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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. AndyDtr08 replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Thanks Nev! Did you take it all back to metal/plastic or just clean up and spray the Hycote Aluminium Coat spray over the top? Did you not get loads of scratch marks on the pipe from the use of the wire brush? I'm gonna go and play now! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/original26.jpg/ There's a photo of the bike as it stands.
  2. AndyDtr08 replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Hi, nev. Brilliant thread! Will be back to read more later! Just a quick one. What did you use to paint the engine? I'm looking at restoring my Yamaha DT200WR. I love the idea of the T cut and the wire brush i will do my DEP pipe with this tonight maybe! Andy
  3. Thanks merv, what a wealth of knowledge there is on that forum! Didn't expect so much information so fast! Brilliant! Hopefully it will all go smoothly and she'll be ready to go in no time! again, cheers! Andy
  4. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in General
    I have a yamaha DT200WR that i aqquired recently. I have seen a couple on the road. I was wondering if anyone on here had ever registered a bike with the DVLA and put it on the road. If so, do you have any tips of how to go about it and what to do. If i cant get anything on here ill contact the DVLA but im sure ill get alot more sense out of you guys than those guys! I've ordered a wiring loom to get a light at the back. Will try and fit DT125 parts to it (numberplate holder, light etc). Thanks in advance!
  5. AndyDtr08 replied to anthony125's post in a topic in General
    Just like to say thanks to Leatherat for all the advice on the test. I'm looking at doing my DAS test in the next few weeks. I've been riding my DT125RE for 4 years and a suzuki ts50x for a year before that so im a competent rider but im still shit scared! This could be because my dad is a police trained motorcyclist and an ex instructor so the fear of failiure is tenfold! haha. Also because of how much it will mean to me to get the license! But the info on here has boosted my confidence alot, which is my main obstacle! Cheers! Andy
  6. Wicked Idea! Love it! I'll take a Blue medium please. Again, id favour the white writing.
  7. So, having spoken to Boretech engineering in attempts to get parts, i found out that infact, the bike is a Yamaha DT200WR. I have seen one on ebay that is road registered, legal, taxed and mot'd. I will, therefore be making this the same and then selling the DT .
  8. Hi guys, Sorry I havn't been on here in a while, i started a new job and it all got hectic! I've recently purchased an old Yamaha WR200 enduro. I've been told it's been bored out to a 250 but I've yet to open up the engine as it seems to have compresssion and turns nicely so will get it running before i do so. I was wondering if anyone on here knew much about them? I remember seeing a thread about them a while back but there wasnt much response. I'm planning to restore it and possibly make it road legal. I want to sell the DTRE and and start looking for a 31k RD350 but alot of my funds are tied up in the DTRE and i dont want to be bikeless for any period of time! This WR has a full DEP system on it and it looks very similar to a DT exhaust but i havnt attempted a swop yet, due to chronological issues ! I'll upload some photos when i get them on my mac. She looks lovely, if a bit tatty. I see through that though, to its potential! Also need to clear alot of my DT parts from the loft so if anyone is after anything then please feel free to give me a shout! Andy
  9. I thought that was Yamaha's attempt at a restriction. They just put the valvle in 180 degree's and didnt fit the servo kit so it just blocked a lump the port of constantly to comply with regulations in britain. Then you could buy the servo kit from yamaha for around 200-300 quid, or just losen then valve, turn it and tighten. My brothers early DTR was set up like like, i've just turned the valve to the best position for a compromise between the two extremes.
  10. AndyDtr08 replied to Algene's post in a topic in General
    I want a DT 650!!!!!!!!!
  11. I've thought about it too tbh. Just because i love to kick an engine over. Was going to look into it this summer but apparently i never got round to it! If you do it let me know!
  12. AndyDtr08 replied to a post in a topic in Video Section
    yeah, tad irresponsible!
  13. AndyDtr08 replied to choppernorgate's post in a topic in General
    You GOT a score of 7 out of 11 Your rating: Normal Intelligence This is based on the Simon Evans score rating system answers below Now Here's the Twist;), your answers not only can tell your current intelligence, but the combination can also forecast your upcoming love life: Your Projected Love Life: Wow! Your love life is bitchin.
  14. No ones attacking you. I help people who deserve the help and will help themselves. I donated to the "tent to go to haiti" appeal on this very forum. I donate to many charitys. Granted it isnt much but having just come out of university it's all i can afford. Just the same i donate sympathy to people i feel deserve it. Me feeling sad because he's brown bread doesnt make things any better, it just makes me feel worse. Why should i feel sad because some moron cant find help in the right avenues. As i said, there are plenty around...
  15. I cant see what they've done? Have they put some kind of sealant around it?
  16. AndyDtr08 replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    hee rare ree us! might bid...
  17. Wishing him dead and not giving a shit they he did die is completely different. And even in the extreme case that someone might see the chase and hope he dies, its more than likely that they are wiahing he killed himself rather than some innocent person. If he gets caught and put in prison then our taxes have to pay for him to watch sky TV, become a hardened criminal and actually get paid to be in there. It's hard enough to get a job outside of prison where i live! Christ! It's completely irrelevant as to whom he steals from. He could have stolen it from an mp who paid for it using money they claimed during the expenses scandals, i dont care. HE HAS STOLEN IT! The fact that it might be my own bike would only annoy me further because of my personal loss if that makes sense. What are you on about, happy it ended in tradegy. Sorry but now you are clutching at straws. The point was to explain why we should feel sorry for him, not try and make the people who don't look like monsters. "poor unfortunate lad"? Really? No he did not HAVE to resort to it. In third world countries, a "poor unfortunate lad" might have to sell his body to dirty old men to help pay for food for his family to survive. Someone in a country like ours, with benefit systems, job centres, the NHS to name a few, stealing a motorbike and then not stopping for the group of people who would be able to help him, is not poor and unfortunate. It is the acts of a petty criminal.
  18. AndyDtr08 replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    What year DT is it to start with. Theres a good stick on deristricting DT's in the dualsport/offroad section of the forum too.
  19. AndyDtr08 replied to AndEdward's post in a topic in The Bar
    My brothers just sold his SR125 on to a friend of mine. He always had electric problems getting it started. Im not sure what your problems are. Does the starter motor spin but it wont start or is there just nothing?
  20. It happens, comes to mind and even that feels like im caring too much. I mean he got what he deserved for simply not wearing a helmet, let alone the fact that he had stolen the bike and presumably put numerous other peoples lives in danger ( pedestrians, other road users, the police whom were forced to chase him). It's a shame that a life got lost and there will family members left mourning their loss but that just goes on to prove, in my mind, that he deserved the lose his life. Whats the point in a selfish individual like that being around, other than to keep the show "road wars" on sky tv. The only other real tradedgy in this, other than the family members, is that some poor bloke/woman has to go and scrape him off the road. Edit-Read the rest of the thread now. Taking into consideration that there might be reasons why he took the bike. He could then pull over and explain the circumstances. If it were life and death or someones life was in danger then im sure the police would take this seriously. They could get to the scene of this "life and death emergency" alot quicker and safer than someone who clearly has no regards for his or anyone elses safety. Im not sure whats meant by addiction etc? Could you give some other examples as to why he might need to twoc a motorbike? I see what you say about the metal/life argument and if i allow the logical side of my brain to take control then yes. Life is more important than an hunk of metal. But i feel that there are many factors that could cause an attatchment to a bike that makes it appear more valuable than a member of society that has chosen to break the very laws that are there to protect him/her as well. I have always strongly agreed with the point Gas made about no longer being protected by the law if you decide not to obey them and although i would also like to have the forgiving nature to feel sympathy for someone in this situation but i cant imagine i ever would.
  21. I'll scan it in tonight or tomorrow. Yeah i've got 2 DTR CDI's spare atm one connected up to a full loom. Might try and get them on ebay if i dont use them for these bikes. Start putting the money towards a fazer. Im waiting for my £500 bursary to come through from college so i can take my full test and get a bigger bike. Unfortunately that will probably mean selling the DTRE due to space. But my brother still has an 89 DTR that he rarely uses so ill buy that and renovate!
  22. cheers mate, really appreictate the help. i think im only working evening on saturday so ill have a go then. They look like different wiring diagrams to the ones i was using. I'm using th haynes for the LC. Knowing me im probabaly over complicating it or missing somthing simple. Electrics always confuse me. Ill give you a pm on saturday. Are the DTR CDi's worth alot or is it just the old LC's?
  23. Nice one. Good info. I thought it had the ignition control built into the CDI? I just want to make it run!!! lol. Are there any other ways around it? I have another wiring loom but i dont know if i can fit that to the older bike. I've got 2 CDI's from the DTR. It's for offroad use only so i only need to make a spark, sounded easy at first. Apparently not!
  24. So, i thought i was very near to getting the final DT up and running. I started work on the electrics and have now spent many hours trying to just get a spark. I have power coming from the generator as my dad found out "oops". But when i test with a multimeter just as the wire leaving the CDI goes into the ignition coil, its extremley weak, and i get no spark. I've come to the conclusion that either the CDI is shit, or the pickup coil is shit. Either way its all poop atm and im fed up for today so ive packed up ready to go to work. I've been trying to work from the the loom on my 2002 DT which works fine. The main question is has anyone got a CDI unit for a mk3 LC and/or a pick up coil? I cant find any on ebay for a reasonable price and i also dont want to get a broken one that some moron on ebay has wacked on there to get a few quid even though its dead. Or if anyone has any suggestions or ideas i could try. Cheers guys
  25. AndyDtr08 replied to a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Haha Brilliant. An in reply to the original question. You know those giant smarties/malteasers etc tubes that you get at xmas. Tape a load of those together.