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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. Very interesting topic Vez. Sorry to hear that its causing so much trouble for you but keep us updated, theres some valuble lessons to be learned here.
  2. Ah, yeah i remember now. Could have just looked through...laziness i guess! Yeah i was a bit skeptical about that but just wanted to find out if there was somthing i wasnt seeing. I personally am keeping mine standard, other than easily reversible things like earthing the wire. Looking to sell it pretty soon so wanna hold the value. Hopefully getting a job in london within the media industry so im going to be taking my full bike test and getting somthing i can commute in on. Have had my heart set on an rd350 ypvs before these new plans came about and now im not sure if i should get a fazer 600 or somthing a little more suited.
  3. Because the bikes are very popular to theives, its often hard to get hold of a frame with numbers still there and the V5 available. If you are looking to put it on the road that is. If not, you've got a nice little field bike. Im reluctantly going to be selling my 2002 DTR feild bike soon! Best of luck with the rebuild and dont hesitate to post up queries if you get stuck.
  4. This thread should become a sticky! Everytime i find the time to get on here its always up there! Was there any kind of noticable difference from the snorkel? Also, it reminded me of the DTR.net sire that talked about cutting the rubber from the inlet manifold. I Cant remember if we've discussed this yet.
  5. Thats what i did when i built my 86 DT. Gotta make sure you press them out rather than impact them. More so when putting new ones in. I remember changed the swimg arm bearings on my TS50x. Failed an MOT due to too much play. After new bearings fitted correctly, it was the same. It then passed. At a Yamaha dealer as well.....
  6. Had just ridden home from cornwall on my DTRE and got home about 11pm. Had been raining from around winchester all the way back into worthing. Wheeled the bike into the garage around my dads GT750, rather close to the wall. slipped on a mixture of oil on the floor that had been splilt previously and my wet boots, bike started to tip away from me, luckily it landed on the handle bar end on the wall.....unluckily i had been so intent on not letting go my weight pushed the bars sideways as i fell on the bike and the mudguard scuffed on the wall, broke an indicater and broke the headflight surround. Was so embaressed i covered it up and fixed it before anyone even found out. Until my dad found the broken headlight surround. He laughed....
  7. I'd be interested to know how fast these go. What genuine speed have you had from it. On the flat in mhp? Thanks, looks nice
  8. Ah i see. Look quite nice. Strange they kept the swing arm like that though, when they changed them in the 80s here.
  9. I was after a similar. My brother is now gonna spray his red one however. Try contacting DeeTeeMX from this forum. He no longer uses the forum i think, but if he doesnt reply in a few days let me know and ill email him. Think he said 10 quid + postage but i might be wrong.
  10. You mean the DTRE? Will the DTRE rear mudguard fit a DTR? As far as i know, no. I beleive the fittings are quite different. They remodelled it quite alot to accomodate the light being in the mudguard to give it more of a motoX style look. Im sure if you have the right tools you would be able to make it fit, but then the lights might be compatible.
  11. Have a search on ebay for DT125 crank, i saw one split on there the other day when i was trauling through.
  12. Yeah, what is that DT? is is the 1st lc? I though the pipe came up the otherside on them? AS OG said, your best bet would be to get a DTR if it causes that much distress to you . Personally i think id just keep that. Looks pretty nice! *EDIT* just seen the fins.....What is that??!?!?!?!?
  13. What are you searching for to find that?
  14. You can usually find the parts manuals on microfice on ebay for a couple of quid. I bought one for the 86lc and then got it printed out at the library, which cost me 17 quid!!! Be careful if you do this as there was about 10 contents pages on the actualy microfiche so i paid for the same sheet 10x! Sending that powervalve back today, its a 5 wire . gonna just take the advice of DeeTeeMX and leave it turned slightly off the open position. Have you got yours through from america yet?
  15. It depends how the powervalve has been "tied open" and in what position. You say "open" but it could be that the valve is turned 180 degress in the port, which restricts the bike. Got any photo's of this lace? It should be pinned rather than tied. Fully open it means you'll have all the power at higher revs and little until you get to around 6-7 i think, not sure as i've never had a rev counter! I'm sorting out an 89 DTr atm which will be pretty much the same, i've been told that turnign the valve slighting closed can help even out the power. As far as damage goes. If you have it running at high revs, you'll be constantly riding it hard. Race bikes are set up like this and they tend to need piston replacements and re bores of the barrel. This costs up to £100. Aslong as your sensible you wont have this problem. Thats kinda the worst case scenario. I'm also looking for a servo, cables etc to run the 89 im fixing up for my brother. I think you'll need a 3 wire version of the servo, which are very rare. I bought a 5 wire by mistake a week back and am sending it back today.
  16. I wouldnt get out, purely for the fear that you might have died and come back to life as a zombie. It's just not worth the risk =/ I kid, i guess some people just panic and dont know what to do.
  17. AndyDtr08

    DT 125

    Could be loss of compression. Typo's are such a great means of comedy. http://bp1.blogger.com/_B5pRQyW8dNs/SJAAP2a4smI/AAAAAAAAAWU/8qebXL8FNUQ/s1600-h/typo4.jpg
  18. Yeah, but the ones ive seen on ebay that claim to be 3 wires have a kind of clip connector along with another wire. These connnectors seem to be different. Oh well i think ill get a refund, and think about it again once i have the time.
  19. He still insists thgt its a 3 wire version. Are there 3 wires that go to the CDI then 2 wires that go somewhere else? Im really confused now. Does anyone have a photo of the 3 wire?
  20. Thats fantastic! Cheers. How did you find that? Am i searching for the wrong things!
  21. Does anyone know what year the law came in that brought the engine capacity down from 250-125cc's fro 17 year olds? Thanks Andy
  22. AndyDtr08

    Early DT125

    Hi guys. Still working on the documentary about the life of the DT. What year was the first DT125 produced. From what i can work out it was 1972, but it's a bit hazy. Hoping someone who knows the bike can tell me. Regards Andy
  23. Yeah, as the guy at the garage said, the bikes running far too rich. You'll need to adjust the screw on the carb. Best bet is get yourself a haynes manual and go through the fault diagnosis. If the screw doesnt work then you'll need to find out what jet you have in. It might be too big.
  24. DeeTeeMX has one of these. Not sure if he's using the forum atm though. might be worth a msg
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