Everything posted by smith85
HI MY NAME IS DARRYL ************************Sorry Daryl, wrong section mate, please use the for sale section. Paul (oldgitonabike)
oil leak
its a dt 230 i beleve the botom end is the same as a dt200
oil leak
i have oil leaking from behind the front sprocket does any one know if the oil seal can be replaced witout spliting the crank case.
hi iam new
nice 1
hi iam new
my local dalers do not deal with imports, have you contact deatals for fowlers . thanks for your reply.
05 DT125X front calliper problem
i cant say for shure without looking at it but try a 5mm alen key.
05 DT125X front calliper problem
05 DT125X front calliper problem
hi iam new
they do not deal with imports ?
TDM850 1991
thanks ive tried tessco and bennetts ill try the others.
TDM850 1991
do you have the deatails of these insures .
hi iam new
like i said does any one know a web site where ican order parts from. plese HELP........
dt 125 suspension jack up ideas or info please.
if the rear unit is adjustable you will have to compensate at the front to stop all the waight of the bike being on the front end .
does any one have any info to shere on a dt230 lanza.