Everything posted by AndyDtr08
Looking good nev! Thats far more elaborate than i was expecting for the 2 stroke. I might just keep a syringe on the bike somewhere and just suck up some out of the tank. Its got the measurements on it
Just stopped working! DT125R
Oh and glad you managed to fix your bike! I went to view a DTR a few days ago that was being sold and it was state. It angered me to see a DTR that had been treated so badly and was soon to become scrap metal!
Just stopped working! DT125R
I'm not sure what difference the 9/8 plugs would make but i would stick with the recommended. Yamaha mechanics know alot more than you do ( no offence intended) so for the sake of a reliable bike, you would be better off keeping eveything standard unless you are sure there could be no bad side effects!
geting my bike licence
Looks alot nicer than the er6n i did my test on! Shame its not a Yam though!!!
Insurance, and garaging your bike.
Thanks for the heads up, will have to amend mine. Its due for renewal on the 22nd so I'll make sure i sort that out. I never pay full price for anything. When i rang up and chnaged my license type over from CBT to Full, they didnt charge me. When i mentioned that i'll need pillion it suddenly meant a £35 admin fee. I told her where to go and she spoke to her manager. She came back with "Ok we can do £10 but thats the best". I said no thanks, ill make you a deal. If you waver this fee, ill come back next year, if you don't ill find someone who wants my money. she wavered the fee. I won't be going back to them! Tee Hee!!!
Yamaha DT200WR
So, i finally got my throttle cable through from the states. I then found that whoever had the bike before had put the wrong throttle slide return spring in the top of the carb. Thanksfully DeeTeeMX has sent me through the correct one and so the last piece of the puzzle has arrived. To get the bike running i mean! Cosmetically there are still alot of things to do! Last night i put everything on and off again and on and off again (the clutch cover as i kept messing up the positioning). Finally i got it together, filled up with some water, mixed a ratio of 32:1 for the time being. Put some gear oil in and then checked the spark. Nothing. The wiring has been messed up at the front. Messed around with the wires and connecters and got a spark! "Hell Yeah Futher Mucker" i shouted (after my no spark problems with my 86 DT lc a spark was beautiful). After a lot of kicking, i made it pop a couple of times. I have a nasty bruise on the bottom of my foot now where it kicked back hard (i only had trainers on). Also the fact that i've put a smaller kick start on as the original interfers with the DEP pipe atm. It appears that the clutch is sliding and the carb has some problems. One of the overflow pipes ended up shooting the fuel back out. Thats as far as i got as i got called up to go and look at a DTR that someone wanted 200 quid for to shift. The current owner thinks it's a special one as the engine number reads 1N23456. Can you believe it! It was a bargepole job! Next steps, take carb off and see what we have there. Have another look at the clutch.
Can it be leaner legal?
The question was answered clearly ages ago, so the hi-jacking of the thread is irrelevant really. I wouldnt say it was a tough forum as, the question was answered. People have just been discussing the risks involved in riding a bigger bike. All useful comments if you ask me.
Can it be leaner legal?
Yeah well if that were the case then id be happy to have them out of the gene pool. Unfortunately even if they are the only one to get splattered it means someone loses a family member, someone has to shovel the bits of body they can find into a bag and a road gets closed, meaning i might end up in traffic.
1978 DT125 (US model)
About £2.50 a gallon! Prices here at the moment are £1.37 a litre! So yeah just over £6.15 a gallon for us, which is $10.10 a gallon! Might be cheaper if we all pitch in a build a pipeline to Dusted's house and he can buy it there and pump it to us!
Can it be leaner legal?
Crazy. It's hard to believe there is such selfish retards on the road.
Can it be leaner legal?
pretty sure it would have to be kph and the video HAS been sped up at times, whatever the video maker claims. either what though, some very stu-pid riding.
My New Bike (Hopefully)
Nope, found an advert u at Bury Hill cark park on a for sale board. It's in worthing about a 10minute driver down the road! Yeah it's in fantastic condition from the rebuild. I'll be paying £1400. Going to see it tonight and will be leaving a deposit!
Can it be leaner legal?
Yes i was speaking generally but an RS125 doesnt make anyone a riding god. If it was anything like as powerful/fast as as 650, it wouldnt be allowed to be a learner legal bike so there is a big difference. I think the CBT is stupid in itself but hey, guess it filters out the bad riders through death
My New Bike (Hopefully)
So, I've found one! This is probably going to be my next purchase. Will post of more info once i've bought it but basically. Fully rebuilt 400 miles ago. Re sprayed in FI colours although it is an F2.
Ride Out South Oakdean Cafe to boxhill
will hopefully have my Rd350 ready by then. May well meet you at boxhill, time depeding as i may be working at 1.
hmmmm, i would have to say go with lessons. I was told by people not to and to just go for it, if i fail it do it again and it will be cheaper. Yeah ok, you could take the test a number of times and keep failing til you do it and it might be cheaper. But like the car test, its a performance. You ride differently on the road and there are certain things that you can gain from the lessons that you wouldnt have otherwise. The knowledge from your instructor. He may know the roads they will take you on for the test and be able to show you any tricky bits and explain. I had ridden since the day of my 16th birthday on the road and i did my test a month after my 21st. So 5 years of continuous riding, but i still went with a 3 day intensive course. Are you doing your A1 license or your DAS? I had to go with the training school as i wanted to do DAS and needed to use their 650 bikes to obtain the full unrestricted license. Once you've booked your test, give us a shout and i can go through all the stuff i can remember that might trip you up.
Can it be leaner legal?
Riding on a CBT you can ride a maximum of a 125CC bike. The power should also not be more than 12bhp. If you take your a1 license you can ride any bike but it has to be restricted to 33bhp. So then you could, but no, not on a CBT. Quite rightly too!
Graphics Kits
Yeah thats the one I've found. They do kits for my bike, but i dont like them that much.
If you're changing your lane or position in the road, you want to look whichever side you're going to moving. If you don't there could easily be someone in your blind spot. Another biker, a cyclist, a racoon.....i duno but you need to check either way. If you're going past parked cars then i would guess you would have to change your road positioning at minimum maybe even have to use the other side of the road so you'll need to check. It's all about your observations, they want to see that you are aware that there are hazards all around you when riding and that you can stay aware of them. Life savers on roundabouts are the big one aswell. Have you had lessons?
Graphics Kits
So I'm trying to find a company that makes decent graphics kits and will make them to fit a specific bike. I've found quite a few but not sure about most of the ones ive seen. Has anyone bought any before and would they recommend any sites?
Dt125RE Tank Paint Code (blue)?
I did not know that! Might fit a kickstart to mine. Makes me feel more manly!
Passed My DAS Test!
HAHA love it!
Congratz!!! If you passed module 1, you'll pass module 2! It's just like going for a ride! Remember to look around everywhere everytime you move off and do all the usual checks when you move lanes etc. Oh and if you don't hear him right and go the wrong way it doesnt matter either. I thought id failed when i nearly went left when he wanted me to go right but didnt pick up anything for it, quite rightly really. @up.yours it was a morning infaxt. Mod 1 at 9:30 and mod 2 at 11:10.
Power Valve 05 DTX
The powervalve sits inside the exhaust port. It has a section cut out to meet the shape of the exhuast port. In simple terms it turns in the port to make the hole where the petrol and air can escape smaller, so you get more of a bang and therefore more power. On a 2005 model it should be fitted and operational. They are sometimes pinned so that they dont operate as a restriction. All the info you should need if this is the case, will be on this page. http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm If it is not already, click 00-03 models. But as that suggests, your model should not be restricted in this way.
Help i bought a shed RXS100
I have an RXS100 that was used as a field bike on a farm for ages. If you are interested then let me know. It, again is a shed but might be good for parts. Engine is good it seems. Im in worthing on the south coast.