Hi guys Was out on Sunday supposed to be going into Wales for a 200 miler ride only got as far as Ludlow,never seen so much rain! now I know what the Capt of the Titanic meant when said" where's all this F*"kin water coming from?",still pat of beaing a biker in old Blighty. The Dude
woo got my new boots coming well pleased
Hi Barwell also got a pair of Vertigos got from the bike show at the NEC only paid £115(after a lot of bartering)crackin boot you'll love em.(see you at the Waterman on the 23rd Aug) The Dude
Greetings Carl If it's info you want join the MT owners club,sorry can' get the link at the mo,just do a search for MTOC,all your questions will be answered there,can't give any advice as I ride an MT03.Speak soon The Dude
MT-03 Top Speed
If it's speed your after you should have bought an R1 or FZ1,the MT03 isn't for top end riding,it's for cruising round the streets at a speed where people can see your bike and say"Not seen one of those before,wonder what bike that is",and thats why all MT riders ride with a permanent smile
Servicing MT-03
Hi Tunnie yes that is the correct site,unsure why you can't log in,try re-registering, sometimes I have trouble with my auto log in. The Dude http://mt-owners-club.org.uk/
Servicing MT-03
Hi Tunnie Any questions you have about MT's log on to the MT owners club web site,good bunch of guys and gals,including me of course.Glad to see you made the right decision to buy na MT-03,I ahve one in Midnight black.Where abouts are you based? The Mt riders on the forum go from Scotland down to Devon including a few from Canada/Australia.USA Have a ganda it's a good site,Speak soon The Dude
Well... here goes... Hi Everyone !!
Hi Turbine Been riding for 30 years myself also ride MT-03 in midnight black,was wondering if you've popped into the MT owners web site yet..:http://mt-owners-club.org.uk/9.html It's a crackin site just for MT owners(or any of you other Yamheads out there)check it out,speak soon The Dude
new members? who are you
Hi guys,Started riding back in 1979 first bike was a Yam TY50P trail bike,flat out it did an eye streaming 28mph,used to take me 10 hours to ridie to college(it was only 2 miles away.. only joking)only being 16 yrs old..bit of a wimp when it came to cold weather,came home from college one day,it had taken me 2 hours to ride 20 miles, arrived home looking like a snowman,I was alright until mommy said"..hows mummys little soldier" then the tears started,I've never in my life been so cold...that was my first winter on a bike.Now at 46 yrs old a well seasoned biker I still hate winter.Anyway as you have gathered I still ride, bought Yam MT-03 in Oct,and lovin every min of it except for the snow we've had lately( brings back memories of`THAT` first winter),lookin forward to summer and loads of ride outs with you lot.Speak soon ATB p.s If there are any Divers out there give us a shout(been diving 30 yrs) The Dude
wot is the best yamaha of all time
Best one ever was my TY50P flat out it did a massive 28mph real eye streamin stuff!!!!!This was the best bike because it was my first ever bike,I was only a snotty faced 16 yr old,had a few more Yam's after before getting XT250 wot a crackin bike only prob was tryin to keep the front wheel down on the road,Had a break from bikes for £%^&years,recently brought Yam MT-03 and lovin every minute of it. Remember guys"Put the biggun between her legs.....RIDE A YAMAHA..."
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