margeret if you don't mind.
  8. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in Forum Help
    I was looking through the for sale section to see if anyone was parting with their rd350 and found that most of them are "breaking" or "parts". Would it be possible to have subsections in there? For bikes, then for parts? as i say, just a though. Would make it easier for me atleast!
  9. Oh, if that doesnt work, give up and sell me your clutch lever assembly as i cant find one for my mk3 DTLC! Good luck!
  10. Turn the petrol off, kick the bike a good few times to clear it out incase you've flooded it. Take the spark plug out. Put the lpug into the ingition cap, you may need someone else to kick the bike whilst you watch the plug to see if its sparking. If it is, make sure the sparks are continuous. If it doesnt spark or its sparking randomly, get a new spark plug. If its fine. Check that there are no bits of dirt or anything in the gap. If there are, clean them out or get a new plug. If that dont work try... Holding the business end over your gas burner in the kitchen (whilst its lit usually helps ) to warm it up. You need to burn all the petrol out of the gap and area that goes inside, if that makes sense? It will get hot so have some gloves on or somthing to protect your hands. Put it back in the bike. Put the petrol onto reserve, incase its low on fuel. Put the choke on, and kick it a few times. If nothing happens after a few times. Petrol off, kick it a bit to clear the engine, and try again.
  11. AndyDtr08 replied to muppet's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Thans guys, I've emailed the guy about the whole set. That looks promosing even if it's a 5 wire. Presumably the housing and pulleys etc are the same, just a different servo. Thanks for the other link OG, vez sent me a pm about that one last night as well! I've just got to be careful not to make his faster than mine! HAHA!
  12. AndyDtr08 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    Uploaded with ImageShack.us Naice!
  13. AndyDtr08 replied to muppet's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yeah, i've seen a few on there but i've recently learnt about the 2 different types of servo's The 5 wire and the 3 wire. The 5 wire is the later model and wont run the earlier models. Its from the RE (04-07). Got any links i can take a look at?
  14. AndyDtr08 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    Prett sure my dad did. He's out on a VJMC ride around Box Hill area atm though so ill have to wait for him to get back to find where it is.
  15. AndyDtr08 replied to muppet's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yeah as someone else said, PlusGas seems to be the best stuff in my opinion. Mine is a can that you drip down the thread though, rather than a spray. Might have to keep an eye out for the spray version! Looks fantastic, you've got yourself a top bike there it seems! Keep us posted about the powervalve set as well, my brother bought an 89 DTR 2 nights ago and im looking to get the powervalve working.
  16. I think ive got a 3mb in the loft. Pretty sure i saw one the other day when i was getting a mudguard down.
  17. AndyDtr08 replied to AndyDtr08's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks ill give them a try! What is setting the master and slave?
  18. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    So i have a powermac G4 MDD. I bought another HD to put in my mac as ive run out of room. The new hard drive has different connectors to the IDE ribbon. The one thats in there appears to have a brown end over the connectors. Maybe an adapter? Do you put adapters on the end of the hard drive? If so what are they called and where do you get them? This is the HD im trying to fit! http://img153.imageshack.us/i/picture0041q.jpg/ http://img219.imageshack.us/i/picture0031ni.jpg/
  19. AndyDtr08 replied to muppet's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Welcome to the forum. I think you've made a good choice between the 2 there! Yeah aside from what OG said, id also have a look at the airbox. If your arent doing any major engine work then most of the routine maintenence section of the haynes manual would be the first port of call. If you have the money obviously it would be good to buy genuine yamaha parts from your local yamaha dealer. (You'll find your nearest on google). If not then i tend to buy most of my parts on ebay. Yambits is also a useful shop. They have an ebay shop as well as a website. One point to look out for on the offroad bikes is the bushes in the rear suspension linkage. The way i check is by leaning the bike towards me on the stand and reaching over with my right hand and check for play by trying to pull the swing arm up. As OG said there seems to be a growing number of DT fans on the forum atm so if you have any problems dont hesitate to ask as we're all always up for a bit of bike banter!
  20. Thats the head from an early to mid 80's LC isnt it? I think i have a spare one of them, ill have a look when i sort my parts, might be worth putting on my 2002. Also, the bottle that causes restriction near the carb. Presumably we aren't talking about the YEIS bottle? It's the one that sticks off sideways between the airbox and the carb. This will have the same affect if removed from a dtre?
  21. Ok, so its's a bit of a random thing to post, granted. But it made me think and i was just wondering if anyone else has ever tried this. I follow a blog called Hotukdeals and one of the deals on there today is an "Ultrasonic Cleaner" which is 14.99 from amazon. I was reading through the comments and one guy said he uses them to clean carb's. Obviously you'd have to be careful what you used in it but might be worth a shot. I get my bonus later this month from work and im pretty sure the idea of the bonus is to blow it as soon as you can on random things so i might give it a go. The Ultrasonic Cleaner is normally used to clean things like jewellery, CDs etc. from what i can work out, you put in the item and some cleaner ( fairy liquid etc, but could use petrol or muc off or parafin i guess) and it vibrates the dirt off the surface. Might be good for cleaning small parts you cant get inside. Dno, just a thought
  22. Thanks, i keep coming back to the thread and everytime it makes me want to go out and start fiddling but i really should concentrate on the uni work!
  23. Ok, thanks. I'll do the same. I expecte i can get a friend to skim it for free so it's definately worth doing. Tempted to get him to do the other one whilst he's at it, just to be safe.
  24. Hmm. yeah well its definately not 100% tap water as its pink! The other part of the "partnership" works in halfords and always thinks he knows best so i trusted his judgement, but since seeing him work on his 2 DT's (before they were both stolen recently) i have reason to believe otherwise! I have a number of friends who are engineers so i'll ask one of them to skim the head and barrel when i have to chance to do some work on it. The bike is stored outside at the moment (covered and secure) but is there any risk in not getting this done soonish, presumably even if there is a leak the coolant will only be passed the leak when the engine is running, and at this time the compression would stop coolant from getting into the bore. I run the bike regularly. when i ran it today i did notice that the smoke was quite rich. I didnt have time to run it for any length of time and dont want to rev it highly, or have any place to give it a good blat to clear the pipe so it may just be that. I did think it looked fairly white though so this with the coolant pressure leads me to thinking it probably is a gasket problem. Is this logical? Might make the time next weekend to get it apart. Only problem is ive got the 86 in the garage + my DTRE+my dads kettle+ my brothers SR125, and the parents always want to get one car in there too! (its a double, were not a family of clowns ) so it might not be til ive completed the 86!
  25. And the same type of oil. You now get synthetic as well as the standard. I've always used synthetic on my dtre as thats what was in it when i bought the bike. I use Castrol for the older offroad bikes. I was told to try and avoid switching between the 2.